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General discussion Topics related to various aspects of Champions of Regnum

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Old 07-22-2009, 06:11 PM   #1
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Default Hunter and Assassin

Following a lot of complaints lately about hunters, I’ve been thinking about the class, and here are some of my thoughts:

I think that part of the problem is that the Regnum hunter is a hybrid of two classes which in other games are two separate classes. Maybe what is needed is a separating of the hunter we have now into two separate classes, approximately following the general template which other games employ:

1. Hunter (sometimes called tamer or tracker) – usually with taming abilities to compensate for relatively weaker attack, and with scouting and speed as standard. Importantly, such a class doesn’t usually have invisibility. That is the speciality of the following class:

2. Assassin – Master of stealth, able to creep up from behind and catch you off-guard, and usually starting the attack with debuffing skills. Important to note that this class usually doesn’t have total invisibility. The assassin usually must approach the victim from behind, or else he risks being noticed. There is also a dmg bonus on the first attack for a successful surprise attack. Also important is that the assassin doesn't has a pet – pets are for the hunter/tamer class.

Do the above two classes sound familiar? They should, because the Regnum hunter is both of these classes in one. And I suspect it is why a lot of people are griping about them. I think NGD have confused the role of the hunter by trying to fit too much into the class. They have stated that they don’t want hunters to be assassins, but them give them invisibility and a surprise attack dmg buff.

So my suggestion is that hunters lose their invisibility, but keep their speed and tracking. They also need some more dmg to compensate for the loss of their surprise attack – so that they can effectively fight other classes.

And then an entirely new invisibilty class be made, the assassin.
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Old 07-22-2009, 06:26 PM   #2
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Ultimately, this was NGD's goal for all classes I believe. The only flaw in this plan is reset powers. In the case of Hunter's the skills stand out the most, because you have categories that seem irreplaceable, and seem like a must.

It's really the same thing with warrior weapons tree's. Tbh a 7th class is the last thing we need, as much as NGD would love people to grind again another class, it would be even more balance work.

Just pick a tree and stick to it, that defines you. The same can be applied to any class, Conjurers can really be Sorcerers, Enchanters, Mentalists. Etc, its just more recognizable with Hunters.
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Old 07-22-2009, 10:26 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by -Edge- View Post
The only flaw in this plan is reset powers.
Yep... too true, so bad I love it or I would suggest to remove it myself.
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