Hello guys, i've brought to you here a program that allows you to play Regnum in a borderless window, a feature that appears in most recent games that let's the game run on a window but it while cover the whole screen just like fullscreen.
At least for me it's much more useful to play Regnum this way, this lets you play fullscreen but lets you do quick minimizes if you want to, it can also be useful for people who uses more than one screen. (You can also avoid crashes when minimizing in fullscreen mode, at least I have this problem)
This is the latest version avaliable:
The program is free, just download the one that is called: BorderlessGaming9.4.9_admin_setup.exe.
Once installed you just have to select Regnum from the list. (Regnum has to be running and be in window mode) then click on the button that reads: "Makes the currently-selected application borderless".
I hope you find this useful, goodbye.