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Old 07-26-2015, 06:28 AM   #11
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Bumping this because I've been invited to many dragon raids (even though I don't speak much Spanish) in Ra since Alsius has gotten gems back. I've had to decline most invites by different people, because the last thing I want to do is be the reason the group fails the raid because I don't know the basics of fighting dragons (been wanting to do dragon raids in Haven for a year and 1/2, but the only lvl 60 toon I have in Haven is a hunter, so I've never been invited to one). Well I will be warmaster tomorrow when I get to 60, and even though I have my main war support WM setup planned out, apparently there is a specific setup that conjurers are supposed to have to do these dragon raids. After re-reading this thread, one thing that's missing is a basic setup guide for each subclass, and it would be greatly appreciated if anyone that has done dragon raids could provide links to generic setups for dragon instances for the sub-class or sub-classes they have used for these raid.

Alsius or nothing
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Old 07-26-2015, 08:33 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by MDpro View Post
Bumping this because I've been invited to many dragon raids (even though I don't speak much Spanish) in Ra since Alsius has gotten gems back. I've had to decline most invites by different people, because the last thing I want to do is be the reason the group fails the raid because I don't know the basics of fighting dragons (been wanting to do dragon raids in Haven for a year and 1/2, but the only lvl 60 toon I have in Haven is a hunter, so I've never been invited to one). Well I will be warmaster tomorrow when I get to 60, and even though I have my main war support WM setup planned out, apparently there is a specific setup that conjurers are supposed to have to do these dragon raids. After re-reading this thread, one thing that's missing is a basic setup guide for each subclass, and it would be greatly appreciated if anyone that has done dragon raids could provide links to generic setups for dragon instances for the sub-class or sub-classes they have used for these raid.
It's actually quite simple.

As a Conj get all the supportive auras you can get. Pylon, Mana com, area heals...
(if you need mass ress it is prolly a fail group anyway)
Also mass dispel if your mind blank works against dragon stomp (good knights also dispel conjus right after it)
Syn bond should definitly be higher than lvl 1. Keeping knights and barbs mana up is quite important.
Also the conjus should set an order for the pylons before the fight so you don't overlap them (just like knight auras).
Other than you just have to keep buffs up like bless weapon and keep the people alive in your party.

You don't even have to be lvl 60 for this. I have done this with a lvl 52 conj.

Since you don't speak spanish i don't know if you will get in a good group tbh. I was only "lucky" enough to get invited once in a random group on RA and they didn't know what to do at all. It's prolly just those groups who don't invite randoms that can kill dragons.

This is what i would probably use with lvl 60 wm http://www.regnumsentinel.com/t2ip/
the last 18 points in self protection (heals,buffs) or whatever you think you need.
Skity - Ra
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Old 07-26-2015, 09:03 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Hayir View Post
It's actually quite simple.

As a Conj get all the supportive auras you can get. Pylon, Mana com, area heals...
(if you need mass ress it is prolly a fail group anyway)
Also mass dispel if your mind blank works against dragon stomp (good knights also dispel conjus right after it)
Syn bond should definitly be higher than lvl 1. Keeping knights and barbs mana up is quite important.
Also the conjus should set an order for the pylons before the fight so you don't overlap them (just like knight auras).
Other than you just have to keep buffs up like bless weapon and keep the people alive in your party.

You don't even have to be lvl 60 for this. I have done this with a lvl 52 conj.

Since you don't speak spanish i don't know if you will get in a good group tbh. I was only "lucky" enough to get invited once in a random group on RA and they didn't know what to do at all. It's prolly just those groups who don't invite randoms that can kill dragons.

This is what i would probably use with lvl 60 wm http://regnumsentinel.com/t2im.
the last 10 points in self protection (heals,buffs) whatever you think you need.
Thanks a lot for the advice, although when I click on your link, it says "404 page not found"... But this gives me a good idea of what changes to make to my war setup for dragon raids. I'm guessing DI is useless due to all dragon attacks doing damage anyway, and Mat Wall is useless because dragons do mostly magic dmg? Also, since I'm guessing anything that needs to be dispelled is probably done to the whole group and not one person... Just having mass dispel is good enough, and points I had invested in dispel magic can be used for something else? I assume mana pylon and mana communication should both be lvl 5, and of course bless weapon should be.

Edit- Your link is working now.

Alsius or nothing

Last edited by MDpro; 07-28-2015 at 04:14 AM.
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