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Old 08-06-2008, 03:11 AM   #5471
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This one is for Piz...
lately many english players are moving to the new Horus server (Wyatt... errrr... and some more i can't remember :P)

What are your plans about the comic? will you retain the characters in the plot even if they leave CBA or server RA?

Will new characters arrive?

Will you keep drawing?

Will you give us any hint?
I'm an outsider, outside of everything...

Elegida Miss Ignis 2009 por votación popular
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Old 08-06-2008, 03:24 AM   #5472
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Originally Posted by aardvak2669
well, in short

70% of CBA users (including my so-called best friends from england) left us without a word. Just, dissapeared one day. Never bothered to answer my mails or anything. Simple bye would be enough.

I understand that CBA was never a big clan, rather a friends' group. But then again, even the closest friends left. Of course, they said bye. And the reason, a sad one - they said the game isn't even developing. They chose Shaiya, WoW and Guild Wars.

Right now, it's just me and Puppy. I hope Fluff will come back, but I doubt it.

So, that's why I am mostly pissed off about, but I saw it coming. It just piles up today with the weird update that I can't understand and most of us can't.

I will continue the comic as long as I can, because it is the people I admire who create the comic, not the game. Lucky for the comic, actually.

Wowowow, hold on a sec, I'm really slow these days due to a serious lack of sleep (sorry if I insist quoting this part and looking so dense, so).

Is your clan actually dissolved ? Did the chars quit the clan or only the players quit the game ?
For the absence of reply to your mails, can't it be that they're just on holidays or something like that ?

"Right now, it's just me and Puppy" - what afraid me in this sentence is the image of you waiting desperately for Puppy to connect and you moping meanwhile :SS.
Don't you ever forget that there are a lot of players that would be more than happy to see you join a party, lead or follow a war/hunt or just frolic in our peaceful (blahhh) prairies grinding with all of us - instead of just lapsing into some kind of depression (I assure you that my guts are making knots just thinking of it oo' of the depression, I mean, not the frolicking part... )

May I suggest you to catch up with Inq or GoP or whoeveryouseefit while in WZ, just to lessen the strange sensation of solitude you'll not miss to have if almost nobody of your clan is connected during holidays times ?


Laeloth Claireplaine Wood elf Conjurer, Prince of "Les Gaulois . French Warriors of Syrtis"
Laelin Claireplaine Wood elf Hunter, Prince, Same clan !
Razorbill Alturian Knight, Prince, Same clan !
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Old 08-06-2008, 03:33 AM   #5473
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In other words Piz we all love you....... so look us up anytime online. It's not good what they did but maybe as Laeloth said there were some good reasons. Though what reason there could be for all of them to do this escapes me .

Come frolic with us anytime .

Best Regards
Landriel, Hunter level 50. RA

Lan, Hunter Level 50. HORUS
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Old 08-06-2008, 07:06 AM   #5474
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sorry for yer clan piz...now you can totaly switch to ignis...
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Old 08-06-2008, 07:38 AM   #5475
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Laeloth is right Piz. Go out and hang out with the other clans, have fun and play the game. A lot of people support you and enjoy your company. There's no reason for you to feel alone.
On Regnum Sabbatical
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Old 08-06-2008, 09:01 AM   #5476
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Im sorry I have nothing to say to you Piz, you should do what you want. When I saw Fluffy on IRC yesterday the 1st thing in my head was "What will happen to CBA now"

I don't have anymore advice for you man, we've all had our fair share of ups and downs. You just need to wait for yours, and im sorry things turned out the way they did. You haven't truly lost your friends, you forget people elsewhere, in other realms and clans,

P.S. If it helps, yesterday when the new server started, in Ignis alone in first 5 minutes there were 5 polish dudes, 10 minutes there were like 8. And that was just in Ignis. Don't know if thats anything but I thought you should know that.
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Old 08-06-2008, 10:06 AM   #5477
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Hey Piz...

Don't forget I was there at day one. Just was a bad timezone for me. You should hit up the inq, lots of euros in that clan.
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Old 08-06-2008, 10:49 AM   #5478
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aww ;P you dudes are the best
I am not gonna delete the clan unless Puppy says to do so. Atm we're still hanging out near algaros save

oh, and it's not like I am not online much - I have my alt, Szaliczek, and sometimes I play on Josephine in ignis. I just don't like leveling my hunter

Thanks for your words, people. If I ever log in without Pup, I will surely look up Inq and GoP (it'll be harder without Syrtis chat ) but I am pretty useless since I haven't got any 45+ lvl

I told you, although I am angry to draw a comic about CBA, I will still draw it, just with less CBA ;P

and oh, no, I am not switching to Horus
Pizdzius Swedzioszek Leader of CBA
Regnum Comic <- my
Regnum Comic , RSS version -> RSS
(if you wish to contact me on my other realm character: Ignis - Josephine)

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Old 08-06-2008, 11:36 AM   #5479
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Originally Posted by aardvak2669
aww ;P you dudes are the best
I am not gonna delete the clan unless Puppy says to do so. Atm we're still hanging out near algaros save

oh, and it's not like I am not online much - I have my alt, Szaliczek, and sometimes I play on Josephine in ignis. I just don't like leveling my hunter

Thanks for your words, people. If I ever log in without Pup, I will surely look up Inq and GoP (it'll be harder without Syrtis chat ) but I am pretty useless since I haven't got any 45+ lvl

I told you, although I am angry to draw a comic about CBA, I will still draw it, just with less CBA
and oh, no, I am not switching to Horus
CBA - Death of the clan members, rebirth of the leader.

But seriously, dont do something that makes u angry and ill-fated. I forbid it!
BUT...i have no power, so kinda useless there. Just make sure u do it happy as you once did okai
Dark Venom Fang
Spider Warlock
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Old 08-06-2008, 07:02 PM   #5480
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Fluffy Stays!!! \o/
Pizdzius Swedzioszek Leader of CBA
Regnum Comic <- my
Regnum Comic , RSS version -> RSS
(if you wish to contact me on my other realm character: Ignis - Josephine)

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