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Old 12-20-2013, 03:47 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by pieceofmeat View Post
Do you have a hard time reading or don't even remember what you wrote?

FYI, you said barbs are pretty much useless without DI against warlocks, nothing about fighting them alone.
I said that it was heart breaking that barbs couldnt run us down easily alone.
Care to explain how your question make any sense at all? I don't get it and im Einstein.

The deal for barbs is pretty much the same as the deal warlock have with archers, They either let you close to try and secure the kill or by simply not being bitches. Otherwise you set em up for a mistake, take to a tree and lure them a bit too close or simply get lucky.

Warlocks have to go through their dots twice to kill a lvl 60 barb, quite abit of ccs / drains etc to pass the time. Barbs will likely have a decent chance to run away or charge the lock at some point during the fight depending a bit on how the warlocks acts and how lame he likes to be.

To think it should be any other way is just laughable, two to five hits at the very most is all it takes.

I think im a terrible fucking barb these days, but spent like a week on mine and still victimized several of ignis best warlocks alone, they had the upper hand at least at some point during the fight. It happens all the time, dont delude yourself.
My point is you're bashing him cause he's a barbarian doing what he is meant to do, yet when I point the disadvantages we have against warlocks(the primary people crying in this thread) you want me to explain it better.

To cut the story short, this is an RvR video and he is doing what he is supposed to do, but you guys want him to go solo in warzone where he is disadvantaged to the bone because at least people like you "have a chance" you know, he needs to be a little more like Monday.
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Old 12-20-2013, 08:36 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by Aries202 View Post
My point is you're bashing him cause he's a barbarian doing what he is meant to do, yet when I point the disadvantages we have against warlocks(the primary people crying in this thread) you want me to explain it better.
I cant remember seeing anyone really bash him, I know I havent. That didnt stop Donato from quickly taunting my post and warlocks and even resort to some abuse.
I would likely have said the exact same thing if it was any other class or player who showed a video/preview with DI on their person the entire clip.

Originally Posted by Aries202 View Post
To cut the story short, this is an RvR video and he is doing what he is supposed to do, but you guys want him to go solo in warzone where he is disadvantaged to the bone because at least people like you "have a chance" you know, he needs to be a little more like Monday.
Last time I checked everyone who solo the war zone is disadvantaged, except maybe for hunters.
I dont know about others, but I dont care much what people put in their gameplay videos, its either fun to watch or it isnt. I played this game for so long so it usually the later regardless of the content.
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Old 12-20-2013, 09:04 AM   #53
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No one is bashing anyone (or shouldn't be if they are!). Truth is, Barb RvR videos suck because they are just running around bashing things. It's what they do. I have a barb and I know this.
I think people would rather see a barb videos in PvP, or even out hunting in a small party or something.
And let's be honest, a barb and Warlock in a field fight, the Warlock should always win, if they know what they are doing. Barbs won't even have time to run to the nearest rock or tree with Mind Push + Slow. While I'm at it, take Mana burn away from locks and keep it with Conjs. A lock can suck all your mana, and I mean all of it, before Slow and mind push are even over.
I played barb for the first time in a while last night and it's not easy. They need to kill quick because when you're barb, the best defence is a good offence if you want to stay alive. I guess that's why they are "OP" in terms of DPS.
Don't believe me? Play barb for yourself. I guess people, including myself, complain about them because it is frustrating being killed in two hits when you have to chain a hundred different spells just to kill a barb running at you, when all they have to do is get close enough to fuck your skull with their death inducing weapons.
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Old 12-20-2013, 01:11 PM   #54
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Honestly, I dont know why you all bother watching the video and commenting on here since you all know I regularly post barb videos, you knew this would be the same shit again.

Sorry if I hurt your feelings, none of this was intended.

Have a good day.
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Old 12-20-2013, 02:55 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by DonatoRLD View Post
Honestly, I d........Have a good day.
It's all ok mate. People say what they have in their minds & thats it. Its just a game imo aka meant for fun :-)
Thread got lot of attraction tho
Hunter AJ
Fighters of Syrtis :]
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Old 12-20-2013, 04:08 PM   #56
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It's an RvR game
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Old 12-21-2013, 03:09 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Hollow-Ichigo View Post
It's an RvR game
Ur face is a rvr game

#burned #TookAllNightToThinkOf #RektBeyondRecognition #Ohthisisnttwitter

This game is too easy
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Old 12-21-2013, 04:06 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by Slartibartfast View Post
Exactly. When barb is in the range, I need to cast my spellbook twice to kill him. All the time with pinning / slowing spells. On the other hand, when barb reach to me, he need 3-4 hits to kill me.
I agree. there is just not enough dmg to kill a barb fast enough before he treehugs again. most barbs would just treehug when they become low in hp or when their UM is about to end. they will hide til "slow" effect is gone and then charge with spring+um if the warlock is still within 25 range of the tree, knowing that "slow" cd is 30 sec and UM's cd is shorter or if warlock grows impatient and comes close to the tree.

once your mindpush/slow fails, all it take is roar and warlock is fucked. note that roar has longer reach than mindpush. barb times their roar right after warlock cast mindpush

so basically in a war vs multiple barbs, warlock is fucked and im not even talking about the ones that have DI on...in which case all warlock can do is RUN...cuz DI block both mindpush and slow...

I know all your fucking tricks, u sneaky barbs lol

but hey everyone in this game is trying to exploit opponent weakness and fully take advantage of their strength. we do what we have to do to survive, to kill. I would do the same thing donato does if I am a barb because that's how barbs kill. why do you not ever see barb hunting alone ? cuz they are not meant to be by design just like knights. why do you always see warlock hunting alone? cuz their design dictates it and kinda force them to play in a certain way...because nobody wants to play their weak spot against enemy's strength and get raped over and over again why marks are so popular right now? well, high defence, high dmg output, long range, long range cc spells, point and shoot, "plug in and play" kind of character so who doesn't want to play it... ofc it gets boring quick but we all love an easy mode class.
H G - Warlock - Alsius - Haven

Last edited by esptupac; 12-21-2013 at 04:29 AM.
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Old 12-21-2013, 09:42 AM   #59
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Hey NGD can you give my lock his DoTs 1k damage per tick? I cant kill him before he gets to a tree.
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Old 12-21-2013, 10:11 AM   #60
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dat was funni

Perhaps you should stop finding a reason to complain for each time you lose, and get better at your class..
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