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Old 10-14-2015, 08:39 AM   #1
Join Date: May 2010
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korag082007 is on a distinguished road
Default Next Update : reaching lvl 30

i dont think this is really an update, reaching 30 is easy, the change needed is that, this game lacks features than improvements, theres nothing but just contineous war, rather make team arenas or something like team duels, may be add more monsters, or make a cycle like replacing monsters every month, or allow users to check monster level.

making players to reach level 30 in couple of days will be nothing but a waste of time and money, coz ppl already do
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Old 10-14-2015, 09:05 AM   #2
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But reaching lvl 30 they are still 1 hit kills for any barb, now they will be 2 hit kills.
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Old 10-14-2015, 09:48 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by pieceofmeat View Post
But reaching lvl 30 they are still 1 hit kills for any barb, now they will be 2 hit kills.
they r boosting the stats, which means they will increase the power of low levels, like hp, damage, armour, mana... which might make them kill lvl 50 monsters easily for lvl 30.

tbh this update is not really satisfying me
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Old 10-14-2015, 10:25 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by korag082007 View Post
they r boosting the stats, which means they will increase the power of low levels, like hp, damage, armour, mana... which might make them kill lvl 50 monsters easily for lvl 30.

tbh this update is not really satisfying me
Nah my understanding is that between lvl 30 and 49 you a get stat buff, to keep you pretty much equal in mana, hp and maybe main attributes as to what a lvl 50 player would have.
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Old 10-14-2015, 11:11 AM   #5
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For me it is nice to have outdated quests changed and getting to 30 is ok level to join war for me it can be 40 if you will have quests to reach that level fast or even 50. But we need that lower lvls to be of any value in fight not only bush that will be slain in one hit and that cant do any dmg.

If after update lower lvls will have less points for skills but with some compensation in stats they will be able to fight it will be nice.

Nowadays I go to fight at lvl 30 cause got kill 5 quests and when go to fight enemies are impossible to me so i cant kill anyone with my low dmg ofc it can be better when join party, but why i need to finding some ppl to reach a party? And even if kill somebody i get no reward in xp for it. If i help with owth or ons - get only few rp and frag for that quest, thats how usually most of ppl does this quest. Kick or imobilize doesnt count even as a frag and no rp for them - Hell why?
This is really bad state and we really need to change it!!!!!

Im absolutly happy if NGD will bring something how ppl from lvl 30 or 40 can join fight and will get reward in xp for it. People should have more possibilities to reach lvl 60 - but i think war should have priority than there can be quests and realm tasks and ofc also killing tons of mobs for people that like it.
Lower lvls will always be forced by themselves to reach higher lvl because they will want to get more skill points and want to be more challanging in wars. I know that from myself when i reach 50 i can fight but cant have all spells i want to and even cant have so good items as i want to.

Im looking forward to new update and hope that will bring some new blood to the game.
Svarec - WM barb , Svarecka - WM conju , Trihlav - WM hunter
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Old 10-14-2015, 11:13 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by pieceofmeat View Post
Nah my understanding is that between lvl 30 and 49 you a get stat buff, to keep you pretty much equal in mana, hp and maybe main attributes as to what a lvl 50 player would have.
wat benefit this gonna do, just another imbalance, lvl 30 players will be able to kill high lvl monsters like lvl 50 or so easily, and another thing, millions of lvl 30s will be over powered, which will make over populated realm more powerfull, even if we allow this stat buff for just low populated realm there would be hardly any change for that realm, coz no players, powering up player does nothing when bigger group attacks the small group, its just takes more time to kill, u can see the example of that war confidence, 1 player is spammed confuse 5, and dizzy and darkness, just takes time to kill him, but always looses, no matter what
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Old 10-14-2015, 11:23 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Svarec View Post
but i think war should have priority than there can be quests and realm tasks and ofc also killing tons of mobs for people that like it.
just contineous war, the whole day, is not really fun in the game thats what i m mentioning in my point, we need more features added related to RvR or something off-game things like mini games or crazy stuffs in this game, to add fun.
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Old 10-14-2015, 11:56 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by korag082007 View Post
just contineous war, the whole day, is not really fun in the game thats what i m mentioning in my point, we need more features added related to RvR or something off-game things like mini games or crazy stuffs in this game, to add fun.
Hey NGD, remember those things you introduced 4years ago and wich are closed since 2 years? Those things the Word "Champion" in "Champions of Regnum" stands for?

Please open the Battlezones again, thanks...

Originally Posted by korag082007 View Post
they r boosting the stats, which means they will increase the power of low levels, like hp, damage, armour, mana... which might make them kill lvl 50 monsters easily for lvl 30.
It is unclear to me how you would prevent gainig tons of exp when a lvl 30 player kills alvl 50 monster. You could make the buff only apply at forts and then still you would have to move some spawnzones of the monsters.
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Old 10-14-2015, 12:52 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Artemo View Post
Hey NGD, remember those things you introduced 4years ago and wich are closed since 2 years? Those things the Word "Champion" in "Champions of Regnum" stands for?

Please open the Battlezones again, thanks...

It is unclear to me how you would prevent gainig tons of exp when a lvl 30 player kills alvl 50 monster. You could make the buff only apply at forts and then still you would have to move some spawnzones of the monsters.
glad some1 raised hand for that battle zones, and well they r going to add that buff for whole war zone area not the fortification places, its common that sometimes while chasing some1 till outside the fort, we loose buff even if we r slightly off forts
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Old 10-14-2015, 12:53 PM   #10
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Its a war game - not a grind game. Whatever gets players to war faster is welcome!

Some system needs to be kept to ensure that lvls are relevant. I don't fancy having all my years of hard work grinding, lettering, spending money on xim for damned boosters, etc made null and void by a bunch of 5 day old players, but hey, it'll be good for the game I guess. Perhaps:

Stats are those of lvl 50 players for all players who hit 30. But they don't get power and discipline points and armor. So, effectively as soon as you hit 30 you have the mana, hp, dex/str/intelli/crit/evasion/etc as a lvl 50, but you only have the spell obtaining power of a current lvl 30, and the armor of a current lvl 30.

Of course, xp, rps and WMC will need to be amended so that WM/high lvl players get them off the new warring low lvls.

Low lvls get to war, can do dmg, can support, can even pvp with difficulty, but being a WM is still the worthwhile end game.
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