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General discussion Topics related to various aspects of Champions of Regnum

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Old 08-05-2011, 10:30 PM   #91
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Hi Chilko,

I would like to show you a post I've just read on GameSamba forums, that could help you to understand why these "hundreds of potential users" try this game and leave it in less than a week.

It starts like this:
Originally Posted by venus2010
Let me start off by saying this is a great F2P game.

How great it is going to be depends on the community and the devs.

[blablabla="look mine is bigger than yours, well known as argument from authority"]

I am an exp MMO gamer , EQ pvp 4 years ( beta tester) , DAOC 5 years , EQ2 pvp 4 years , AOC 6 months, ( beta tester)War Hammer 6 months, Alpha Tester Rift 3 months.. canceled account lol worst pay 2 play MMO ever.


i will just list the things i see that are either not user friendly or could use some love.
And you can find at point 4, his point of view about that specific question:
Originally Posted by venus2010
4.)Right now this MMO is END game only which leaves you to wonder why more people are not playing it... its not enough eye candy , not enough action , not enough ppl to group with , which all fingers point back to the GRIND and boredom that sits in . As a person outside of the BOX , you look at this and thing...hmm why would you want to sit down for 4 weeks and grind this out to finally get into the action and figure you don't like it? or will the person grinding just say forget it.. im not doing this at all and never return. Remember the consumer that buys premium stuff ? You need to keep the potential clients on the game long enough... more action , less grind.. You can always tweak the system later after you have a substantial player base ...ok ... then you can slow the lvl progression down.
I know you already reduced the experience curve, made scrolls of mastery for lvl 30 and 45, +500% exp booster. But it still lacks of RvR contents for low levels who start to play Regnum and cannot yet play in warzone, because they will get killed in 1 second.

One day, you talked about a special island on the map (or an arena, I don't remember exactly) exclusively made for low level warring. Is it still in the todo list or did you give up that idea?

I think it's the best idea to keep the new comers for a bit longer time, and increase your players retention at low level.

If no Game Master from GameSamba has already linked to you this review, here is the thread:
> http://www.gamesamba.com/forum/viewt...hp?f=56&t=2233
[troll mode: on] nothing about jump [troll mode: off]
Nel's VidZ
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Old 08-05-2011, 11:45 PM   #92
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 892
chilko is on a distinguished road

there is now an official testing thread about jumping, please use that one to report bugs and issues.

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