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Old 03-08-2010, 05:02 AM   #1
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Default Regarding the phrase "gelfs"

"gelfs" or "gay elves" . For those who might not understand why this phrase may offend some people, let me put it into perspective. When going into war, and saying things like, "Lets kill the gelfs!" is like charging into war saying "Lets kill the belfs (black elves) or lets kill the jelfs (jewish elves). I don't understand why such discriminatory language is so widely accepted in the realms of Alsius and Ignis. Gay people (as hilarious as you might find it) do exist, and fight for realms too, and I do not think its too much to ask to be able to play the game without being used as an insult, or a joke at best.
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Old 03-08-2010, 05:42 AM   #2
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Hi Hypnotoad, I'm glad someone brought this up. I don't think people really realize that they may be offending some people. Its become widely accepted for gay to mean stupid. Maybe if more people heard phrases that effect them the same way like, "that's so mexican" or "Goats are black, they suck" (both of those phrases I have heard plenty of times, only with gay used instead).
See how it might be offensive now? They don't think before they speak. Anyway, don't think we are all like that in Alsius, we need all the help we can get lol. I'm definitely willing to help think of something new we can call the elves, I'll keep you posted :-)
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Old 03-08-2010, 06:06 AM   #3
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i dont think the problem is in this game but in our society in general. the meaning of the word "gay" has changed completely. its now used as just a negative word for example: if something bad happens to a person, that person would refer to it as a gay situation. im not sure if its just happening around me or everywhere in the world but its really annoying to hear that and it comes mainly from the younger generation which is majority of the player base of Regnum.

i personally dont have a problem with being called a gelf but ive met lots of homosexual people on mmorpgs (none of this game yet) and i can imagine the offense they must take from this
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Old 03-08-2010, 06:28 AM   #4
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I still call them Greenies
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Old 03-08-2010, 06:49 AM   #5
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just seriously wow

i think you have forgotten that calling the Alsius "goats" is offending the goat population, goats are hurt by the fact the are misconstrued as a person =/
also tomatoes all the world over cry from the same fate...

i dont use the term gelf personally i dont like the way it sounds, but to go as far as to say its offensive to gay ppl is ignorant.
say however there was a real race of elves i could see how gelf would be offensive toward any particular "gay elf".

over it all though to take offense from things said in a game is just ridiculous, if some one attacks you personally /ignore. but for a generalization based on realm pride from a game. is taken out of perspective and should be taken as just, "a game".
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Old 03-08-2010, 07:07 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by TehCurt View Post
just seriously wow

i think you have forgotten that calling the Alsius "goats" is offending the goat population, goats are hurt by the fact the are misconstrued as a person =/
also tomatoes all the world over cry from the same fate...

i dont use the term gelf personally i dont like the way it sounds, but to go as far as to say its offensive to gay ppl is ignorant.
say however there was a real race of elves i could see how gelf would be offensive toward any particular "gay elf".

over it all though to take offense from things said in a game is just ridiculous, if some one attacks you personally /ignore. but for a generalization based on realm pride from a game. is taken out of perspective and should be taken as just, "a game".
Yes, and by calling our Utghars "goats" (when they are in fact humanoid), offends them and mis-identifies them as somehow being related to Goat Boy.

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Old 03-08-2010, 07:18 AM   #7
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I've never been offended by it, or many things said online to me, or that I've seen. Mainly because it is in a different context than intended. Of course that doesn't excuse the word, or make it right, i understand the intention is not the same.

Now I would be offended if someone called me gay, though I am not, I'm a happily adjusted straight woman Would I sleep sleep over it though? not really..I would suggest they learn some nettiquette and respect for fellow people even though this is a "game" we are still dealing with real people..who have feelings and can be affected by what someone says, whether they meant it or not, and how.

I remember awhile back, some people had issues with the "R" word in clan tags, though the literal term and the suggested term where totally different concepts.

So yeah I would like for people to use some common sense and discretion about what they say, and what they truly mean, as with this medium (text in this case) people can really misunderstand you quite easily. but also understand so many different ethnic/racial whatever, people play, and someones slang or common meaning may be wholly different to another.

I guess in the end its your choice to either let it slide and understand that its just a word, that used without being directed at a particular person because they are Gay/Lesbian..is just an insult/figure of speech/popular slang and not singling or abusing another member for their lifestyle choices,

or to be outraged by the very idea of it regardless of how its used and consider it an offense towards you personally,...is the very basic right of every human being :P
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Old 03-08-2010, 09:52 AM   #8
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I agree.

Gay is used way too much as an insult in Regnum. You should respect your realm-mates, no matter who they are, and that includes not using their sexual orientation as a put-down. And using these insults, no matter how good a player you are, will also lose you the respect of others.

Our clan in Alsius does not allow discriminatory language, period, on any grounds. If more clans in Alsius agreed to stop using bigoted speech then the realm would be a better place. Prejudice is ugly.
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Old 03-08-2010, 10:08 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Gideon_Slack View Post
I agree.

Gay is used way too much as an insult in Regnum. You should respect your realm-mates, no matter who they are, and that includes not using their sexual orientation as a put-down. And using these insults, no matter how good a player you are, will also lose you the respect of others.

Our clan in Alsius does not allow discriminatory language, period, on any grounds. If more clans in Alsius agreed to stop using bigoted speech then the realm would be a better place. Prejudice is ugly.
Bigoted speech is bad...but Big-Goated speach is normal in Alsius.
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Old 03-08-2010, 10:13 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by TheHypnotoad View Post
"gelfs" or "gay elves" . For those who might not understand why this phrase may offend some people, let me put it into perspective. When going into war, and saying things like, "Lets kill the gelfs!" is like charging into war saying "Lets kill the belfs (black elves) or lets kill the jelfs (jewish elves). I don't understand why such discriminatory language is so widely accepted in the realms of Alsius and Ignis. Gay people (as hilarious as you might find it) do exist, and fight for realms too, and I do not think its too much to ask to be able to play the game without being used as an insult, or a joke at best.
So basically what you're saying is that I should take it as an insult if someone called me black, or jewish... why would that be an insult? I don't consider it's a bad thing to be any of the above, and only someone who does would consider any of those as insults...

Calling somone a gelf is imo as insulting as calling us (Alsius players) Goats...
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