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Old 08-14-2007, 06:23 PM   #31
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well i rather b a blue guy then a short dwarf or a cow !!!!!!!!!!
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Old 08-14-2007, 07:48 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by dyckman13
ba u picked syrtis out of all realms man u dont kno wt u r missin in ignis besides u cant even tell from a elf hunter if there a girl or boy
Yea what is up with that lol, and when you pick a female woodelf you can see a little too much if you catch my drift.
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Old 08-18-2007, 11:21 AM   #33
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Default Another Player from PlaneShift

Greetings !

I must say that I was happily surprised when I registered and logged on
for the first time 3.5 days ago. I lived in the PlaneShift world for 2.5 months
and and spent alot of time on a PlaneShift IRC channel with ~ 100 others
wondering why the game crashed this time, and when it would be back up.
The Official Forum Moderators on the PlaneShift site were the Last
people to give you an answer, as to why, the game was down, even when
they knew the answer. Example, the last upgrade from 0.3018 to 0.3019
the game was down for days, when asked the would give you some grief
about asking. No mention that an upgrade was going on, just "It will be up
when it is up". No mention on the the official website that an upgrade was
going on, the old client that wouldn't work with the upgrade was still being
downloaded by people (couple hundred megs). If the server was going to
be taken down for maintenance, we weren't told ahead of time and would
suddenly be offline.
I am have found the Regnum team cares more for the player, and keeps
them informed ! What a concept ! I also love the variety of weapons, and
armor so people don't all look alike. I am also impressed with the number of
mobs (mobile objects - monsters) and how they can attack you singlely or
in groups, PS server has a seperate program that controls these movements
and can't get it to stay up, and when it is up the game is unstable so they
often take it down on purpose. They are only able to allow one on one attacks.
Well, I could go on and on, but just want to say I am impressed with what
I have seen so far.
There is only one thing that jump out about Regnum where impovement
could be made. (maybe there are plans, to new to have heard about them)

PlaneShift had English only on main "chat" window, any language in private
chats, group chats, or guild(clan) chats. This may pick one language over
another but, it felt that we were all one community.
Regum, should at the least have either 2 main chat windows, one for
Spanish and one for English, or have a feature in the game options to
subscribe to either a Spanish main chat or an English main chat. Right now
Aussie's, US/Canada, and Europe(exclude Spain) feel left out.

Thanks, for the great game, Celtus
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Old 08-18-2007, 02:06 PM   #34
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subscribing to only one chat would prevent some communication possibilitied.
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Old 08-18-2007, 07:05 PM   #35
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Angelwinged Devil,
I agree, we want to increase communications not limit them ! Being new, I didn't know if that part of my post should really have gone on development. Glad for your comment! If there are other posts regarding possible changes to bring the 2 communities (Spa&Eng) together please let me know. If I join an English only clan(like others I'm sure) I won't be checking the other windows, and won't party with agreeable Spanish players!

Just a thought, Celtus
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Old 08-18-2007, 11:17 PM   #36
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Celtus, playing the game for some time you'll find that we English-speaking players don't use the realm channel to speak; rather, we use our clan's, or party channel, or private chats, *but* we still use the realm window. With time, you learn to recognize key phrases like "cabras en mercado" (goats at the market) or "todos en menirah" (everyone to menirah); having only one realm channel where we too can use those key sentenses to get fast help from our realm really helps, thus we keep an eye on it (once you're in the War Zone, that is). If we were to have more realm chats (e.g: another for English), some of these messages would be lost (and never expect the spanish crowd to send these messages to the english channel).

My point is: it's not that bad for now, every English-speaking wishes at some point to have an English-speaking channel and most of us change our mind once in the War Zone. And nothing prevents people to ask for English-speakers in the realm channel.
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Old 08-19-2007, 01:49 AM   #37
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I'm sure you are right about the conflict zone, and the need to communicate
Developing this train of thought more, as we agree that English players in
English only clans will stick to the clan chat. Spanish clans and Spanish
speaking players have an advantage over us. They all can communicate
between clans, players can call for help, and report enemy moves.
Then it is almost necessary, if we want to compete to recruit some players
fluent in Spanish, to be "commo" specialists, duties to monitor the Spanish
chat and relay important info between the two groups. And you are right
South American Spanish speakers, (like Argentina), have had and still are
having disagreements with the UK and El Presidente Bush ! They may speak
English but just don't want to. Better off (I guess) to not force the issue !

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Old 08-20-2007, 10:06 AM   #38
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it's no use really when the spanish doesn't understand the english and the english doesn't understand spanish but a simple phrases. So we can only fight side by side. But as some say actions speak louder than words. Although the quality of strategy will fall without communications.
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Old 08-20-2007, 12:30 PM   #39
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Thanks for the replies ! Althought I'm sorry to have gotten off topic !

I agree, we need to communicate and we might as well do the best with
what we have, so I started a topic in the Beginners Section on Spanish
English tranlations for terms used in the game, Angelwinged Devil has already
been there and contributed, hope others do as well !

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Old 08-20-2007, 05:15 PM   #40
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Yeah, so, The Order of Daggers officially resides in Syrtis and we are now 65 members strong!

Lady Valorius is happy, to say the least.

Now remember, I do my best work when I'm being worshiped as a god.

You! Off my planet!
I like cats, too. Let's exchange recipes.
Chaos, panic, & disorder - my work here is done.

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