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Old 01-01-2009, 04:28 AM   #1
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Default Alsius is extremely weak!

Alsius (Horus) has a severe lack of able players. Just today we were attacked by Ignus, and at the gate we were out numbered at least 1:5.

Alsius is being attacked almost daily, and many players are too busy trying to defend to level, or others have already dismissed defense as useless and simply go on with their grinding.

The only time we have managed to capture an enemy castle was when Shaanarid's door was down (due to a recent syrtis attack) we were able to sneak in and by abusing the tower were able to capture it...for a while...
After that our forces split to defend Shaanarid and capture Samal (the door was also down there).
As the Samal attackers began to win, Ingus brutally recaptured Shaanarid. Before we were able to capture Samal Ingus showed up (outnumbering us at least 1:3) and owned us.

15% Xp and 50% gold is already failing to help Alsius.

But seriously, Alsius needs a HUGE boost.

Obviously NGD can't make people play in Alsius, but here are some things they CAN do:
1. Xp Bonus.
This needs to be way more than 15%.
Some of us can't even find the time to grind because of the constant attacks, so maybe even just some bonus Xp.

2. Stronger Guards/Cheaper Fort Upgrades.
Considering that Syr/Ign have far more people attacking our forts and that we have far less funding and defending the forts I think we need this.

3. WZ bonuses.
IE When Alsians are in the WZ they get bonuses to Damage, AP, and/or other stats. This would help us in the WZ without giving tons of extra Xp.

BTW Xp should be rewarded along with RP for enemy kills.
4. (if Xp is ever given in WZ) Xp based on WZ activity.
IE the less active your realm, the less Xp you're worth, but the more you get.
This would encourage Ign and Syt to go after eachother and stop hurting us.

5. Force all newcomers into Alsius.

Please help us NGD...

Last edited by Kninja; 01-04-2009 at 12:41 AM.
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Old 01-01-2009, 05:10 AM   #2
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Sorry to tell you this but Ignis has the 15% exp bonus + 50% gold.
Alsius has the 5% exp bonus.

BUT I think not that we should have a bonus of experience but simply mke it easier to gain levels over all. This game is player vs player and its main fault is drawn out grinding mainly because of the exp curve.
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Old 01-01-2009, 05:13 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by SmUrV
Sorry to tell you this but Ignis has the 15% exp bonus + 50% gold.
Alsius has the 5% exp bonus.

BUT I think not that we should have a bonus of experience but simply mke it easier to gain levels over all. This game is player vs player and its main fault is drawn out grinding mainly because of the exp curve.
Ignis HAD the RLM 15% XP and 50% Gold, not anymore. Ignis now has the 5% XP RLM.

Alsius currently has the 15% XP and 50% Gold more.

They swapped positions, Alsius is the underpopulated realm now.
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Old 01-01-2009, 10:30 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by jpicon
Ignis HAD the RLM 15% XP and 50% Gold, not anymore. Ignis now has the 5% XP RLM.

Alsius currently has the 15% XP and 50% Gold more.

They swapped positions, Alsius is the underpopulated realm now.

Why The Hell Does Ignis Even Have A Exp Bonus They Have More Wz Able Players Then Any Other Realm.

Alsuis Should Be The Only Realm With A Exp Bonus And Cash.
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Old 01-01-2009, 01:12 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Ramsli11
Why The Hell Does Ignis Even Have A Exp Bonus They Have More Wz Able Players Then Any Other Realm.

Alsuis Should Be The Only Realm With A Exp Bonus And Cash.
This is absolutely right: Alsius is still suffering from months of underpopulation. Points to note:

- A flood of new players does not make a well-developed realm of experienced players.

- Some of these new players may have quit or don't play much (either due to the labourious grind or feelings of being overwhelmed in the WZ).

- Quite a lot of Ignis/Syrtis players have started Alsius chars to 'see what it is like on the other side'. I think a lot of them don't like what they see and go back to playing their original chars. I mean, who wants to defend ALL the time??!! Coz this is what Alsius spends most of its time doing.

- A typical day in Alsius involves running from fort to castle in a desperate attempt to prevent invasion. To be fair, Alsius usually defends admirably. But you simply need to compare the amount of time Alsius defends to the time it holds enemy forts - to know that things are very uneven.
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Old 01-01-2009, 01:24 PM   #6
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Alsius has lots of lower lvls, but Ignis has lots of high lvls, so Ignis are far more wz active, and at all times of the day too.

Today, Syrtis had to help us take back a fort by taking the fort themselves, then letting Alsius touch the flag after Ignis had been holding the fort for about 8 hours. I hope I'm not the only one seeing something wrong here.

Also, the Guard Captains seem a bit unbalanced on Horus.
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Old 01-01-2009, 03:34 PM   #7
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hm I think sometimes people need to state which server they play on, I have no idea which server the first four posts are talking about.

Originally Posted by makarios68
Quite a lot of Ignis/Syrtis players have started Alsius chars to 'see what it is like on the other side'. I think a lot of them don't like what they see and go back to playing their original chars. I mean, who wants to defend ALL the time??!! Coz this is what Alsius spends most of its time doing.
they see dwarves who need to grow taller and goats who need a full body shave
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Old 01-01-2009, 05:44 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by makarios68

- Quite a lot of Ignis/Syrtis players have started Alsius chars to 'see what it is like on the other side'. I think a lot of them don't like what they see and go back to playing their original chars. I mean, who wants to defend ALL the time??!! Coz this is what Alsius spends most of its time doing.
Maybe they see that they don't know the realm and it's so based in clans that there's not too much room for them. Just a little bit like this comment. I`m sure it's not the intention, but it could be understood like: "those foreigners that come to OUR realm and doesn't have what it takes to handle the difficulties that we've been facing for months as real warriors". I've read some threads in these weeks coming from respected and veteran players from Alsius complaining about the fact that the newcomers were "ruining" the Alsius' teamplay. I think some stress between ppl who plays in Alsius since a long time and newcomers could make that migration less productive than it should. I suppose time will make those players to be integrated to help the realm, and to be helped. It's difficult to go to other realm and stick with it if you don't know too much ppl there and you have to begin right from the start. No chars, no weapons, no money, no knowledge of "who's who" in the realm from inside, neither the type of playing of each player. And there's not too much credit to them in exchange, so ppl can arrive to a point: "Ok, maybe help is not needed at the end".

Every relationship is two ways direction, so maybe some of those newcomers (that could be considered like "vets" in their former realm and think in a wrong way that they should be recognised as if they were too in Alsius) try to rule or give orders in a "rude" way. This, comming from outside, can be understood too as an agression to the ppl who has stick with the "less populated" problem for a long time. So (maybe) Alsius' vets can get tired too of that attitude and think to themselves: "I prefer to be almost alone than in this bad company. Who does this guy think he is?".

It's a big change and a big opportunity but it's not evident for anyone. I suppose mutual understanding will rule at the end in most of the cases.
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Old 01-01-2009, 08:57 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by marchalain
Just a little bit like this comment. I`m sure it's not the intention, but it could be understood like: "those foreigners that come to OUR realm and doesn't have what it takes to handle the difficulties that we've been facing for months as real warriors".
This is not what i meant at all.

You read into it what you like, but i simply meant what i said: that for whatever reason people are trying Alsius, but not staying - or not playing their chars there much.
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Old 01-01-2009, 11:33 PM   #10
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I Think What Alsuis Needs Is A 50% Or A 75% Exp Boost If Alsuis Can't Get The Numbers You Should Atleast Have The Skill But This May Also Lure New Players And Others To Come To Alsuis.

Ignis Dosnt Need A Dam Exp Boost They Can Hold Syrtis Off And Invade Us When Our Realms Empty.

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