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Old 07-13-2012, 11:17 AM   #41
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I agree with Ieti, conj work is now limited by these cooldowns and Devotion. Absolutely minimal of the offensive in conj skillbook is mind push.

Since marxmans hits easly 400+ normals with speed of medium bow and Ignis knights doesnt know what Aura is , Conjurers are easy targets to kill.

3900+ hp and 2900+ mana, yes with mana pool 5.

Mana regeneration is a joke with "dispell everything and save the whales " build. Most of time I wait for heal ally to cool down coz dont have any spells to cast.
At least our conjs found what DI share is
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Old 07-13-2012, 12:28 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Lekarz View Post
I agree with Ieti, conj work is now limited by these cooldowns and Devotion. Absolutely minimal of the offensive in conj skillbook is mind push.
I think whole spell system is too slow ATM.
A slight increase of gcd speed and casting time would make the gameplay more dynamic.
Mage shouldn't have to use a buff to have a decent casting speed.
Also archers and mages should be able to cast more spells while moving.
Annavilya / War-Luck (Haven)
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Old 07-13-2012, 12:36 PM   #43
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Making Arcane Devotion as passive skill would change gameplay?

If casting spells is a ability of mage and he knows what he do, his speed of casting would increase with lvl. Why marx have passive range spells when mage have to cast every minute this crappy skill?
Knight have stance, maybe do that with mage? Crazy ideas.
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Old 07-13-2012, 03:05 PM   #44
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Well ... there is a thread about Mage Balance & Mage Skills

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Old 07-13-2012, 10:41 PM   #45
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and still, most important issue is decreasing the GCD and casting time, especially for mages.
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Old 07-14-2012, 08:02 AM   #46
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and still, most important issue is decreasing the GCD and casting time, especially for mages.
See the thread! I think, the author - Shining-Scias - explains very good the problem with mages this moment...
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Old 07-14-2012, 02:22 PM   #47
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hello, i didn't quite read the entire thread... but i'll just post my thoughts on what i read up to which was... mages cast too slow and the good old days and ngd sucks and stupid max ranging marksman and underpowered

first of all...


against marksman - hug tree, if marksman falls for it and goes closer to you, you win, if you don't win... you probably suck

against hunter - they prolly came out of camo, ambushed you and confused you... if you got confused, do frozen storm (hopefully hitting pet as well) or beatle swarm and hug nearest tree

against knight - slow

against barb - slow, maybe mind push

against conjurer - darkness

against another warlock - first to meteor wins


against marksman - hug tree, if marksman falls for it and goes closer to you, you win, if you don't win... you probably suck

against hunter - probably came from camo, but you should have mind blank on 100% of the time and probably a golem with you... so... yea... if it goes through mind blank, use beatle on him and hug a tree (heal while hugging tree)

against barb - mind push and steel skin

against knight - mind push... prickling ivy... just let the mana burn soak in while you keep him busy

against warlock - you have mind blank, so you probably won even if he meteors you first, hug tree for extra guarantee of win

against another conjurer - mana burn and be smart with your energy borrow

ok now for the issues that scias has with mages

Useless primary attribute (Intelligence)
it gives you mana, the more mana you have... the faster you regenerate mana, the more spells you can cast

Irrelevant weapon stats
you need cast speed on your weapon, health helps... but damage on a weapon is useless for a mage

Irrelevant character level
you get more health, more mana (which means faster regen rate to cast more spells), and more skill points / discipline points, also you get stronger gear

Obsoleteness regarding new level cap
nobody else got new spells either... you get more health, more mana (which means faster regen rate to cast more spells), and more skill points / discipline points, also you get stronger gear

Big dependency on CCs
you use the word "overabuse"... i think the word you're looking for is "use". is it a bad thing to play the class the way you want to play it? there's no such thing as abusing a skill... so just "abuse" away until it gets nerfed because you're pr0 status of this game

Uneffective low levels
the word you're looking for is ineffective first of all, if you're gonna make a typo don't do it in bold, and you say the solution directly in your rant. use arcane devotion, why would you purposely gimp yourself? that's like a marksman running around with no recharged arrows and crying about the damage. you're a mage running around with no devotion and crying about the cast speed

Cast Speed gear domination
cast speed is the #1 thing a mage needs, but there is also increased health and mana, protection... evasion...
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Old 07-14-2012, 02:30 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Zemepanda View Post
Mage is fine and there is nothing underpowered about it
Well, u proven to be the dude who never got a lock and never went to war with it
Eat mah BoW 5 then.
The situation u described is PvP meanwhile i guess everyone in that thread is going on about war.
Next: Scias is right, cause
1. Mages are the only ones actually relieing on spells (heck even SM mages have to do it not to be ducked up)
2. Bonuses on weps!= weps usefulness itself
Look: Archers and warriors mostly need their wep to be near their own level to be effective at war, Mages however can do fine even with lvl3 stick as it is having CS on it.
3. CS is tooooooooooo sloooooooooooow for class which main weapon is spells
4. Right, noone got new spells but unlike the rest mages are the ones relieing on spells;
warriors and archers got their normal hits drastically improved however.
Also: Nobody has exact clue on how mana affects mana regen now.
I heard draconic gem makes people stupid. Now i see it is exactly so.
lol fail \ iFail \ I Am Multirealmer
Good bye RO, the poor players.... have fun
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Old 07-14-2012, 04:22 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Zemepanda View Post
Big big wall of text regarding PvP situation. Conju...you mean for me warju which have nothing to do with support conju in war. Warlock in war is completely different too.

-- i doubt zeme played or plays mage. i got warlock and hate it now. conju i play because it is my main class.

Useless primary attribute - other classes regenerate mana alot faster than mages...

Irrelevant weapon stats - after the cast speed fix even 14% fast staff is quite bad...

Obsoletenes regarding new level cap - stronger gear....you make me laugh...

Big dependency of CC's - right now mages depend on deadly chains and they highly depend of not to be CC'ed.

Unnefective low levels - mages grind alot slower compared to others.

Cast speed gear domination - well it got big time "fixed" so mages are screwed compared to pre 1.0

Again everyone who says that mages are fine never played it pre 1.0 when mages was actually fun.

If this class was fine why we do not see alot new conjus or locks... In Syrtis i saw 2 new conjus for last 3 months. They are not max level still so far.
RA | Ignis | Lilla My | Conjurer | EVIL IGNIS ROCK
Horus | Syrtis | ieti | Conjurer | INQUISITION | LONG GONE

Last edited by ieti; 07-14-2012 at 04:32 PM.
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Old 07-16-2012, 02:13 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Zemepanda View Post
hello, i didn't quite read the entire thread... but i'll just post my thoughts on what i read up to which was... mages cast too slow and the good old days and ngd sucks and stupid max ranging marksman and underpowered

first of all...


against marksman - hug tree, if marksman falls for it and goes closer to you, you win, if you don't win... you probably suck

against hunter - they prolly came out of camo, ambushed you and confused you... if you got confused, do frozen storm (hopefully hitting pet as well) or beatle swarm and hug nearest tree

against knight - slow

against barb - slow, maybe mind push

against conjurer - darkness

against another warlock - first to meteor wins
1. even with warlock hugging trees, marks still have all the advantages.

-Winterstroke and Burst of Wind both faster than Willdomain.
-Silence slower than Stunning fist
-Beetle swarm being 2 sec and meteor can't do shit in treehug
-Small trees can't shield warlock from distract shot under sotw
-casting freeze without darkness (2 sec cast) is absolutely useless on marks

From both cooldown range and casting time point of view, there is no reason for marksman to lose even in a treehug against warlock.

marks approach in treehug : "WinterStroke + stunning fist + dmg buffs + ambush + shit load of high normals + Burst of Wind"

warlock goes into hiding with half hp left... and only willdomain in his hands while marks WinterStroke is ready again.

second approach: "sotw + distract shot + rest/ambush + shitload of normal hits + winter stroke + Burst of Wind"

warlock would either be dead or 10% hp left with only willdomain in hand.

the chain goes on leaving warlock with no chance to fight back as their cast speed is inferior in every fucking way.

2. warlock vs. hunter:

hunter's approach: " camo + confuse + distract shot + dmg buff + ambush (5) + ensnaring + normal spam + sotw + ensnaring. warlock is dead.

hunter's approach (2): "camo + confuse + sotw + dmg spam + distract shot + rest + stunning fist + sit/dmg buff + ambush (5) + normal spam + ensnaring. warlock is dead.

3. warlock vs. warjuror:

Absolutely no chance against warjuror with mindblank active. warlock doesn't know if his dizzy works til conjuror strikes back with silence (5) + mana burn + sultar dev + willdomain (5) + energy borrow + arcane + timemaster + new ranged pet up etc etc.

There is no way to get close enough to cast a range 20 darkness with 2 sec casting time. Warju will suck ur mana dry and cc u to death at range 25. If even warju's chain broke. They have protection from mindblank against warlock's willdomain, silence, freeze, frozen storm, timemaster and every possible cc that warlock has. not to mention steel skin. they also have longer arcane dev duration than warlock and 2 ranged summon that can be casted before first one ends/dies.

Again, warlock has no starting advantage even in treehug because willdomain can be cancelled by mindblank and u never know til ur on the ground with a lvl 5 willdomain.

4. Knight vs. warlock
Knight just treehug and with him tanking nobody wins

5. warlock vs. barb
There is no pvp scenario because barbs all rush with ons and horn now in packs. No barb would go after a warlock alone unless he is stupid or he knows the warlock only has lvl 1 slow (me).

Roar has longer reach than mindpush. Barb can catch a warlock within 25 range using UM if warlock only skill lvl 1 slow. If warlock got roared, it's game over. kick lvl 3/4 + 2 or 3 normals + beast attack or any dizzy ur dead while warlock is trying to cast a 2 sec long timemaster when he stands up lol how pathetic....

Overall, WARLOCK is meatbag. no mindblank, low profile, sotw, santuary. vulnarable to dizzy of any kind and don't have enough cast speed to defend themselves.
H G - Warlock - Alsius - Haven
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