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Old 04-05-2013, 07:13 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2011
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Default GameSamba accounts issues.

Dear users,

Since the recent issues with accounts being inappropriately accessed and items going missing was discovered last week, NGD and Gamesamba have been in close collaboration to resolve these issues.
We believe the situation is now under control, and the issue has been contained. During the investigation, we confirmed username and password files were not accessed and remain secure.
We understand those of you affected by this issue are waiting for a solution. We now have a plan to restore missing items related to this issue, and expect to begin the process early next week for those accounts affected.

If you feel your account was affected please submit a detailed support ticket to gamesamba.com/support.
Your account will be properly investigated using our internal game tools to determine if your account has been compromised. Once verified, we will begin the process to restore your items.

Thanks for your patience over this past weekend as well as this upcoming weekend.
We’ll be in touch soon.

Best regards,
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Old 04-05-2013, 09:30 PM   #2
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Good news for the people involved!

Only the Title of this thread troubles me a bit. Afaik, NGD accounts got hacked as well.

Will their items be restored as well? One of them actually heard in a ticket that his items will not be restored...

But thanks for this message

Pauluzz - Warlockz - Paul - Pauluzu - Paululu - Felicica --- INQUISITION
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Old 04-06-2013, 12:22 AM   #3
Join Date: Jan 2010
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I too would like some clarification whether this is also directed towards the NGD accounts that were equally hacked...
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Old 04-07-2013, 04:25 PM   #4
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to our knowledge, this incident is related to GameSamba accounts.
we have not recieved reports of NGD accounts being affected by this particular issue.

please elavorate.
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Old 04-07-2013, 05:49 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by chilko View Post
to our knowledge, this incident is related to GameSamba accounts.
we have not recieved reports of NGD accounts being affected by this particular issue.

please elavorate.

Please follow the link above about NGD hacked accounts:


The same user has made another thread in the General Discussion where you, yourself, have commented in. (Link: http://www.championsofregnum.com/for...ad.php?t=97440)

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Old 04-07-2013, 06:06 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by pauluzz View Post
Good news for the people involved!

Only the Title of this thread troubles me a bit. Afaik, NGD accounts got hacked as well.

Will their items be restored as well? One of them actually heard in a ticket that his items will not be restored...

But thanks for this message
Originally Posted by RicksaR View Post
I too would like some clarification whether this is also directed towards the NGD accounts that were equally hacked...
If you both are 100% sure about this, and thus, are 100% that these account were NOT accessed by other means (such as social engineering or any type of user-side responsibility issues) do not hesitate on opening up a ticket at www.championsofregnum.com/support providing every detail you're aware of.

Please keep in mind that mentioning such a delicate statement without any proof to back it up could end up being misleading for both NGD Studios and GameSamba users.

Onto items restoration, more info will be officially provided during the course of the week.

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Old 04-07-2013, 07:03 PM   #7
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I have made an elaborate ticket twice now and I get no help at all....

I have made 2 threads talking elaboratly about this, and i got no help at all....

The first ticket all i got was "sry u screwed" type of response... stating that restoring items is impossible yet somehow for gamesamba accounts everything is possible.

First Thread on the day I found out.

Second Thread where i elaborate further.

First Ticket: RGQ-575339

Second Ticket: KNU-386910

I repeat for the 10000000000000000th time i have never shared info, through any means possible ..... out of or ingame.

I am not the only NGD acc with this problem.
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Old 04-07-2013, 07:22 PM   #8
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there is no difference between NGD and GameSamba accounts.
we just didn't have tools to restore items before, now we do.

we still need help tracking how did this happen so please continue posting
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Old 04-07-2013, 08:45 PM   #9
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hey guys, just a question.
Will you be able to recover gold, wmc, ximerin and others or just items?

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Old 04-07-2013, 08:46 PM   #10
Join Date: Jan 2010
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Well like I said in previous threads, I have never in the almost 4 years of playing this game ever shared my information with anyone outside or inside the game, so how they got access is beyond me.

All my info that has to do with social sites (regnum facebook group etc), email are all different passwords so its impossible that someone used that to get access to my Regnum account.

I went out at 10pm friday night 29th March, I came back at 3am 30th March and logged in because friends of mine were saying that my chars were acting strange (expelling people from clan, insulting people, dumping all my gear in auction house).

So at 3am give or take i logged on...

All 6 of my chars were marked for deletion and had no gear on them on the selection screen. The hacker made 6 other lvl 1 chars with the same name so that i could not recover the original chars, all i got was "this name is in use".

I explained this to your support team, they deleted the lvl 1 duplicates and allowed me to recover the original chars that were marked for deletion.

After I recovered them I entered the game and all my chars were at the initiation zone with no gear, no gold, no quest jewlery, no magna, nothing.

Everything that could be deleted he deleted.

The next day i logged in and saw the commerce chat was full of low lvl chars (and some high lvl people) all showing my gear in the commerce chat.

They said they had bought my gear through the auction house for the lowest price possible.

So lvl 30s with epic lvl 60 gear, vesper gear, eve gear etc for dirt cheap.

I made various threads about this, I have sent 2 tickets about this.

I can´t make it any more clearer, this must be the 4th speech i´ve written about my case (nolifing pretty hard).

I repeat: never shared info, all my passes are different on social sites, emails etc.
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