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Old 05-21-2008, 02:21 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2008
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Default Does true love exist ... ?

Love is a dream realised.. for it is truly tangible to few..its very warmth if nutured..can keep the cold from your heart.

Last edited by Skatz1980; 10-23-2008 at 09:05 PM.
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Old 05-21-2008, 02:32 PM   #2
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In answer to your question

I was at an all time low, i lost my house, my son due to a nasty divorce
my life was lost to me, i had no interest in anyone or anything.

But then, I met the person you all know as Twinkle, she saw me for what i am, saw my good sides as well as bad.

I respect her opinions a lot

She has stood by me, respected me for WHO i am

Does true love exist?

One answer

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Old 05-21-2008, 02:38 PM   #3
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you mis understand i met Twinkle before, Regnum, she introduced me to the game
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Old 05-21-2008, 02:50 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Skatz1980
i fell in love on here too..
this tells me (maybe wrongly you met online and maybe you assume Twinkle and i did also)

we did not


Apology not necessary but accepted nonetheless
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Old 05-21-2008, 03:11 PM   #5
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Before I start: this thread is so girly, I love that.

I only want to add that people are different in this game and that it is good when you meet them in reallife before you think about more Imho. When the person is like in the chats or better you are a lucker!

I wish you the best for DMC and you! I wish every ro couple the best because it is hard to be in a relationship when there is a huge distance. But it is possible to fall in love in this game, its different but possible.

True Love? I am too young for talking about true love I think, but I believe in it. I dont know if everyone finds the true love or is able to hold it, but there is someone in this world who is the right one.

I have to add that love is a strange thing. Most of my time I think about my feelings towards someone, friends & family. I dont know why a feeling called love is able to fill my thoughts all day and I am deff not the only one who thinks so.
You see, I think about it way too often, but I have to do so. After ~3years in a relationship you start to think about everything you feel, felt and what you will feel....

Anyway, I still believe in love and trust people, whatever happened in the past of my short life. I know that there is someone who showes me the good sides of it although he is not close right now.
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Old 05-21-2008, 03:25 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Skatz1980
Do you believe in love...do you believe that when we are born ... our soul is shared with another...a bond that can endure time..a connection that has been established over many many lifetimes..that when you meet your other half..it makes your life complete...that you will love and be loved by this person till the day you leave this earth... Or is love a gimmick a way to get us all to buy valentines day card...books about love, films about love ?
In my honest opinion love is a very rare thing and not to many people get the real thing.
most people think there in love but most of the time it is physical attraction and just plain lust, maybe you share the same interests or he/she is successful nothing to do with love at all.

you will also find you can kiss a hundred men/woman and you will get a chemical reaction from very few of them, this makes for great sex but does not mean it is true love either.

you can grow to love a person but is that true love ? i don't think it is, although you can have a happy life with that person and believe you are " in love " its not the real thing in my opinion.

So in that case you have attraction/lust/leading to growing to love a person = happy and feeling you are in love.

if it wasn't so why do so many people stay with someone there not happy with or divorce only to do the same thing over again.

true love i feel comes when you have re meet your soul mate, the one person you search for though all your lifetimes but rarely meet and are together again.
when you do re meet your soul mate and the circumstances are right you will have true love again.

as for the valentines thing i don't like it its comercal crap and i will have nothing to do with it.
its in the things you do and say from day to day that show you care not a shop brought card and chocolates that your made to feel you have to by or your partner will get upset and think you don't love them any more.
its crazy.

this is my very watered down version of what i think and i am not sure if i have put it down right but you should get the idea
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Old 05-21-2008, 03:31 PM   #7
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I just like to say, +1 to all posts.

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Old 05-21-2008, 03:38 PM   #8
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ementh is on a distinguished road

So since we are all telling stories...

I was married once before my current wife. I was in the US Army and deployed in special operations all over the world. I was in the military for 6 years and saw my wife for 6 months. That divorce went badly and I was blamed for most. She all but destroyed me, credit card debt, taking all the money I had, and just disappeared - I only ever heard from her through a common friend.

Regardless, I left the army and was quite lost. I spent two years trying to figure out what the hell to do with my life (not too many corporate needs for a sniper eh..). Through many failed relationships and finally found my current wife. She pretty much picked me up and dusted me off and put me on the right track and direction. Because she stood by me I finally graduated college with a 4.0, 2 degrees, and now have an amazing career.

My wife is my one true love and we have the blessing of two wonderful children. They are our world....ever care to see you can check this site out..


Okay - enough wussy talk for me
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Old 05-21-2008, 03:57 PM   #9
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Comp you have a lovely family, your children are adorable.
and i am so glad you found a lady that brought you back to life again

ps. you wuss a way
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Old 05-21-2008, 04:45 PM   #10
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octopus is on a distinguished road

Comp, great pictures of your family. It looks like that's some true love there with your wife and your children. You all look very happy together.

I too believe there is such a thing as "true love," though it's not what is generally portrayed in Hollywood movies. True love takes effort. It continues years after the initial high of emotions and endorphines. It's a balance of give and take from both involved.

I was fortunate to meet the perfect woman for me. We will be celebrating our 20th anniversary next year, with our two great kids. There are several factors that have helped us to keep a happy relationship. We listen to each other, and consider each other's point of view. We share similar values, which is especially important when raising kids.

Oh, as a piece of advice: do not EVER get a tattoo with your lover's name. Every single couple that I know of that have done this have not stayed together for very long.
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