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Old 10-13-2008, 04:54 PM   #91
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Guaranteeing a fair fight is never possible, that's true... And I don't even want to accuse Syrtis for staying there... I can only say that when we zerged Syrtis before (yes that happened, i know - even if in my opinion it has not been as much as you had yesterday) I always got bored really quick and left. In the last days you have always been more. But only MORE is not the problem if the teamwork is good...

I wasn't there anymore when you "got zerged" by Alsius, but for me this is really hard to believe. Alsius has 21 lvl 50s; 12 of them are Tyr's Zorn players. I've been the only Tyrs yesterday and I left. And my frienslist has been almost empty... It maybe right, but I guess you might at least understand why I hesitate to trust you with that...
Kinsa(50)/Lohara(50)/Atemi(50) - Horus

Last edited by kinsa11; 10-13-2008 at 06:37 PM.
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Old 10-13-2008, 05:32 PM   #92
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W T F is this nonsense?

We cannot and most of all WILL not promise anyone a "not-zerging" fight, and do not expect anything like that in return. As much as I hate many of my realm mates and as much as I would like to send them off running to their own deaths, this whole """fairness""" and """honor""" on Horus is really getting on my fucking nerves.

This game has one fucking thing going for it and one thing alone: This free-for-all kill-anything-that-moves type of area, where anything goes, no rules. Sure, some things can be expected out of common courtesy, but even that can only be expected to some extend.

The WZ is meant to be a terrifying place, not a frigging chess club where we fight at pre-determined face-offs to test our skills. There is no samurai honor in this game, try somewhere else. This game is kill or be killed. If you don't like that, you got the wrong game.
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Old 10-13-2008, 05:52 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by Miraculix
W T F is this nonsense?

We cannot and most of all WILL not promise anyone a "not-zerging" fight, and do not expect anything like that in return. As much as I hate many of my realm mates and as much as I would like to send them off running to their own deaths, this whole """fairness""" and """honor""" on Horus is really getting on my fucking nerves.

This game has one fucking thing going for it and one thing alone: This free-for-all kill-anything-that-moves type of area, where anything goes, no rules. Sure, some things can be expected out of common courtesy, but even that can only be expected to some extend.

The WZ is meant to be a terrifying place, not a frigging chess club where we fight at pre-determined face-offs to test our skills. There is no samurai honor in this game, try somewhere else. This game is kill or be killed. If you don't like that, you got the wrong game.
Mira, don't bash Kinsa for saying these things, and I don't even know if this is directed to her or not. She is the type that hates zerging from both ends, and what we did was level alt. characters, because it was the thing to do at the time. Mira, I am completely with you on your view of the wz too.
Refetan 60 barb, Schlong 59 lock - Haven Syrtis
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Old 10-13-2008, 05:57 PM   #94
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Last night it was like 1 to 2 (maybe 2 1/2), we had a load of high-levels
and almost beat the 'zerg' on our 3rd attempt.

We also could have defended Aggers properly to begin with!
It was not a big surprise that syrtis attacked us after we got beat down trying to get Herberd.
In fact i think we would have sent a lot of them back to their save doing so.

There is a lot of 'zerg mentality' in Alsuis too, im sickened by it.
Most of them havent even seen a real zerg and they are the first to whine when our numbers are low.

When we have 12-15 players, two go afk(for a long time)
and everyone is supposed to wait, comon why not try to do something fun with players we have instead.
The best way to get more player is usaly to make it fun and appealing, standing idle for 20 min waiting for one or two players is not fucking ok.

Constant whining how few we are, even with full party of high-levels, we cant do this we cant do nothing right? Bullshit!
Sure we seriously lack conjurers but still we can fight pretty hard even if dont last as long (nub conjus level hard you will be very appreciated in WZ).

When you are outnumbered, you need to make small goals to step by step wear your opponents down, not necessarily go for the fort capture directly.
Leaving is not the solution unless everyone walk away and especially not until a full hearted attempt to take the fort back been made, which none can say we did last night.
By the time reinforcements came (after two bad attempts) an equal amount of players had already left or given up, comical if you ask me especially since the 3rd attempt was the only one worth mentioning.

I really find the ‘hiding’ on fort walls and fort door jumping laughable when your numbers are 2 to 1 or more (applies for all realms).
Some players promote this play style to absurdum and consider anyone not ‘obeying it’ rp-whores or noobs.
Really get your head out of your ass’s people, stop hiding and start playing the game.

From now on i want to see more Alsius spirit less whining and less fixation on the number of players available.
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Old 10-13-2008, 07:06 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by Miraculix
W T F is this nonsense?

We cannot and most of all WILL not promise anyone a "not-zerging" fight, and do not expect anything like that in return. As much as I hate many of my realm mates and as much as I would like to send them off running to their own deaths, this whole """fairness""" and """honor""" on Horus is really getting on my fucking nerves.

This game has one fucking thing going for it and one thing alone: This free-for-all kill-anything-that-moves type of area, where anything goes, no rules. Sure, some things can be expected out of common courtesy, but even that can only be expected to some extend.

The WZ is meant to be a terrifying place, not a frigging chess club where we fight at pre-determined face-offs to test our skills. There is no samurai honor in this game, try somewhere else. This game is kill or be killed. If you don't like that, you got the wrong game.
Even if I think the quality of your argumentation has room for improvement, i agree with your quintessence. I don't like that cuddling and honor thing as well, i hate those pvp nights and if they are not going to be over soon then... eeehh, well, i guess my areas will speak for themselves then.

But the point is that it's only real fun if the realms almost have the same numbers otherwise there is no challenge at all. And Refe, I know you just want to protect me or something but it's not really correct what you say: I'm not against zerging. The WZ is a place that doesn' t have any rules and that's what I like about it.

But I've seen both sides and I have to say that I'm just bored if there is no challenge at all. And I always wonder if nobody else thinks that way. But - as I said before - that's just what I think about it.

I don't even know if your post was supposed to be a reply to mine... well if it was I guess I expressed myself a little unclear before...
Kinsa(50)/Lohara(50)/Atemi(50) - Horus
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Old 10-13-2008, 10:26 PM   #96
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I also have to agree with the points made above.

I don't want to offend those who like it, but I am not a fan of formalized pvp. Almost all other games have that. What makes RO special, at least for me, is that there is freeform RvR combat with some larger group objectives (forts, and later invasions).

I know I made the point earlier that maybe there could be an inter-realm arena in the wz. But now I think even that would be too much if it draws people away from RvR in the war zone.

Perhaps there could be one or two nights a month where there is formal (as in designed into the game by NGD) inter-realm pvp. Anything more than that is changing the nature of the game, imho.

But as always, people will vote with their feet.
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Old 10-13-2008, 11:47 PM   #97
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I was thinking about this today, and if you really stop and think about it; hunters are the ones who get most of the pvp. Whether the enemy likes it or not, but this is part of the hunter's class makeup. Pvp's are fun to do, but like Gideon said I think it needs to be somewhat limited.

I do think it would be cool if maybe one day a week we could teleport to the pvp island. I have been there before, and almost all know it exist. That way people could have a week to think about who they wanted to pvp, and get their setups ready. Truly, a pvp laden setup is very unfair for one that doesn't have their setup for pvp. It's one of the reasons I don't like it much, because you never know who has actually gone to the trainer to setup for pvp; while others have not, and have their war zone setup.

I know a lot of you don't want to hear this, but I really do think some limit on the reset powers function would cut down on all of this pvp. I don't think it should be limited too much, but I do think there should be a "slight" limit on how many times you can reset.

Also, I think that making the forts/castles mean something would vastly attract players to fort wars, and thus pvp could be reduced even further. I don't know; I think a lot of these functions are coming, but they just take time to implement. So, in the meantime I guess we are stuck with this pvp type stuff.

There is another idea on how to cut down on the pvp's, and that would be to just wreck the pvp's. I know most people get really offended, but sometimes direct action is the way to stop something. It just depends on who wants to be the bitch that wrecks the pvp's, and honestly I have a hard time doing that to other players.

So, I guess we can sit back, and see how this whole situation shakes out.
Refetan 60 barb, Schlong 59 lock - Haven Syrtis
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Old 10-14-2008, 08:31 AM   #98
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Originally Posted by bigjim
I know a lot of you don't want to hear this, but I really do think some limit on the reset powers function would cut down on all of this pvp. I don't think it should be limited too much, but I do think there should be a "slight" limit on how many times you can reset.
From what I've seen most PvPs on Horus have been where both combatants are in their WZ skill sets, which for me is the only true way to PvP IMO.
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Old 10-15-2008, 09:18 AM   #99
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Originally Posted by Gravat
From what I've seen most PvPs on Horus have been where both combatants are in their WZ skill sets, which for me is the only true way to PvP IMO.
Which to me makes no sense at all. Come on, configuring my hunter with classical scouting setup won't help me in a PvP. It's just points you will lack for defense or attack vs a class that don't have such things.
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Old 10-15-2008, 09:24 AM   #100
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Originally Posted by gph
Which to me makes no sense at all. Come on, configuring my hunter with classical scouting setup won't help me in a PvP. It's just points you will lack for defense or attack vs a class that don't have such things.
WZ setup PvPs are the only ones that will teach you anything, or have any substance for when you are in the WZ IMO. Unless of course you roam the WZ with your PvP build.

Say you are running around with your WZ build to a fort, and you run into someone solo hunting, then the PvP experience will help. If you've been pvping with a PvP skill set, how will that experience help at all?
Pride Greed Gluttony Wrath Envy Lust Sloth
There's no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.
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