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Old 09-04-2007, 06:38 PM   #41
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First, this question was not aimed at you since you don't seem to have a clue on how a game server is working anyway. An anti-speed hack measure usually checks the speed of players server-side, thus avoiding any speed problem like what happened to you *whether or not you were deliberately cheating*. Twinkle may not have been cheating, the result was just the same as a speedhack, that's how a speedhack works, it rewrites the timing routine of the client... My guess is that there are no anti-speedhack measures on the server at this moment, so I guess there aren't any in the codebase or that they're disabled.
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Old 09-04-2007, 06:47 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Injury
dont let regnum become ps!!!
Disclaimer: If you are fortunate enough to have never tried Planeshift, the following will mean nothing to you.

Well, in order for Regnum to become PS (Planeshift), they'd have to ruin PvP, stop encouraging working in groups, remove 2/3 of the magic, make the remaining magic useless, remove all missile weapons and two-handed weapons, make shields useless, remove 99% of the clothing, hats and armor, turn the devs and moderators into overly sensitive jerks, never tell players when the server will be down for days during maintenance (bug-adding), stop all bug fixes, break half the quests, screw up inventory, get rid of Realm Points (they deleted the equivalent, called Duel Points), make the monsters "Impervious to attack" 2/3 of the time, and set the server to crash every 17 minutes. Then, tell everyone that they live inside a giant stalactite, and make it so it takes 3 years to max your character, which of course will never happen, because it will be wiped without warning.
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Old 09-04-2007, 07:09 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by octopus
Disclaimer: If you are fortunate enough to have never tried Planeshift, the following will mean nothing to you.

Well, in order for Regnum to become PS (Planeshift), they'd have to ruin PvP, stop encouraging working in groups, remove 2/3 of the magic, make the remaining magic useless, remove all missile weapons and two-handed weapons, make shields useless, remove 99% of the clothing, hats and armor, turn the devs and moderators into overly sensitive jerks, never tell players when the server will be down for days during maintenance (bug-adding), stop all bug fixes, break half the quests, screw up inventory, get rid of Realm Points (they deleted the equivalent, called Duel Points), make the monsters "Impervious to attack" 2/3 of the time, and set the server to crash every 17 minutes. Then, tell everyone that they live inside a giant stalactite, and make it so it takes 3 years to max your character, which of course will never happen, because it will be wiped without warning.
Seems like a nice game!

I'd like to congratulate NGD for its fast replies to our day-to-day problems! I uninstalled my processor's drivers and tried this new patch and worked great!

Cheers to NGD
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Old 09-04-2007, 08:24 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Inkster
FINAL comment on this subject....

After a most amusing afternoon in the test server (i was watching whilst playing on the official server)

We have had the problem solved and GUESS WHAT??




She was not cheating, it was actually a problem within the software on the server side. After a lot of time and effort from ngd studios the speed problem will be resolved on the next update. as it is already solved on the experimental server


Those of you who accused twinkle of cheating owe her one huge apology, and i hope that there is some slim chance you may have learnt from your mistakes.

To everyone who have supported us in this matter a huge heartfelt thank you, A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU TO NGD.

the rest of you can bite my goatee butt :P
Lol well its Still cheating if she used it for bad intention while knowing it is cheating. Besides, haven't I been saying the whole time that is was a server error? And how would YOU know if it was a server error. It all dosen't make sense to me, I know this isn't the last we'll be hearing of this.

If it was a server error, how come none of us felt the effects, seems strange to me only 1 person got it, I have nothing to apoligize until I hear the official side of this.
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Old 09-04-2007, 08:35 PM   #45
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Default Its not over yet

Originally Posted by Inkster
surak we have tried the experimental server and it looks promising, although twinkle is still fast, she has slowed by about 50% which is an improvement

Downside is, she is now a lvl 19 rather than 39. Is there any way to fix this?
Well after reading this tasty little bit im afraid I know for sure now that your porblem isnt over just yet. The reason she is slower and the reason she is 19 is because her lvl 19 character is saved on the expirimental server when she went on it at lvl 19 ( Because the expirimental server saves your character at the first time you go into the exp server )

But since you said her speed slowed by 50% this must mean she has had this problem since lvl 19, or lower even,

So I don't think your problem is solved, I hope you understand what I posted, sorry for the double post BTW.

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Old 09-04-2007, 09:11 PM   #46
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r edge, trust me wait till the next update, as we were working with surak on experimental server thats how we know and u dont need to apologise you have tried to help
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Old 09-04-2007, 09:20 PM   #47
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well It is great to know NGD has worked this out . way to go ngd.

While the last few days have been some what hard. I'm very glad to have stood by ya twink . As I knew the true lady you are and would never cheat.

It was great to see those who supported you and our clan. Tho sad to say most were from other realms I have gained a great respect for them . those few from alsius who stood with us I know you are a credit to our realm. And I will always be honored to stand beside you .
I remmber atime when this was the friendlest realm in the game and honor was something held high . Now its lets call names and run away . hummm what do ya call that? .........? You decide . Alsius remmber when it wasn't all about rp for us? We use to fight with pride for pride. rp was just extra. wouldn't be great if it was that way again. ??
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Old 09-05-2007, 04:44 AM   #48
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We met Twinkle last night. I don't know if she still had the speed bug since I wasn't able to observe that much. She just ran a few steps back then stood still and turned around towards us.

I guess she wanted to run but if she still had a speed bug it won't look good so she stood her ground. If that is the case then I am impressed with her attitude.
On Regnum Sabbatical
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Old 09-05-2007, 05:40 AM   #49
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I just had a thought, since it's fixed in experimental but not yet on official, what about hitting the "e" key, so you walk instead of run, with a speed increase, maybe your walking will be the same speed as regular running? (I don't know, never seen you move so I can't gauge the speed), but hey it's worth a try (:
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Old 09-05-2007, 09:24 AM   #50
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Default froste

It makes little diff if i put her on walk i did try that

I have been working on other server with Serak to help sort out whats been going on Serak has sorted the problem out and going to be updating official server today sometime .
you will all be pleased to no i run normally on the exsperamental server now with what he has done, may need fine tuning a bit but im confidant NDG will have no problem doing that.
Hats off to NDG and especially Serak for there support and help in this

AS for all you who still think i used a cheat you are so wrong and the funny thing is most of the support has come from other relms a little ironic ay
thanks guys
Twinkle xxxx
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