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Old 07-25-2008, 07:26 PM   #1
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Thumbs up Road to invasions #1: Decisions about the Realm Chat

Invasion development is a very important challenge which requires performing a series of changes and adjustments to several game mechanics and balance. As a part of this process, we will be communicating these changes with the proper clarifications.

Regnum is one of the few massive games that have a global chat as big as the Realm Chat.

Even if you find several positive features to this chat, let me say that this was a transitory solution to the low amount of players that Regnum had when we started the project due to the big distances that had to be covered for a player to find other.

Let me tell you some of the negative aspects of the Realm Chat:
· LAG: To have all chat messages delivered to every player of a realm involves more server processing power and higher bandwidth consumption.

· Spamming: These kinds of messages are commonly useless and disturbing.

· Making the world smaller: As communication is based in instant messaging in global measures, moving around the map has a lower value threatening real meeting points that could be used to chat, commerce, etc.
Therefore, considering that today we have a proper quantity of players, we chose this decision:

Realm Chat will only be available inside the Realm (inside the great wall) and in the War Zone, the only way to communicate will be general chat, the Clan and private groups or chats.

Results we want to achieve:
· Less LAG: A lower consumption of server resources and bandwidth in the War Zone.

· Make Clans more powerful and important: Being the only way to communicate globally, Clans will be more valuable, their organization will be more important and have a big Clan will imply being in touch with people from all around the world.

· Better spaciousness: If someone is talking to you will be because he/she is near and doing the same thing as you.
We hope that you understand that this is a deeply thought decision and devoted to a substantial game enhancement. Soon we will announce some features to provide a better feedback in the War Zone besides the chat.

You can test this new method in the experimental server (Amun).


NGD Studios.
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Old 07-25-2008, 07:43 PM   #2
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It's the way to go imho :
  • Clans will be more useful (i'm clanless currently because i've no use of it, i really consider joining one if this change is implemented)
  • Parties will be more useful


It causes one problem... the fastest way to know if some forts are taken is to ask in realm chat, so we need to know the fort/castles status with that change.
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Old 07-25-2008, 07:44 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by sathilda

It causes one problem... the fastest way to know if some forts are taken is to ask in realm chat, so we need to know the fort/castles status with that change.
Don't you worry about that (Coming soon)
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Old 07-25-2008, 07:46 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by niclam
Don't you worry about that (Coming soon)


Going to post it in the spanish forum.

We luv you! We luv all ngd!
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Old 07-25-2008, 07:54 PM   #5
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I agree with her.

It could work if everybody knows everybody. Personally, the realm chat has forced me to learn a couple of spanish words. Which is nice in a way. But not to be able to know what's happening in the WarZone puts everyone to a disadvantage, except the enemies. Clan work? Not all clans have their watches synchronised for the sake of protecting the realm. General, I wish. Sometimes I go to the beach and see no one. Have no one in clan to chat with, and there are only but chatters in CS. Then I spot some peeps (enemies) going to the castle = me dead. Without being able to announce enemies passing by pp (or wherever) how can we cooperativeness? Does that mean everyone has to party with everyone just to be able to talk? It's going to be the same if that's so. It's like a private realm chat but Huge numbers. Furthermore, I believe this will even separate the English community from the spanish community. Realm chat is the only way we all communicate.

The intentions are cool. But the results? I don't know yet.
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Old 07-25-2008, 08:02 PM   #6
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Well my inital thoughts are that this really sucks.

Me and Valour were just on Amun, his first response was; "I feel alienated."

This is just going to really hamper fort war co-ordination.

I can understand the reasons for this, but I don't know if this is quite the way it should be done.

What about having seperate inner realm and wz realm chats? When you're in the inner realm you only see realm chat from other people in the inner realm - and vice versa when you're in the wz, you only see chat from other people in the wz.

But what do I know, might cause more lag.

And another thing - This could mean that if you're in a small clan then you may need to disband and join a big clan just to have any idea what's going on. I can see that the all the big clans in each realm e.g Inq, The Legends getting bigger and bigger.
RA / Hor... Haven?

Last edited by Mattdoesrock; 07-25-2008 at 08:22 PM.
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Old 07-25-2008, 08:32 PM   #7
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Killing global realm chat is step one to invasions? I don't really care if that chat is gone but this is step one?

One would think that balancing out the numbers in each realm would be step one.
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Old 07-25-2008, 08:39 PM   #8
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I agree with pheonix and matt. killing realm chat will be killing the realm. no communications. If only we cud have more than 8 ppl in a party..NGD, killing realm chat is a very bad idea...

Just one part i dont get:
· Better spaciousness: If someone is talking to you will be because he/she is near and doing the same thing as you. ????whats that mean???
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Old 07-25-2008, 08:43 PM   #9
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There will be ways to ask for help, and realm balance will be enhanced too.

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Old 07-25-2008, 08:57 PM   #10
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im really unsure how its going to be. The alienation matt mentioned sounds likely, gonna be like a fog of war.
Steering the war and socializing in the realm chat is really a good thing.

I would prefer that just inner and outer realm chat gets separated.

NGD always changes things so drastically...

btw, the LAG argument sounds like the terrorist arguments that politicans use to sell their new laws to the public.

Anyway im not really against it, as i can see some of the points. People will adapt the change.

One thing would be awesome: give us a way to figure if the dragon did spawn
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