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Old 09-21-2013, 08:18 AM   #1
leafdale's Avatar
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Default Is this game worth it? I was trying out Warhammer

I'm from Warhammer Online. I made an account here. I'm after a good mmo with lots of fun fighting.

is this game worth committing to for the long term?
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Old 09-21-2013, 10:44 AM   #2
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if you can endure the first 40 - 50 levels, then definitely yes. thats what you will need to be at least to be able to really participate in end-game war. before that, it's mostly pvp in the arena or chance encounters in the war zone with players of a similar level (since you cant do much against someone who's like 10 lvls above you).

to make a long story short:
the pvp / rvr is incredibly addicting imo, but it will take some time really getting there (if they dont change something again soon)
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Old 09-21-2013, 09:18 PM   #3
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this game is worth trying out if you got the stomach to pass the grinding phase
you can always go to the war zone (where the pvp or more group vs group is)
but at the lower lvls its hard to survive and harder to do damage

This game has one of the best communities ive ever seen
for every troll there are 20 nice players, be sure to talk in your realmchat or atleast follow it
and find an active clan, making friends and teasing them helps during the grindphase
and is awesome once you're ready to kick some ass in wz
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Old 09-21-2013, 09:29 PM   #4
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the game is worth it. u can play dices too, exactly the same thing
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Old 09-30-2013, 02:46 PM   #5
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This game is nearly as grindy as EQ1 but the Realm vs. Realm (end game) is the best in the industry. Although you will want to spend some money on the game (like for mounts and a larger bank space) it is the least pay to win game I have played in the free to play genre.

IMHO it is worth a little grind to reach the end-game.

Also we have one of the best communities around, each realm being more like a big family than individual cliques. Join Alsius as we are best realm.
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Old 10-04-2013, 01:28 AM   #6
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If u r looking for a f2p RvR mmorpg, stick with CoR & get thru the grriiinnnnddddd...., make it to the warzone & enjoy (tho u will eventually need to at least buy a horse to ride). However, if u have lotsa' $ & less time to spend on your mmorpg pleasure, both r definitely better spent elsewhere as CoR is currently laggy, bug-ridden, class-imbalanced, mechanically-broken, inchoate & never going to get fixed, so it's not subject to ever change for the better (I won't list the names of those other games as that is bannable according to the TOS).

Last edited by Lebeau; 10-04-2013 at 01:38 AM.
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Old 10-10-2013, 07:30 AM   #7
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They gave Haven a new server that fixed most of the lag issues, classes are fairly well balanced for RvR (people always complain though, no matter the game) and there are bug issues or maybe cheating issues but there is nothing really game-breaking, just frustrating at times. This is the best RvR F2P MMORPG I have found so far, not say it, like any other game, couldn't use some improvement but I have found the definition of 'improvement' tends towards the subjective more than the objective.
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Old 10-10-2013, 12:36 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Krungle View Post
They gave Haven a new server that fixed most of the lag issues, classes are fairly well balanced for RvR (people always complain though, no matter the game) and there are bug issues or maybe cheating issues but there is nothing really game-breaking, just frustrating at times. This is the best RvR F2P MMORPG I have found so far, not say it, like any other game, couldn't use some improvement but I have found the definition of 'improvement' tends towards the subjective more than the objective.
Classes are not balanced at all for RvR. Fundamental problems such as absolute damage reductions in armour, shared trees, lack of scaling of mages and the current RNG all play a part in this imbalance. So yes, it can be very frustrating, especially after you've been raising these issues year after year with no response from the developers. But hey, you have new dragons coming soon \o/.

If you can look past the problems and the frustration and expect the known bugs and issues as you play, you can still have fun in the game.
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Old 10-16-2013, 04:35 PM   #9
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thanks for the informative responses. I think i will give the game a good try.

but... could you guys give any opinion on how pvp in Regnum compares with pvp in say, DAOC or GW2? Which one do you think is better or more enjoyable and why (in terms of features and feel)?
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Old 10-16-2013, 08:57 PM   #10
Join Date: Mar 2013
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In this community PvP means one on one battles, which do happen here, but the major thing we do is RvR, or Realm vs Realm. The flavor of RvR depends on the server, really, for Haven it tends to be a group or two (up to a couple dozen players a side) battling it out; on Ra (Spanish language server) the battles tend to be more GW-sized. I have found the lower the numbers the more skill and tactics come into play over raw numbers. Many here will disagree with me on that point, especially since I refuse to post specifics, while mentioning some of the tactics involved while arguing against me.

Both DAOC and GW2 try to be big, spreading things out into crafting and PvE. Past 40, other than grinding for levels, there is next to no PvE in this game. There is no crafting in this game either. As an avid crafter I first saw this as a drawback but as I had more time to concentrate on just leveling and getting to the wars I now see it as a plus.

The wars are about capturing relics from enemy forts. You must hold the fort for a half hour to release the relic. then you run the relic back to your realm's castle. Once you have all three of one of the opposing realm's relics in your castle a dragon is released that flies to that enemy's gate and helps you invade their inner realm. Each Inner Realm has a noble for a end-game quest and two gems. Once a single realm has all six gems they can make a wish that either benefits the realm making the wish or penalizes a realm not making it depending on a vote of players present for the wish.

There are also Bridge Wars which are fun and sometimes battles, including fort wars and invasions, that see all three realms fighting each other or at times two realms fighting the third. Bridge Wars tend to take on a free-for-all more than the other battles.

There is also something called 'hunting' or 'ganking' depending on which side of the battle you are on. You are most likely knowledgeable of this if you have played other games. Either a single player or a group of players enter into another realm's territory to hunt down and kill people that are grinding PvE. This happens a lot in this game but there are players whose main effort is to respond to these events, often being semi-AFK until someone yells for assistance.

With time players tend to get to know both the names of their allies and their enemies and learn to fear or mass target (often the former leading to the latter) certain players.

This is the original RvRvR game with all other copying and often adding features that have nothing directly to do with actual RvR action. CoR is all about RvRvR and is simple and streamlined towards that end. It doesn't pretend to be anything else.
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