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Old 08-01-2013, 10:14 AM   #1
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Exclamation Stop mag trading. It's ruined Syrtis.

I know this is going to be massively controversial. Especially with the players who spend all day trading to increase their wealth. But can you turn off mag trading please. It's made the prices for items massively over inflated. It's made a proportion of Syrtis play solely to increase their wealth. It demoralises the rest of the realm because they can never really afford any good gear. Who on their own could have collected 3000 mag? Defiantly not someone who's started in the last 2 or 3 years.

The more people I speak to the more people agree with me. The mag trading was a good idea in theory. But the few who hike up prices make the hole idea of trading with other players seem completely impossible. If you drop a good item then you might be able to sell it to them and get a couple of hundred mag. But you still wont be able to get anything reasonable in return.

Regnum has a big problem with player retention. The in game society is defiantly not helping the situation. If players are happier to trade items then people will stay for longer because they have more of an incentive to do so.

So that's my piece. All those of you who have crazy amounts of mag, or really OP gear feel free to rage away.
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Old 08-01-2013, 10:43 AM   #2
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Its is syrtis their own problem. If you guys want to fix this. Dont buy items anymore.. then soon or late the items will be cheaper and you can buy them.
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Old 08-01-2013, 11:21 AM   #3
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I agree with this. I am also against magnanite weapons being introduced in the first place. The fact that gold is near useless is the reason why the Auction Houses are dead. There is maybe 2 or 3 items that are useful in the AH each month, the rest is utter rubbish because people dont want gold for high value items - they want mags. I'm unsure as to why magna is worth so much anyway as the weapons they produce are no better than a good epic or legendary weapon imo. Manganite is the primary contributor to the dead AH's and the dead trading of items for gold.

Resolution: make magnanite untradeable and make the magnanite weapon quests require less mags.
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Old 08-01-2013, 11:40 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by ShadowForce View Post

Resolution: make magnanite untradeable and make the magnanite weapon quests require less mags.
Agree with this ,but is only people fault ,why they give so much maganas ? ... XD

I've seen even people paying ximerin for them ...this is brainless because magna weapons have only good look and bad stats ... in dont even think worth to collect so much magnas for a low stats item ...
Blue Angel lvl 60 lock,Red Devil lvl 52 conjurer, The-End lvl 60 barb,The End lvl 60 marks ,Sir Doran- Knight
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Old 08-01-2013, 12:18 PM   #5
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There are two sides of Magnantite trading.

On one side, it increased sales, as in virtual sales.(Not sure about NGD's revenue. I'd assume it did.). People trading, Magnantite weapons got created in a very short span.

On the other side, it re-began the non-official currency again. Gold became worthless within the first two weeks. Everyone hoarded Magnantites, the Auction House soon became extinct.

Not to mention, new players have a small chance to get that quantity. the price per Magnantite is unknown, it's made up by the players. I've seen 3 players so far who have 2 new Magnantite weapons, where each claimed to have collected the 7500 themselves( via trades and picking up rocks).

Jealousy? Of course I'm fucking jealous, I have no chance to "compete" with that. To trade Magnantites you need either good items(via xim boxes), Magnantite scrolls or run around rocks. Notice that, anyone who has a Magnantite weapon normally has more OP gear such as Boss jewellery or ximmed items.

I am not entirely against the idea, though I believe some re-hauling is needed in game as whole to solve this problem.

Am I speaking out of my ass? Probably, I'm hungry.
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Old 08-01-2013, 12:58 PM   #6
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I suggested ages ago that mag trading was a curse and ultimately destructive. I was solidly castigated for such a stance.
Times seem to slowly change and a few people begin to see what I saw from the very beginning.

Economics :

From the time you introduce a semi rare ,valuable quasi-currency object into a market where the economy is basically ruined due to massive devaluation of the official currency because of excess liquidity, you will have users running to the safe haven currency.
That would be magnanite.

A better approach should have been to add magnanite yes but,
1. make it much common and have more uses for it. In other words, have nodes which players can mine. The boosters would still work and actually, probably sell better.
2. Sap up the excess liquidity of gold to make it more scarce and thus, revaluing it. You do this by adding more sinks and lowering the gold holding cap.
NGD would then sell premium gold cap extensions via your stash. Yes, your stash should be able to hold gold. Your physical holdings, (the amount on your character) is severely limited. Your stash holding is across your account and available to all your toons.
3. Regulate the trading in magnanite by a NPC which sells it for gold. This is done by an equation which "floats" the exchange rate on a day by day basis.

The idea should not be to have a few rare items by such a system of rare ore.
It should be by a system of accumulating and assembling a large quantity of different common items ( which would be combined : aka crafted), thus disperse the valuation spread across many items and preventing price shocks and excessive price hikes concentrated on a single commodity.

NGD only have themselves to blame for this. They should have brought on board an economics student from a university, pay them on the cheap and get an economics plan in place.

note: some may say you can get around by making slave accounts to hold more gold. That is simply discouraged by having your gold bank increase by level. So you can't make an account with level 1 toons and hope to have a level 60 gold bank from the get go. You want a lvl 60 bank? You will have to grind a level 60 ( or buy one). Obviously a bank extension would be much cheaper.
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Old 08-02-2013, 05:09 PM   #7
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I don't like neither magna trading for items, but i would allow magna trading only through AH, for gold.
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Old 08-02-2013, 07:02 PM   #8
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As a newer player (started playing around 3 months back), I know the agony and the lack of healthy competitiveness caused by OP gear which are mostly traded in mags or xim. So, new players like me, have to wait for ages and ages to get enough mags with which we can buy good items.
As of xim-bought items, if I had so much of free cash flowing in my account, I'd be playing guild wars 2 or other such "market" games.

The point is, removing mags will not serve any purpose in making items be more available. If not mags, it would be xim and if not both, it would be high greedy amounts of gold or if nothing else, it would be back to barter system - give good items to get other good items.

Thus, I think the fault lies not with mags or xim or gold, but with players themselves. Greedy merchant-like players who are like vampires of game aside, the casual gamer has an important responsibility - NEVER OVERPAY. No matter how much you like the item and no matter how many mags/gold/xim you have, never overpay! I can't stress this point enough because when one player overpays, he/she is opening a huge door of inflation. The sellers get into habit of demanding over-price for items and this turns into a global routine.

So, if anybody likes an item, bargain for it and leave it if the price seems excess. Sellers would have no option but to lower their costs if nobody buys at over-priced listings.

A good example to demonstrate Greedy-Vampiristic mentality of sellers is - it happened in Alsius and still happens:
- Some good and wise players keep valuable items for sale in AH intending to help players who actually need the items. I saw a magical bracelet and bidded for it. Some asshole trader buyed it out and inturn he kept it in AH again for 10 times the original price. That is the level of greed here.
- Another day, I saw an off-hand sword in commerce which was priced at 10 mags. No one ever bought it and in 3 days, it came to 3 mags. Such is the level of inflation. An item worth 2-3 mags or 200-300k gold is often sold at a high inflated price of 9-10 mags or 900-1 million gold.

All of this makes trading sickening for new people like me, if not for my clan's support, I would be still using common merchant stuff thanks to greedy people who rip off. I still use a mediocre special gear even now (lvl 60 WM) and I'm quite happy with what I have. "I will neither over-price nor over-pay". If this kind of attitude is developed by most of players, the economics of this game will be better I believe.
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Old 08-02-2013, 08:27 PM   #9
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Cresto008, I tend to agree that the market and both buyers and sellers have their part in this.

However, it was not always this way. An environment was provided for such a system to grow.
Magnanite trading is one.
The rarity of decent drops is another.
Another one still is the direct and only proper revenue stream that NGD seems to generate from Xim boxes.
Yet another is the massive runaway inflation for lack of gold sinks and weapon sinks other than for gold. Not to mention a decent gold cap which would help to compress prices.

Most , if not all of these started becoming a real issue just around the time the level cap went to 60.

The environment is fertile for such a vampiric system as you call it to exist. All with the blessings of the developers who benefit from this. I dare say the construct is designed to force you to gamble on Premium boxes.
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Old 08-03-2013, 06:25 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by bois View Post
Magnanite trading is one.
The rarity of decent drops is another.
This +1 ,

In fact the main issue in game is not magnite himself ,magna become just a coin ,that become overpriced after auction house that boosted magna from 10k gold up to 80k-100k gold ,now auction house is empty just because gold has no more value at the moment.

In fact game become more than ever pay to win.And not in sense that you buy boxes,no belive me ,boxes are just russian roulette.I've bough a lots and never droped a decent item,just trash.

This factor ,for me as player that even try to spend lots o xime become horrible.No good items from boxes,and no good items from grind.

With this factors behind and with frustration that i can't have a good item to compete in game is born vampire players.In fact is by far easy to give 40k xime for a good item ,at a lucky user that drop good items from box system than waste 100k xime on boxes that drop trash.

The system himself has a flow,but there is damn complicated to adjust it.If all boxes will drop good items ,there will be inflation of good items.Not good again ,and not good business for NGD too.

Atm system advantage a lots players that spend hundreds of usd ,but also NGD ,because they benefits from xime sales.

This system is imposible to change ,the bad is done ,so like this RO become pay to win ....

If magnite will be erased ,nothing will change ,everything will go streght to xime exchange.Magnite system is the only alternative atm at xime exchange.
Blue Angel lvl 60 lock,Red Devil lvl 52 conjurer, The-End lvl 60 barb,The End lvl 60 marks ,Sir Doran- Knight
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