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Old 12-13-2009, 06:58 PM   #1
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Default About the current attitude in Regnum

It'd be nice if people actually would try to fight and not whine as much (I am talking server-independent here)

I hope you don't mind I borrowed this, piz.
Dky Sven, level 54 knight (Ra) Valhalla
Dky the Goat, level 35 conjurer(Ra)
Dky Sven, level 51 knight(Horus) Something
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Old 12-13-2009, 07:56 PM   #2
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+1 I agree... If people did half as much fighting as they did crying, they would have developed new fun ways to attack and defend as pvp and rvr.

The whining about not being able to win just makes the game shift in ways that destroys the fun for everyone. It's a vicious cycle....

In the end everyone feels cheated out of skills they once had, and the game loses valuable players and its good reputation.
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Old 12-13-2009, 08:27 PM   #3
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While i agree forum cries don't do much except cause more bitching..

you both say just keep on fighting.. when your outnumbered in offence defence support range melee how do you expect to win?

if you manage to kill someone there normally rez'ed on sight it's a little hard to cremate when you can't reach the body

example on a rush we had on syrtis one day

4-5 terrors to take them down about 5-7 archers we had 7-10 warriors and 2 support conjs my areas alone were pretty useless we killed a low lvl mage then we got countered with i couldnt even keep count of the areas used i was on my ass in about 2 seconds dead

since i don't see any of the RA players who complain about horus with any horus characters they have 0 grasp of the situation there other then the feedback from forum rants

fighting in ra battles when theres 50 vs 80 fights are a little different since you have the numbers to over throw a larger force with just single well exucted rush

but in horus your fighting 15 vs 35-40 (depends on the day)

the firepower/defence is alot different in this situation

Now i don't think were bitching at Syrtis in general (least im not) they are overpopulated and it just seems to get worse and worse. What im bitching at is that NGD fails to take any steps towards evening the playing field (yes i know it's not a easy task)

a simple thing to do is for example..

1 month (30 days)

block new player access to Syrtis put a 15% exp bonus to Alsius and Ignis

chances are any new players who actually enjoy this game will find a friend or something they like about there current realm they are in so they wont have the need to try syrtis..

Might be a bit harsh but this may be the only way to actually gain a "almost" even playing field.. wont know till you try

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Old 12-13-2009, 08:46 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Klutu View Post
While i agree forum cries don't do much except cause more bitching..

you both say just keep on fighting.. when your outnumbered in offence defence support range melee how do you expect to win?

if you manage to kill someone there normally rez'ed on sight it's a little hard to cremate when you can't reach the body

example on a rush we had on syrtis one day

4-5 terrors to take them down about 5-7 archers we had 7-10 warriors and 2 support conjs my areas alone were pretty useless we killed a low lvl mage then we got countered with i couldnt even keep count of the areas used i was on my ass in about 2 seconds dead

since i don't see any of the RA players who complain about horus with any horus characters they have 0 grasp of the situation there other then the feedback from forum rants

fighting in ra battles when theres 50 vs 80 fights are a little different since you have the numbers to over throw a larger force with just single well exucted rush

but in horus your fighting 15 vs 35-40 (depends on the day)

the firepower/defence is alot different in this situation

Now i don't think were bitching at Syrtis in general (least im not) they are overpopulated and it just seems to get worse and worse. What im bitching at is that NGD fails to take any steps towards evening the playing field (yes i know it's not a easy task)

a simple thing to do is for example..

1 month (30 days)

block new player access to Syrtis put a 15% exp bonus to Alsius and Ignis

chances are any new players who actually enjoy this game will find a friend or something they like about there current realm they are in so they wont have the need to try syrtis..

Might be a bit harsh but this may be the only way to actually gain a "almost" even playing field.. wont know till you try

Balance will come when the last remaining lights of RA are allowed to server transfer.

Personally I have seen 5 vs 20 all lvl 50 5 beat twenty...
Personally I have seen 3 vs 13 all lvl 50 3 beat 15...

It can be done.. but only with groups that play like a solid unit...

Last edited by DemonMonger; 12-13-2009 at 09:02 PM.
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Old 12-13-2009, 08:57 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by DemonMonger View Post
Balance will come when the last remaining lights of RA are allowed to server transfer.
server transfer? what are you tal...o yea now I remember. that thing that was suppose to happen 10weeks ago?

yea um...by the time we actually get server transfers horus will be open to germany players
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Old 12-13-2009, 09:20 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by DemonMonger View Post
Balance will come when the last remaining lights of RA are allowed to server transfer.

Personally I have seen 5 vs 20 all lvl 50 5 beat twenty...
Personally I have seen 3 vs 13 all lvl 50 3 beat 15...

It can be done.. but only with groups that play like a solid unit...
lol! with todays Gameplay mechanics? id really like to see that one.. maybe 1.0
or maybe you fought a bunch of lvl 30's

as for the "server transfers" maybe 5 or 10 players from each realm may come but majority of those transfers are people bringing there ra characters over this is no balance solution just something that should of happend a long long time ago
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Old 12-13-2009, 09:47 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Klutu View Post
While i agree forum cries don't do much except cause more bitching..

you both say just keep on fighting.. when your outnumbered in offence defence support range melee how do you expect to win?

if you manage to kill someone there normally rez'ed on sight it's a little hard to cremate when you can't reach the body

example on a rush we had on syrtis one day

4-5 terrors to take them down about 5-7 archers we had 7-10 warriors and 2 support conjs my areas alone were pretty useless we killed a low lvl mage then we got countered with i couldnt even keep count of the areas used i was on my ass in about 2 seconds dead

since i don't see any of the RA players who complain about horus with any horus characters they have 0 grasp of the situation there other then the feedback from forum rants

fighting in ra battles when theres 50 vs 80 fights are a little different since you have the numbers to over throw a larger force with just single well exucted rush

but in horus your fighting 15 vs 35-40 (depends on the day)

the firepower/defence is alot different in this situation

Now i don't think were bitching at Syrtis in general (least im not) they are overpopulated and it just seems to get worse and worse. What im bitching at is that NGD fails to take any steps towards evening the playing field (yes i know it's not a easy task)

a simple thing to do is for example..

1 month (30 days)

block new player access to Syrtis put a 15% exp bonus to Alsius and Ignis

chances are any new players who actually enjoy this game will find a friend or something they like about there current realm they are in so they wont have the need to try syrtis..

Might be a bit harsh but this may be the only way to actually gain a "almost" even playing field.. wont know till you try

I agree with Klutu, the problem is getting even more serious now. Its very often that we have less players than Syrtis have conjuers.
Last time it was 6 or 7 conjuers and that was all players we had to counter big 20+ ppl zerg siting in samal.
  • Yes block new players to Syrtis
  • Yes XP bonuses to other realms
  • YES less guards in overpopulated realm forts and more guards in less populated realm forts
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Old 12-13-2009, 09:54 PM   #8
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50 vs. 80.

Haha, funny.
RA / Hor... Haven?
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Old 12-14-2009, 02:41 AM   #9
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Simple solution - force Syrtis to use contraception...
Compost (60 Hunter) Alsius
Compoundious (Dead and gone...)
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Old 12-14-2009, 03:22 AM   #10
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There is indeed a problem with realm imbalance in Horus. It's primary the reason why I have lessened my play time there and moved back to Ra. The zerging has no challenge and is quite boring.

I agree with Dky-Sven though that constant whining and blaming isn't the way to go. Constructive discussions should be encouraged and hopefully a solution will be met.

The problem IMO with realm imbalance is that it will be terribly slow to balance numbers out due to the insane amount of grinding required to get players up to the warzone. That long wait only makes imbalance worse, and pushes realm morale lower. I would think this would discourage a lot of the leveling players into leaving the realm or the game as a whole.

Another issue is the constant nerfs and lack of bug fixes. Those updates pushed many of the high levels out of the game. Syrtis has a constant flow of new players who wouldn't know what these bugs or nerfs were so they aren't hurt as much. I can't say the same for Ignis and Alsius.
On Regnum Sabbatical
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