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Technical Support Questions about game technical support to the users of the community

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Old 03-12-2013, 07:45 AM   #1
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Exclamation CoR still down and some ppl playing it??

I cannot yet log in so it must be a huge technical problem. I read another thread in General where it seems that some people are able to get inside the game. I wonder if that's legal and will not affect in any way the other realms. If so NGD would have to take the oportune measures to revert the possible effects and ban de ppl who abuse their "technical" knowledge to get inside the game through an abnormal way.

Whats more worrying is the fact that NGD seems not to comment or do anything about the mentioned thread.

The community would like to see some more announcements from NGD about the current technical problems in Sweden. Some update information would be more than welcome.

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Last edited by Monthser; 03-12-2013 at 09:35 AM.
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Old 03-12-2013, 08:44 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Monthser View Post
I cannot yet log in so it must be a huge technical problem. I read another thread in General where it seems that some people are able to get inside the game. I wonder if that's legal and will not affect in any way the other realms. If so NGD would have to take the oportune measures to revert the possible effects and ban de ppl who abuse their "technical" knowledge to get inside the game through an abnormal way.

Whats more worrying is the fact that NGD seems not to comment or do anything about the mentioned thread.

The community would like to see some more announcements from NGD about the current technical problems in Sweden. Some update information would be more than welcome.

Are you serious?
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Old 03-12-2013, 09:07 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by LucianDeathshield View Post
Are you serious?

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Old 03-12-2013, 09:18 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Monthser View Post
2.3) Messages or replies to threads and posts must contain relevant text to the proper topic or else they will be deleted. Recidivism will be punished with a ban of the account.
Are you mad?
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Old 03-12-2013, 09:45 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Monthser View Post
I cannot yet log in so it must be a huge technical problem. I read another thread in General where it seems that some people are able to get inside the game. I wonder if that's legal and will not affect in any way the other realms. If so NGD would have to take the oportune measures to revert the possible effects and ban de ppl who abuse their "technical" knowledge to get inside the game through an abnormal way.

Whats more worrying is the fact that NGD seems not to comment or do anything about the mentioned thread.

The community would like to see some more announcements from NGD about the current technical problems in Sweden. Some update information would be more than welcome....
I agree that after such a long time NGD should provide us with more info about their problems.
About the other issue I hope nobody takes advantage of the current situation by doing something illegal.
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Old 03-12-2013, 09:50 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Monthser View Post
2.3) Messages or replies to threads and posts must contain relevant text to the proper topic or else they will be deleted. Recidivism will be punished with a ban of the account.
Damn I have toasted cheese for lunch again
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Old 03-12-2013, 12:26 PM   #7
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Exclamation CoR is now up

I just logged in and oh what a surprise... We have been invaded while server was not available.

If you cannot get in the game through NGD's launcher nobody else would have. Obviously some ppl found a way to get in and abuse the fact that the others couldnt to invade and steal geams.

I hope that NGD takes measures about this abuses and bans the responsables. This "players" are spoiling the fun for the majority. Newcomers do not understand why this behaviour is tolerated and neither do I.
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Old 03-12-2013, 12:37 PM   #8
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It seems that most (not all) of the connection probelms were caused by the Regnum Launcher. However you can bypass the launcher and start directly the game exectuable called "game" inside the live directory
game [put your account name here] [put your password encrypted in MD5 here]
That's all and many players were able to connect to the game doing so while the launcher was (or is still) unavailable. I can't see anything ilegal in starting my game the same way the launcher would start it anyways.

However NGD should have disabled the gems in this special situations where most players can't enter the game - they said that they could do so in "emergency cases". Well if the current situation is not considered such an emergency i wonder what they meant

Last edited by andres81; 03-12-2013 at 01:14 PM.
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Old 03-12-2013, 01:04 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Monthser View Post
I just logged in and oh what a surprise... We have been invaded while server was not available.

If you cannot get in the game through NGD's launcher nobody else would have. Obviously some ppl found a way to get in and abuse the fact that the others couldnt to invade and steal geams.

I hope that NGD takes measures about this abuses and bans the responsables. This "players" are spoiling the fun for the majority. Newcomers do not understand why this behaviour is tolerated and neither do I.
Information on how to enter the game is available in public for all. It's not something that is kept in secret for one realm only.
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Old 03-12-2013, 01:21 PM   #10
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damn hackers ban them all

on a serious note, if there was a problem with entering the game via launcher the correct thing to do would be shutting down server till the problem was solved, even thought infomation is available to all, it's not like people know about its existance nor where it is located, so not every1 knows how to bypass the launcher

edit: just saw this thread was posted hours before you made this thread, dunno if it was after or before the "invasions" but here it is http://www.championsofregnum.com/for...ad.php?t=96930 least you could do was check it out
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