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Old 01-27-2008, 12:53 PM   #101
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Originally Posted by trash
Surely if marks didn't have more firepower or defence than a hunter of the same level, we would simply be hunters without pets, tracking,
Marks 1 lvl lower than me:
Evade tear apart,
Evade dual shot,
evade normal hit,
evade ensaring,
Evade dual shot,
and than he put sotw. Yeah. Poor marks :>
In the future we will jump!
<DkySven> the big problem with balance discussions on the Regnum forum is that a lot of people just suck at playing their class
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Old 01-27-2008, 12:53 PM   #102
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Originally Posted by asdfghs
The 10% rule for xp is a pain for conjurers, yes. But I don't think that 2% rule for rp causes that much problems. Xzorstlok is #30 on the rp ranking list and Lord Victor is #10. I don't how supporting Lord Victor is, but Xzor is full support.
If Xzor is only 30th (in fact i see he isnt anymore in the general ranking) is because i didnt play him much for a while but when i connect him for some battles in Pinos i still earn many RPs probably much more than every one else on the field so i really don't see any reason to whine about rps.

For XP i can't really tell since i leveled long time ago before the contribution limit (which is a very good feature IMHO) but many of my friends leveled a conjurers and they always had good xp amount with support setup so once again people whining should perhaps see if another way of playing it may not be more rewardful. They maybe also should try some other class like knight to see wether there are really the ones that should whine about rp/xp.
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Old 01-27-2008, 06:37 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by wakim42
If Xzor is only 30th (in fact i see he isnt anymore in the general ranking) is because i didnt play him much for a while but when i connect him for some battles in Pinos i still earn many RPs probably much more than every one else on the field so i really don't see any reason to whine about rps.

For XP i can't really tell since i leveled long time ago before the contribution limit (which is a very good feature IMHO) but many of my friends leveled a conjurers and they always had good xp amount with support setup so once again people whining should perhaps see if another way of playing it may not be more rewardful. They maybe also should try some other class like knight to see wether there are really the ones that should whine about rp/xp.
Yes Xzor RP's are working fine. From clan feedback, I heard there seems to be a problem with XP though. They still get XP but lower than before. Low enough for them to find soloing much faster than group leveling.

I think Magnet's assessment is a step forward in solving the problem. However, I think Spud's assessment on where the warjurer problem started isn't entirely correct.

Warjurers have always been there. Even when there were giant parties at Algaros and Alsius Beach warjurers have been abundant. That was way before the XP nerf. Back then, I was playing a hybrid setup. Very few were actually full support.

I think it boils down to the type of players who come to play this game. This game is primarily a war game, and players who come to play this are out to find a good challenging fight. It's only natural that some players who pick conjurers would still want to deal damage and go for the front lines.

Eventually, some learned that playing full-support reaped many benefits:
  1. They remained alive longer and died less.
  2. They could haul more RP and XP than a warjurer.
  3. More players actually wanted to team up with them.

Even then, only a few went for a full support approach, primarily because of the type of players they were. They entered Regnum to enjoy fighting against others. To fight here means to deal as much damage as possible and kill an enemy player. It's not a bad thing, they simply chose the wrong class.

Some of you may say: "they should have chosen a warlock". But a conjurer sounds way better on paper. I mean how many classes can get a pet, heal itself and that pet, regenerate mana, level insanely fast, have a respectable amount of defense and still deal a fair amount of damage when combined with a pet? To a newbie, a conjurer sounds like a great well rounded, all around class.

To prove that point, there was even a time when Syrtis actually became a conjurer realm. There were so many conjurers. More than half of a fort battle group sometimes comprised of mid-level conjurers, and of these conjurers, only 2 or 3 were full support. This was still before the XP nerf. I sometimes dropped off a group because I thought that there were too many conjurers and really few tanks and damage-dealers.

So where are they now? Probably got frustrated when they realized they picked the wrong class and left the game. Maybe they simply got bored of the game or grew tired of the bugs and left. Many of the warjurers and conjurers have also started creating alternate characters, a lot of them started archers or barbs. The way I see it, these players simply want to do what they've always wanted to do in the game, and that is to fight, deal damage and kill. They can't do that with their conjurers so they simply moved on so they can have fun. Some of them simply grew tired of being 50, and sought after the challenge of learning and leveling another class. I for one created a knight a few weeks before they nerfed the damage, but that's a totally different story.

Now here is where Spud is correct. The XP nerf , combined with more people getting less warzone experience with the mob relocation means that more will fail to realize the benefits for themselves and the team if they simply support. The limited number of good spells and the number of bugged ones isn't helping either.

As for the alleged conjurer vs RO community thing, I think that conflict is non-existent. The only flames I have heard directed to a full support conjurer came from another warjurer. Full support conjurers are generally loved, respected and welcomed readily by the majority.

There is however a warjurer vs RO community conflict hence all the whining, flames and rudeness which lead to most of them going on strike. Full support conjurers did so well for their teams that they created a standard, one that any non-conjurer would wish every conjurer to be like.

Unfortunately, a vast majority of conjurers are warjurers, and it all boils down to the fact that they entered the game to fight. Again its not a bad thing for them, they just wanted to play the way they want (which is their right), but other players found this unsatisfactory. Eventually they grow tired and either quit the game or start another character.

Magnet's solution (bring the spell effect countdown to what it was before so that conjurers can get the same amount of XP as before) will help limit the problem and create more support conjurers. I know some conjurers are plainly in it because they want to help, but the current XP problems is making it difficult for them to level and become competitive and powerful enough for war. Solve the XP problems and some new warjurers may learn about the benefits and convert to support roles. But even then, if history has anything to say, warjurers are here to stay.
On Regnum Sabbatical
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Old 01-27-2008, 08:38 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by e30ernest
Now here is where Spud is correct. The XP nerf , combined with more people getting less warzone experience with the mob relocation means that more will fail to realize the benefits for themselves and the team if they simply support. The limited number of good spells and the number of bugged ones isn't helping either.
You capsulized exactly what I was trying to say about the how the exp narf adds to the impasse we face today in RO with having a (pure) conj shortage.

Also it should be noted that the exp narf only adds to the breeding of more warjurers, something that those who claimed that conj's were leaching exp failed to realize.

Originally Posted by e30ernest
As for the alleged conjurer vs RO community thing, I think that conflict is non-existent.
If you go back and read my first post, on page 8, you will see that i stated that the conj vs RO community conflict was stemmed from the warjurer mentality, something that you seem to comment on, for example:

Originally Posted by e30ernest
The only flames I have heard directed to a full support conjurer came from another warjurer... There is however a warjurer vs RO community conflict hence all the whining, flames and rudeness which lead to most of them going on strike.
But unlike most of the RO community I don't look at warjurers as a bad thing, because most have the ability to heal and give mana.

And since warjurers have always outnumbered pure conj's 50 to1, I think the best bet for the RO community is to try and get along with the warjurer and lower their expectations on what a true conj's duty is.

For as it stands now all the mechanisms in this game that would support the budding (pure) conj (path to exp in grouping, players to group with and probably more) are all but gone.

Originally Posted by e30ernest
Magnet's solution (bring the spell effect countdown to what it was before so that conjurers can get the same amount of XP as before) will help limit the problem and create more support conjurers... Solve the XP problems and some new warjurers may learn about the benefits and convert to support roles. But even then, if history has anything to say, warjurers are here to stay.
Magnet's solution is indeed a good solution and would be a good start to helping the RO community getting (pure) conj's back again.

However, for those existing conj's, known as the warjurer, your hate towards them and demand for them to be pure can only fuel their dissident nature towards the rest of the community; which makes makes them more set in the belief that they are unwanted as a team player.

E30ernest in the end I just want to say: Good post man!
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Old 01-27-2008, 10:09 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by Spud
And since warjurers have always outnumbered pure conj's 50 to1, I think the best bet for the RO community is to try and get along with the warjurer and lower their expectations on what a true conj's duty is.
I don't think you should expect anything from any class, the only thing you really can do is give advice based on experience/theories.

Originally Posted by spud
However, for those existing conj's, known as the warjurer, your hate towards them and demand for them to be pure can only fuel their dissident nature towards the rest of the community; which makes makes them more set in the belief that they are unwanted as a team player.
this is sadly true, from a psychological viewpoint. As I said before giving advice is the best thing you can do. Opinions too, but always in a humble and polite attitude, else the player won't listen. He could if he was inquisitive, but maybe he wouldn't nescesarily say "hey thanks for the advice dude."

I can admit that I "may" have cursed a bit at warjurers once or twice, but I try to always remain calm and give advice.
The keyword is: to make them feel special and that the job they do is highly appreciated and they are making a difference
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Old 01-28-2008, 12:01 AM   #106
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Originally Posted by Angelwinged_Devil
As I said before giving advice is the best thing you can do.
Who is anyone to tell another player how to play, especially if that player never asked for your, so called, "advice"? In fact it's down right rude!

How the RO community has treated its fellow players, not just the warjure, is really sad.

So many here trying to carve out their own agendas on a small, but capable, development team. Don't think this goes unnoticed.

The truth is the mechanics of the game should be teaching the player, no matter the class, how to play there class (the timing of their skills, which skills are better in some situations, as well as the limitations of their skills, and what can be generally expected from their class) not the players.

Especially not those that sit above high demanding others to be cookie cut templates.

We already see how this mentality has effected RO and why it feels so hollow, but by all means keep passing on your "advice". Soon when the hardcores have left you will see the fruit of what your "advice" brings.

Last edited by Spud; 01-28-2008 at 12:14 AM.
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Old 01-28-2008, 04:48 AM   #107
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Originally Posted by Katiechan
Things have gotten so bad that, a few minutes ago 30 Syrtis marched to Pinos, including at least several Conjurors.
We met some Alsius along the way, and about 7 people died, but no one ever revived them.

Furthermore, more people died trying to defend the corpses long enough for Conjurors to come revive them.

None ever came.

I'm sure there was some legitimate reason, like wanting to help at the fort... but the best way to do that is with more people rather than a few extra heals... which leads me to believe they were looking for RP more than anything, as revives don't give RP, but 'sticking with the group' and spamming areas and such does.

So we all just gave up and revived, and told them to stop asking for help at Pinos if they don't revive their dead.

Edit: I do believe revive lv3, 4 and 5 give RP if the person gets a kill afterwards, but most people forget...

very good point. i was with a group of alsians and there were about 8 conjus.
the were in the frontlines trying to gain RP and not helping heal and revive.
i sat there waiting to be revived while several ppl defended the corpses from enemy attack. we lost the fort because conjus were not healing anyone but themselves. i think its quite selfless to reject a person in need of healing.

There are some conjus who are in the frontlines healing everyone and busting there asses to help everyone they can

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Old 01-28-2008, 05:25 AM   #108
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Originally Posted by xxbowjrxx
very good point. i was with a group of alsians and there were about 8 conjus.
the were in the frontlines trying to gain RP and not helping heal and revive.
i sat there waiting to be revived while several ppl defended the corpses from enemy attack. we lost the fort because conjus were not healing anyone but themselves. i think its quite selfless to reject a person in need of healing.

There are some conjus who are in the frontlines healing everyone and busting there asses to help everyone they can

Just so you know, it's often best to just press 'Ressurect' when you die at a fort in your own realm. Unless you are saved at Trelle save and die at Pinos or something like that.

A conjuror also gets more rp(provided that it is a large group) by staying at the back healing those in the front and casting auras like Mana Communion and Greater Healing. IF you're the type that's obsessed with rps, that is :P.
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Old 01-28-2008, 05:58 AM   #109
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Originally Posted by xxbowjrxx
When are you people going to realize that bitching about this issue will do nothing to solve the issue, but promote more of the same behavior?

Your bitching does nothing to solve a broken game mechanic that allows for the propagation of the warjure mentality.

Until you realize this your bitching falls on deaf ears.

Also proclaiming that selflessness acts are the highest honor in a game that promotes team rewards, and bragging rights to the top exp, rp whores is hardly going to win over the few conj's left playing.

But hay if you get off beating a dead horse - so be it.

Originally Posted by Necrovarus
A conjuror also gets more rp by staying at the back healing ...IF you're [not] the type that's obsessed with rps, that is :P.
LOL, sure whaterver!
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Old 01-28-2008, 06:03 AM   #110
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Originally Posted by Spud
LOL, sure whaterver!
I get plenty of rp by casting lvl 5 communion and protection dome as well as lvl 4 buffs when I set myself up for full support on my warlock(just to see what it was like). And I don't even have the lower cooldown heal spells. Sorry if it's not the case with you.
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