I've been thinking about recording a Conjuror gameplay video for some time now, for about the same reasons
Kitsunie mentioned. Inspired by that video, I recorded some of the usual fighting on Ra.
The first video is showing the almost constant Samal-Aggers ping-pong. Nothing unusual, but still a nice fight.
The second video starts with Lubaya and me being chased by a much larger group. Also, nothing unusual, we get that a lot and get away with it more often than not.
And like Kitsunie, I would like to encourage support Conjurors to make more videos, even if it's just of some random gameplay like these. Good support Conjurors have always been rare, and I haven't exactly seen their number go up lately. Maybe it will also encourage others to try out this unique class and become good at it. Always remember: the real reward for a supporter is not in RP, it's in the "Thank you" you get from your realmmates.