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View Poll Results: Remove MOBS Higher Than Level 37 From Inner Zone.
Yes! Move all higher mobs to War zone. 85 62.04%
No! Mobs have to stay in inner. 45 32.85%
Other. Write what. 7 5.11%
Voters: 137. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 05-05-2010, 09:03 AM   #71
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Originally Posted by Hocus View Post
Why not simply make level 50 characters get no exp, no gold, no drops from mobs inside the realm?
Not that i attend it, but what about the lvl 50 characters who go to kill the dragon.

For this reason alone i dont agree on this point
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Old 05-05-2010, 09:55 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by Inkster View Post
Not that i attend it, but what about the lvl 50 characters who go to kill the dragon.

For this reason alone i dont agree on this point
Of course I mean only normal mobs.

Boss mobs stay as they are now.
Hocus {Focus, Venator, Veneficus, Surculus}
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Old 05-05-2010, 11:39 AM   #73
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if really high lvl mobs cant be moved all to wz, a bunch of solutions (imvho) that can help refill the wz with (any kind of) players:

1- NO Mob leaders insight the wall
2- lower (really drastically) the respawn time of high lvl mobs insight and do
it that a continuos kill of them will lower much more the respawn time of them
(to push players outside, of course)
3- high aggro of mobs insight (so they'll amass fighting to death in group..
giving (or try to give) hard time to spawn-camper)

for the wz:
1- RAISE the drop chance (or at least HIGH Challenge bonus in wz ... taking
account of enemy hunters in YOUR warzone as bonus-raiser, so if hunters
raid your warzone you'll have a little bonus grinding there..)
2- Put leaders of mob various type only in wz and (hope) raise to them the
chance of dropping good gears.. (this can help ppl parties and go to hunt
down leaders in the "quest for the good gears path")
3- Modify the bridge situations (maybe with a simple watchtower for
each side) with a guard and bowman guard, so maybe bridge can do a little
help spot in the fight of grinder versus hunters
4- Punish those hunters (mothaf...ers ) that kill continuosly the same
grinder... maybe give them a time countdown that start when they kill the
sameone for the second time... and if they kill again those one in a given
time (10min? 15min? NGD choose ) they lose 20rp (they are all rp whore
so hitting in their only unique interest give them a bad feeling and probably
will make them learn the lesson) if not ATTACKED by him in anyway (that event will break the countdown..)

just my 2 cents.. but definitely to raise the fun SOMETHING MUST BE
DONE IN WZ.. restyle, redone, rework, but please DO SOMETHING...
even a bad bunch of ideas can be better than a slow descent to a secure
death... at least we can say that we have try

Cya all,
and have fun

(To hunter RP whore just a little NOTASKED suggestion: BE KIND with ppl you kill,
if possible try to play fair and if (IF) possible when you feel defeated
let them have their blood part... death in this game count little or nothing
and givin' poor grinders a little satisfaction can totally remove the
frustration that you can instill them killin' repeatedly..)
(Horus) Ignis - Ignobili Malignis
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Old 05-05-2010, 02:36 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by MalaTempora View Post
1- NO Mob leaders insight the wall
Totally forgot about that. Mob leaders are fail, get rid of all of them. They take far longer to kill for less rewards, and there's way too many of them.

If mob factions actually worked they could prove to be an interesting addition, but mob factions is most likely a dead fantasy by now.
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Old 05-05-2010, 04:16 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by Necrovarus View Post
Good. Have you been reading the arguments being put forth in favour of this suggestion? If people don't want to die in the war zone and relax while grinding, then their realm mates or clan mates protect them. If your clan mates don't protect you, they're a shitty clan and you should join another one. If you have timezone issues, hang out with a clan which plays in your timezone.
You are STILL trying to tell other people how to play. I'll say this one last time and maybe you'll get it. I DO NOT AGREE with FORCING everyone else to play a certain way. You shouldn't either but all you're allowing yourself to see is your ideal of how everyone in this game should be. Do you understand the difference between ideal and reality? Yes, ideally most everyone would grind in the war zone and battles would be bigger. The reality is people have complex and nuanced behaviors that contribute to the game as-is and no business in their right mind would forcefully turn away customers because of such petty things.

Stop giving reasons people should either play-as-you-say or quit and maybe you'll form an opinion woth reading on this subject.
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Old 05-05-2010, 04:29 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by bois View Post
...These players including the level 49 and 50 players who have absolutely no reason to grind inside are there taking absolutely no part in the realm affairs and to be honest they cannot be bothered.
So, we have a few adventurous ones willing to take risks and become frustrated when they get ganked over and over. Thing is, if the others were outside , would players get taken out so often?
Meleketi beach is a fine example. Sometime 5-6 even more players are there while the swamps, Shaanarid and the Orc Camp area are practically deserted . If those 5-6 were outside would hunters have a good chance? They might be able to pick one but success would be mainly thwarted.

I think people need to look beyond the system babysitting them. I honestly believe that if this continues then this server and the quality of its battles will continue to deteriorate. People are generally adverse to change and a movement out of their comfort zone. The reactions are merely a knee jerk reaction to this.
I don't know where Meleketi beach is, never having played in ignis, but I'll assume it's the same sort of grinding spot as Elther beach in Syrtis - mobs 45+ or so, not many of them, completely rammed with players most of the time. And if half the grinders there formed one party, instead of dancing up and down the beach completely ignoring each other, they'd be bigger than most hunting parties, and would be pretty safe in the bigger, quieter grind spots outside... but there's no motivation, because aside from the little GRP bonus they could get, they're actually getting just as much experience and the same drop rate inside the wall.

And the popular warzone spots? Actually, in my experience, players from Syrtis grind in the swamp more than players from Ignis. I myself did the vast majority of 43-46 there on my warlock (with a stolen zarkit ), and only ever got caught out once (Kasumi, I think, being the one that found me). A few friends have done the same thing, in other grind spots between the two enemy realms as well, one friend in particular took a grind party to an ignis grinding spot, and ran into an alsius grind party there.... but I'm going off on tangents now.

There's a bunch of other posts that I'd quote here and post "+1" next to, but there's no need. Since people are posting compromises, here's my suggestion, based on stuff that I've read here, and other thoughts that popped into my head while scrolling down.
  • Place a 10% bonus on experience, 10% bonus on gold, and a 50% bonus on drop rate in the warzone. The experience bonus can go down as +WZ, next to the +CHG, +GRP, etc, so that people can see clearly that they are getting another bonus.
    (50% bonus drop chance might seem like a lot, but with the current drop rate as low as it is it's only 3-4 more drops every few hours at most, right?)
  • Directly stolen from Zodar, but add more quests requiring a large number of mobs in wz areas to be killed
  • Double the +WZ exp bonus to 20% if grinding in an enemy realm - surely people should be rewarded for taking the risk? This might also help teach hunters how to defend their own realm properly, and so become more useful team players.
  • Double GRP bonus. If there are so few parties and therefore very little teamwork around, then give a greater incentive to work as part of a team.

I think that's a pretty reasonable compromise. It means that there's now real motivation for grinding in a party in the warzone, which would increase teamwork, cooperation, skill levels, overall fun... but those who want to sit in inner realm and have a quiet grind can still do so.

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Old 05-05-2010, 06:05 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by Mr_Egg View Post
There's a bunch of other posts that I'd quote here and post "+1" next to, but there's no need. Since people are posting compromises, here's my suggestion, based on stuff that I've read here, and other thoughts that popped into my head while scrolling down.
  • Place a 10% bonus on experience, 10% bonus on gold, and a 50% bonus on drop rate in the warzone. The experience bonus can go down as +WZ, next to the +CHG, +GRP, etc, so that people can see clearly that they are getting another bonus.
    (50% bonus drop chance might seem like a lot, but with the current drop rate as low as it is it's only 3-4 more drops every few hours at most, right?)
  • Directly stolen from Zodar, but add more quests requiring a large number of mobs in wz areas to be killed
  • Double the +WZ exp bonus to 20% if grinding in an enemy realm - surely people should be rewarded for taking the risk? This might also help teach hunters how to defend their own realm properly, and so become more useful team players.
  • Double GRP bonus. If there are so few parties and therefore very little teamwork around, then give a greater incentive to work as part of a team.

I think that's a pretty reasonable compromise. It means that there's now real motivation for grinding in a party in the warzone, which would increase teamwork, cooperation, skill levels, overall fun... but those who want to sit in inner realm and have a quiet grind can still do so.
This is exactly what I mean by make the WZ more attractive. Thank you Mr Egg.
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Old 05-06-2010, 06:04 AM   #78
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Originally Posted by BigManOnCampus
You are STILL trying to tell other people how to play. I'll say this one last time and maybe you'll get it. I DO NOT AGREE with FORCING everyone else to play a certain way.
Okay. Actually, it's not forcing them to play a certain way. It's forcing them to do something for their realm, which is what this game is all about. In fact, if you read the home page, it says "All that is required is that you fight for your realm". At its core, this is an RvR game, with a ridiculous and unattractive PvE aspect. Certainly there are things which should be changed to reduce the impact hunters make to how fast you grind, but even if this suggestion was implemented without any other changes, the warzone would be much more lively and active. That I can assure you...because I was there when this was the case. Were you?

Originally Posted by BigManOnCampus
You shouldn't either but all you're allowing yourself to see is your ideal of how everyone in this game should be. Do you understand the difference between ideal and reality? Yes, ideally most everyone would grind in the war zone and battles would be bigger. The reality is people have complex and nuanced behaviors that contribute to the game as-is and no business in their right mind would forcefully turn away customers because of such petty things.
The reality is that people who do not spend much time warring are not contributing to their realm or this game. For a war game, this greatly reduces the amount of fun others can have. If you want to grind, there are plenty of great PvE games out there which actually have interesting PvE aspects.

I'm going to say it again - this is how the game used to work. There were no mobs above lvl 35 in inner realms. But nobody cared. I did not see one person make a thread saying that they would quit because it was like this. I have, however, seen many people quit because this isn't the case...me, for one.

Originally Posted by BigManOnCampus
Stop giving reasons people should either play-as-you-say or quit and maybe you'll form an opinion woth reading on this subject.
And what is this? Why don't you try to argue without diminishing my opinion or insulting me because my opinion is different to yours?
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Old 05-06-2010, 07:17 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by Mr_Egg View Post
  • Place a 10% bonus on experience, 10% bonus on gold, and a 50% bonus on drop rate in the warzone. The experience bonus can go down as +WZ, next to the +CHG, +GRP, etc, so that people can see clearly that they are getting another bonus.
    (50% bonus drop chance might seem like a lot, but with the current drop rate as low as it is it's only 3-4 more drops every few hours at most, right?)
  • Directly stolen from Zodar, but add more quests requiring a large number of mobs in wz areas to be killed
  • Double the +WZ exp bonus to 20% if grinding in an enemy realm - surely people should be rewarded for taking the risk? This might also help teach hunters how to defend their own realm properly, and so become more useful team players.
  • Double GRP bonus. If there are so few parties and therefore very little teamwork around, then give a greater incentive to work as part of a team.
This is exactly what i was trying to get at too. Give players the option to grind inner or in the warzone but make the advantages of being in the warzone heavily outweigh it. the drop-chance boost is really needed too ...
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Old 05-06-2010, 08:38 AM   #80
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What about a population based spawn rate, calculated every 15/30 minutes or so?
So that the more people there are logged in in a realm, the less mobs spawn inside the wall and the more they spawn outside?
If you can't detect sarcasm yourself, please pay attention when it's pointed out to you.
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