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Old 06-02-2012, 01:30 AM   #1
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Default "lowering prices"

Lowing prices?

I wasn't necessarily unhappy with the prices you'd already set. I was unhappy with the doldrum and monotony of the game.

No dungeons, fewer quests as you progress, etc...

This is suppose to be a role-playing-game... and no dungeons? I guess other 3D engines have the upper hand on you guys.

For the most part, Regnum is free so I don't expect the entire universe handed to me but I'd still like to have "adventure".

You guys just don't offer it anymore... and perhaps that's a good thing. I spend considerable less time playing games than I use to thanks to your lack of ingenuity.

"Woe is me" if you guys ever decide to become TRULY creative...

But as it is... I know what to expect... I've no reason to come back or persuade other people to join and play...

Plus I've had to "downgrade" my computer since the last one died. I can't even play Regnum on a 2.4 Ghz PC with a 256 MB video card at a reasonable speed.

Get a clue from Google and optimize your code, unless you want to pull a "Microsoft" and wait for the latest and greatest bleeding edge tech to render your new code.

Sorry guys... still not interested despite your new "lower prices".

Sucks too... Regnum is kinda cool... just boring now. Hey! Play Morrowind, or Oblivion, etc. Get an idea for a story folks can follow even if they're not defending the wall or constantly grinding for the next level.

Cheers and all the best (honestly),
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Old 06-02-2012, 01:33 AM   #2
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Complaining about PvE content in an RvR game won't get you anywhere

I am gonna agree and say the game still feels kind of incomplete from a role-playing/lore standpoint, but I digress; RvR game :P
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Old 06-02-2012, 07:44 AM   #3
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Lowering prices is a good step imo. Most of the horses were overpriced. In combination with the xim gift event, any 2+ year active non-premium player can have a horse on one of their characters. I think this actualy shows that NGD cares. Thanks guys
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Old 06-02-2012, 08:22 AM   #4
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light horse should cost no more than 500 xim
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Old 06-02-2012, 08:38 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by _Kharbon_ View Post
Lowering prices is a good step imo. Most of the horses were overpriced. In combination with the xim gift event, any 2+ year active non-premium player can have a horse on one of their characters. I think this actualy shows that NGD cares. Thanks guys
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Old 06-02-2012, 09:31 AM   #6
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Gotta agree with OP. I'm glad NGD/GS are making prices smaller, hosting more events, and making the game look prettier, but it doesn't make the game any more interesting.

I don't think dungeons are 'necessary' to RPGs but it would be a start, even if they're just used for quests. Leveling up as a new player can get lonely, but that can be combated by making quests actually interesting. There's a L9 quest in Ignis where you get your own guard that follows you around for a set time. It'd be great if some actual NPCs would lead/follow you to the quest area or help you grind (yeah i stole that from Skyrim).

I hate that quests die off at 40. It'd be great if the Runestones series of quests were continued. I'd like quests to be numerous right up til L49, then have 1-2 quests per level until L60 that are focused on RvR/PvP.

I really hate that there has probably been similar (and better) suggestions numerous times before, as well as many other unique ideas (and even more ideas from the Spanish community) and NGD completely ignores them. I don't even see why there's a "Suggestion" section in Game Discussion.

And lowering horse prices doesn't show they care. It shows they've realised nobody will pay 20 fucking dollars for a unicorn! They just did it to get more sales.

Sigh... why did you have to start a thread voicing your complaints of NGD? Now I'm mad, too.

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Old 06-02-2012, 10:34 AM   #7
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Sigh... why did you have to start a thread voicing your complaints of NGD? Now I'm mad, too.
Lol, know the feeling, must keep focused and not go on a rant

Never had much issue with prices here, the only thing that more or less had to be bought was a mount and always thought the light horse was fairly priced, same for enough storage to be useful. The other mounts are just bling, same for the costumes and I bought quite a bit of that bling just to spend some xim on something that gave no advantage 'cos I really appreciated the unique gameplay, absence of cartoon graphics, no advantage for premi.....must...not....rant.... RO was a cool indie game and the bling was a nice way of contributing to it.

There is something weird with dropping prices, cant say I understand it but seen it in other games and when the island event was on I saw it clearly after getting a totem. The more folks pay for stuff the more enjoyment they seem to get from it, give stuff away and it quickly gets forgotten. Reduce somethings price and goes from an object of desire to something cheap and nasty quite fast. I'm sure its a well known phenomena and there are lots of case studies and papers on it but that would mean reading from the book of Satan (the writings of accountants) so I wont be putting my soul in danger by studying it further.
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Old 06-02-2012, 02:56 PM   #8
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Rofl, you lowered prices of mounts just after I bought light horse for my alt

Good idea, for one SMS people can buy mount and get some other things ( no longer they have to wait untill xim bonus)
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Old 06-02-2012, 03:57 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Tenel_Ka View Post
Gotta agree with OP. I'm glad NGD/GS are making prices smaller, hosting more events, and making the game look prettier, but it doesn't make the game any more interesting.
The main reason that i don't play much is that i get bored from war where you need to push random buttons and maybe the RGN will let me to win.

I don't think also that dangeons will make game more interesting.

Also lowering prices will not make me to play more.The issue himself comes from game mechanics,and not from the cash.I dont care too much about money,but i care if the game is fun/interactive or not.

Agree the think that graphics make the game to look cool,but there must be a havy balance between fun/interactive play and look.A game where cash and randomness make the rules is not fun ,at least for me at all.What can be funny in a game where you need to pay to win?...is like you use a cheat.
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Old 06-02-2012, 08:11 PM   #10
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I have no issue with the lowering of prices. Actually, I think it is in line with maturing product lines that need to be price corrected.
In my view they were not overpriced as anything past the light mount was simply bling. Much in the way people will pay a premium price for a polished pink rock (diamond) over a clear one. It just says " I can buy this". as such , market forces will determine prices.

Not that any of this will affect me. Mounts for me are utilitarian rather than cosmetic. For me its is the cheapest thing that will get me there.
Had NGD offered mount upgrades I would have been tempted as I find it absurd to have multiple mounts in my inventory and not have them shared across the account. But alas , no, that was a bad idea.
Would this bolster sales? It might. Would it increase revenue? Unlikely, because the sales will have to increase dramatically to balance the losses accrued by the deep discount. But it is likely horses are not selling anyway (market forces) and this will stimulate some interest.

As far as the other problems, I understand the stance of the OP and I play less for similar reasons, however it is a stretch to relate the two areas as this will not stimulate players to come back. It might stimulate the current active base and new players to buy transport.
NGD thinks they have paid their dues and now is the time to cash in. I can't be against them for that stance. To get more of my money though, they have to come with something much more ingenious and compelling. Like them ,I also paid in time and dollars and will now seek to reap the entertainment benefits of the game from here on without spending a cent. Fortunately , this is totally possible.
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