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View Poll Results: Do you like new saves?
Yes, I like new saves. 28 13.27%
No, i miss old central saves. 175 82.94%
Other - tell what. 8 3.79%
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Old 05-28-2011, 10:40 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by cugel View Post
Removing the save ruined the balance completely. Smaller realms used to be able to whittle away larger forces by luring them close to the save and killing them a few at a time. This was not terribly fun, but at least it offered a fighting chance. Now that is gone too.
This is the only thing I agree with, this is totally true, they should find something on this because this indeed is very very annoying.
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Old 05-28-2011, 11:30 AM   #42
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Honestly... ngd is killing their own game ._.

I know that the idea of the safes could have been a nice one... But please, let your players test new features on Amun and listen to their afterwards at least!

No one on earth could give you a better and more important feedback.
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Old 05-28-2011, 11:35 AM   #43
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it is f*cking annoying to have to run back to the forts from miles away.

I really dont mind fighting 10 vs 30, but I REALLY DO HATE the new saves from the bottom of my heart.

I personally will only run back to the forts 3 times, after that I'll just go afk at the gate until a WM comes around and creates a port.
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Old 05-28-2011, 11:44 AM   #44
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I think the general idea is we form into a group at the gate, buff up and get ready, then tele to the fort ready to fight the second you land. All well and good..... if your realm has some warmasters.

2 things with this:
If it starts working this way there isnt much need for saves.
It gives no advantage whatsoever to the defending realm.
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Old 05-28-2011, 11:59 AM   #45
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what happened to NGD using players to test whether their ideas are good on amun. I miss that NGD now its actually unfair to Alsius when aggers is taken to run back from gate to aggers to fight.

tbh i just dont get it i thought the point of the saves where to make combat pretty much a constant until the fort is taken back now its just gonna interupt that stream of people going to fort because they have further and further to go.

I cant help but think this was a hair brained idea aimed to solve the alga-trelle never ending battle on RA. Yet Horus suffers for it.
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Old 05-28-2011, 12:09 PM   #46
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I gave the RvR a try, here is my result:

I play a Lvl 60 Conjurer (as a healer) on the niflheim Server in Alsius. I used to heal People and so i cant run around Warzone alone, i am not a warmaster, because in the times usually invasions are made (4-6 o clock in the morning) i have to sleep or prepare for work. I have a mount, but when somebody sees and shoots me im dead.

So just take a short look and my RvR-evening:

20:00 i logged into the game, i moved from the old aggersborg save to the new one close to the fort, Aggersborg was captured by syrtis, no alsian players i can see --> Dead.

Clicked reviving on WZ-Gate, the alsian players were sittin there as they were chatting at the aggers save, i tried to motivate some of them to come with me to aggersborg, these players just said no because its senseless. I Thought senseless? well i will go there again, maybe i find some fighters.

I entered the WZ again ridng straight to aggersborg, 6 alsian fighters were with me, as i passed aggersborg market, there were 15 syrtian fighters waiting for us --> Dead

Clicked reviving on WZ-Gate, 10 alsian players now came with me going straight to aggersborg, no riding this time, running, and always being prepared to fight, but this time the syrtian enemies captured us way before aggersborg market, and they had some more help from other bored players that were waiting at aggersborg fort, so the now ount 20+ players --> Dead

Clicked reviving on WZ-Gate, only 5 alsian Players started with me on my 4th try to at least see the fort, 20 metres in Front of the wz-gate the syrtians were camping --> Dead

Clicked reviving on WZ-Gate, now i started to understand why nobody was interested in fighting anymore. BUT!!! There was a warmaster, we dont have many of them, he could port us. Great thats the solution of the problem. The portal to aggers was opened, i Clicked on it and a short loading screen later i was aber 15 metres beside Aggersborg safe, i was kicked down by some camping barbarians at the portal outgoing point, once and before i had a full picture.... --> Dead

I have 6 Chars, one Char is just chess mate, i cant play it anymore, because i cant enter warzone so i have to logg to 5 other chars and let me get my as beat, that is not my kind of a great gameplay. After i logged out then i heard, that the enemies made the gate vulnerable and started chasing alsian players in there own realm, nobody took care about smashing wz-gate, just enter the realm and kill the underpopulated people, if you find any.

And because you have no bind to use in wz the only chance to go grinding is to get saved at gokstadt and hope that you can use the WZ-Porter at dvergardunn gang into the WZ before an enemy kills you, entering the WZ will make you become a great aim for hunting Marksman troops again.

Gratulation to NGD you succeeded in destroying all kinds of gameplay opprtunitys for me, ok you still let me the chance to collect magnanite in the initiation area, but thats not the reason i played this game for.

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Old 05-28-2011, 03:24 PM   #47
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res in the gate? NGD Why did this?
For the players have to buy mounts?
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Old 05-28-2011, 05:26 PM   #48
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I wanted to wait a bit after saying something.

I don't really understand the reason of this move from NGD.
Saves were used when the enemy were capturing the nearby fort, so we didn't have to run all the way from central save. However now since saves are bound to forts, we cannot save there anymore, what's the point of them ?
Even qssuming we can find a warmaster teleport while the fort is under attack and have the time to save there before it gets disabled, if the enemy captures it, we will rez at gate...
I don't see any point using these new saves anymore, especially secondary ones. Who would bind there away from most of the players ?

The other realm awaits...
Now playing much better games
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Old 05-28-2011, 07:09 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by maximus-decimus View Post
This is pretty much how I predicted the whole system going when I checked on amun...
A Dream.
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Old 05-28-2011, 07:16 PM   #50
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1) You nerfed all area skills, making it much more difficult for small numbers to defeat large numbers.

2) You added fort upgrades, reducing and sometimes eliminating low-population fort wars, and allowing more populated realms to "camp" a fort almost indefinitely if the enemy cannot muster enough forces to take it back.

3) You added cremation AND made it hard for conjurors to resurrect around the same time.

4) You added permanent horses, the value of resurrection dropped even further. Enemies simply began riding back to forts time and time again as the smaller, weaker realm killed them off. The army with the most healers and mages in general no longer won.

5) You changed the game to only one save per realm, making it much harder to take back secondary forts and castles.

6) You added Warmasters, allowing enemies to come back almost instantly, over and over... and over. This favors the realm with the most Warmasters, and thus, the realm with the most population, as lower population realms have a harder time getting Warmasters (which is the exact opposite of how it should be).

7) The new save system is just the straw that broke the camel's back.

Seems like since day one, NGD has been completely focused on making war more "exciting" while haphazardly and clumsily ignoring the effects that it has on the gameplay of the realms with fewer resources, which isn't just Alsius, but can also be Syrtis and Ignis at certain times of day too due to time zone imbalance. To put it bluntly, the changes that you guys have made upon the game is like running a circular saw through wood. Its loud and powerful and it spins really fast, which is really cool, but .. it destroys the wood.
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