Well they update was good i liked the mobs and everything but how they were placed
First off the mobs near menirah fort there like lvl 25 i dont like that like there is no rule in warzone for witch lvl u have to be to go there but since i started playing this game the best choice was 30 but for me it was 37 and all, and for my knight going to playa elite the golems r lvl 47 and the aquas r like 41 and i have to walk to shaanarid to train i have a save there but nowere to sell
then theres Meleketi beach(inside ignis) witch is farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and it gets kinda boring training in the inner realm like i lvled there once i train there now but theres nothing to do; if ya can put the new mobs but in the right spot so like there were like wolfs cyclops and beetles like lvl 36 put the new mobs the same lvl as those and put them there and near the wall there were lvl 46 mobs lvl 47 48 if those were still there but with the new mobs it would be great to tell u the truth i seen low lvl people in fort wars now cuz they train in war so there war is just meters away...