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Old 08-27-2010, 12:07 PM   #91
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agree, it's great that ppl can't evade/resist/block under knock but the stacking must be removed then.
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Old 08-27-2010, 12:24 PM   #92
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When knocked down they're should be a minus 30-50% you can evade/resist/block. And you shouldn't be able to evade/resist/block anything while resting.
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Old 08-27-2010, 12:42 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by Tsuku View Post
chilko, please take note of when those conjurers are online.

I speak for Syrtis/Horus that there's more than 15 conjurers camping bosses like Vesper and Evendim and only log in once in 2 days or 4 days (whatever the spawn time is) to kill it... some I've never seen at war.

I know Conju's grinding speed is too fast, but please dont mistake bosswhores with real supporting conjurers.
In fact i am agree with thuku at this point...lots of people lvl-up one conj because at least when played in syrtis for one year they droped moust of time at vesper.
They just parked conj there and played him when was "Vespy time".
(duno old sytem of drop if there was "by contribution" or was generated by system's RNG.
To balance this are more points:
-balance more drop system at dragons ...all classes to have same chance.
(to be random for all classes "only at dragon")
-as i told before move all defencive spells like (beetle swarm) to another tree.Troble are not the spells(duration or effects) troble is how they are organized by trees.

All this changes:
-duration of one spell;
-cast speed;
-new spells;
-atack speed;
Is not old system balance.In fact come with a new total gameplay(new game)what need a new rebalance.
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Old 08-27-2010, 01:10 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by chilko View Post
hello everyone here goes:

Re-designed Summon tree

We always wanted summons to be different than just pets. At last we had the time to tackle this issue.

There are three premises behind this new concept
  1. Summons should be cast during combat to change the tide of battle (not as a pet)
  2. Summons should be different
  3. All summons are usable at level 50.
AWW, you finally change the levels the summons can be used to 50. Too bad that I froze my conj ...

I’m not going to take the time to explain all changes because they are not final but take a look if you want.
Damage, graphics, cooldowns, mana, etc have NOT BEEN ADJUSTED YET.

  • Beast Wrath: reduced damage bonus to 5% to 25% from level 1 to 5.
with the low damage of pets now I think it's pretty much even more worthless to skill.
  • Army of One: Mana reduced to 220-300 from level 1 to 5. Cooldown reduced to 50 seconds.
like it, but I liked it with 60 seconds CD, too
  • Unstoppable Madness: Duration reduced to 10 seconds in all levels. New resistance added: cannot attack.
    Resistance levels adjusted to 40% to 90% from level 1 to 5. Maná reduced to 220-300. Cooldown reduced to 40 seconds.
    Please don’t say that this is not good enough to cover the distance, Barbarians can run around 50 mts in 10 seconds (and that is without spring)
imo UM should still be a 100% spell while it's only got a 10 second duration.
and why the same mana cost for a 10 seconds spell as for a 15 second spell (I think AoO and UM can be put on the same lvl)
if it's without spring then ALL classes (yes. mages, too) can run 50 mts in 10 seconds, since they all got the same speed... so, if the enemy just turns around and runs for 10 seconds UM will be off again.

  • Defensive and Offensive Stance: Mana cost removed completely. Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds. Global Cooldown changed to very short.
    (We are analyzing if we make the duration of this skills infinite.)
please, make them like RA! they'd be pretty useful if they were to be activated/deactivated
  • Winter Stroke: increased range to 35m.
didn't use it that often, but since the range in general is increased I think this is the right thing to do
  • Intimidate: casting time removed. Range is mow 12m.
should work better now, hope that a knight's able to catch up like this I'll still miss Spring for knights though
  • BUG FIX: Now Rigorous preparation affects Miss Chance as it should.
will test this later
  • BUG FIX: Damage reduction of hard creatures is working as intended now.
will test this later, too
  • BUG FIX: Now Characters cannot Evade, Block or Resist when knocked down or stunned.
+1, but I think resists should still be possible...
  • BUG FIX: Pets damage is now adjusted according to the owner’s level (for example a level 5 Zarkit from a level 37 Conjurer was doing damage as if the conjurer was level 50)
whoot, another +1 from me
  • POSSIBLE BUG FIX: A couple of bugs fixes on the network code (thanks Enio for the video. please test again to see if we nailed these ones)
I hope it's better now
my thoughts about this are blueeee
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Old 08-27-2010, 02:04 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by HidraA View Post
To balance this are more points:
-balance more drop system at dragons ...all classes to have same chance.
(to be random for all classes "only at dragon")
+1. everyone who manages to earn exp should have an equal chance to get the dorp. i think its total BS that barbs and conjurers get the drops 99% of the time.

however this has nothing to do with the thread... just wanted to throw that in there
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Old 08-27-2010, 02:07 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by bois View Post
As far as I see, (could be wrong here) Knight areas would be worth 0 if the army got knocked. Those areas lift the specific resistances of the players in the area. If your resistance will be 0, X% + resist of 0 will be zero. Let me know if I am wrong.
I think the resist is only meant as spell resists, not damage resists (what the knight's auras are)
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Old 08-27-2010, 02:11 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by chilko View Post
hello everyone here goes:

Re-designed Summon tree

We always wanted summons to be different than just pets. At last we had the time to tackle this issue.

There are three premises behind this new concept
  1. Summons should be cast during combat to change the tide of battle (not as a pet)
  2. Summons should be different
  3. All summons are usable at level 50.

I’m not going to take the time to explain all changes because they are not final but take a look if you want.
Damage, graphics, cooldowns, mana, etc have NOT BEEN ADJUSTED YET.
I love this new concept in general. Of course it isnt finished yet as you said, numbers arent fine but the 3 basic ideas of summons are great.

Beast Wrath: reduced damage bonus to 5% to 25% from level 1 to 5.
Good. 25% are still a nice bonus but it isnt a must have spell as before.

Army of One: Maná reduced to 220-300 from level 1 to 5. Cooldown reduced to 50 seconds.
Nice. I would even prefer ~220 mana on 5, remember, it was 500 for 50 seconds, now its 300 for 10.

Unstoppable Madness: Duration reduced to 10 seconds in all levels. New resistance added: cannot attack.
Resistance levels adjusted to 40% to 90% from level 1 to 5. Maná reduced to 220-300. Cooldown reduced to 40 seconds.
Please don’t say that this is not good enough to cover the distance, Barbarians can run around 50 mts in 10 seconds (and that is without spring)
Nice basic concept but mana costs are too high (as for ao1) and i think it should have 100% chance. 10% chance of hitting, what for? Its intended that barbs under um should be only stopped by slowing down, 10% of failure just sucks for the warrior.

Denfensive and Ofensive Stance: Mana cost removed completely. Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds. Global Cooldown changed to very short.
(We are analyzing if we make the duration of this skills infinite.)
I LOVE THIS! My grind is now receiving around 23 dmg from fast attacking mobs while dealing 50 with ds, without receiving 60 and dealing 60. Im looking very forward to play him in war.

Winter Stroke: increased range to 35m.

Intimidate: casting time removed. Range is mow 12m.

BUG FIX: Now Rigorous preparation affects Miss Chance as it should.
Hm not many misses when i tested it on mobs but ill have to do a better test later.

BUG FIX: Now Characters cannot Evade, Block or Resist when knocked down or stunned.
Hm i think it should be -100% of the basic chance. So if i use escaptist i lose my normal evade chance when knocked but not the effect of the spell. Same for sotw or blocking skills.

BUG FIX: Pets damage is now adjusted according to the owner’s level (for example a level 5 Zarkit from a level 37 Conjurer was doing damage as if the conjurer was level 50)

I love everything youve done beside some numbers, good job!
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Old 08-27-2010, 02:14 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by _Enio_ View Post
I dont understand that frustration, this change is way less "buffing" then the old version. On live you are way more Buff dependant, or rather CD dependant.
What are you talking about?
Those changes=more buffing. If you don't know the new skill fulminating is a new buff, UM is the same buff that perhaps has to be casted (if you can, mana is a problem) more times. Those are facts, more buffs=More buffs.

Now you just buff Berzerk, maybe Magnification and/or tfb and your ready, depending on situation you add what you need. You actually can react way better on what happens instead of taking all beforehand and then hope for the right situation.
If you go with berserk and magnification good luck, but try to watch the number of buffs that practically all barbarians use.
¿What is this reaction situation?, practically all my powers are buffs, ¿How I react to a pricking ivy or an ambush?, I don't have any reactive skill. If you think for a moment practically the class has passed only two changes of skills and a nerf to damage, ¿you really think that the gameplay of the class has changed?, I only see that I can react in the battlefield the same or worse than before.

The most Important buff you were forced to wait for now is incredibly short, always ready for a charge and even resists to beetle and stunning fist. Fulminating allows you to do good damage even when not buffed up till under the sleeves. (If you dont like Fulminating just dont skill it, you can do very well without it. Its situational use and the need to setup its use well to not waste it to a cc or just out of range makes it less of an must have skill imo.)
Oh, yes, cooldown is less, but duration is also less. I have 10 seconds to try to get out of the fort (if the fucking gate lets me), get a position, cast an area and...
Run to so some archers, oh, wait, low profiles, god modes, etc, UM is over and my barb is game over.
Or simply, the run a bit and voila, you are in balls.

Go get used to the new stuff! It really is fun once you adapted to the fresh dynamics.
The same gameplay as before but with one more boring buff, more buffing, more vulnerability to control skills, more vulnerability knocked and less healing.
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Old 08-27-2010, 02:20 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by _Enio_ View Post
Dont compare apples with oranges Son of the wind might have too long duration, however Archers have less damage than Barbarians.

UM is not broken on Amun. Anyway i cant explain that now, you just have to test Amun and you see how powerful UM now is in PvP when you use in a good moment.
Less damage, more defenses and they normally have more damage per second.
Ah, no, it's not broken , I can have some fun in the colisseum...
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