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Old 05-17-2008, 03:58 AM   #101
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Originally Posted by 210paul
also define consecutive kills??

a barb can kill FAR more people FAR faster than ie a knight so there would be lots of "hero" barbs running round in a fight

it just sounds to difficult to implement as well ill leave it at that
What are you on about? "Consecutive" is kills in a row without dying, something a knight or hunter clearly has an advantage with.
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Old 05-17-2008, 10:11 AM   #102
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but then look at warlocks at wars ect... id imagin that it would be kills within a space of each other something knights and hunters (low dmg) are dissadvantaded at

i wouldent see the sence if killing maybe 5 people over 4-5 hours makes you a hero, id expect it to be for some dramatic feat it one battle were you single handedly heelp turn the tide

but still it sounds very complex to implement

guess it depends how you interprate "consecutive kills" someone go find val its his idea he should know what he ment
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Old 05-17-2008, 10:31 AM   #103
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No, Knights have the advantage in a war due to not dying very easily and they have a decent base attack which means they're good at taking out MoD warlocks, and with SC there's a possibility for them to hit harder than Golem Fist. Hunters can escape very well and (obviously) can do well at hunting and getting multiple consecutive kills.

It is not all about dmg. Sure, a warlock does a massive amount of total dmg (and is very devastating) with 2 spells: Fireball and Terror, but they die fast as well. And if they die instantly after casting a Terror from the people who weren't hit from it, it would not be counted as consecutive.
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Old 05-17-2008, 10:37 AM   #104
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im not up for filling 100 pages with people bouncing around ideas of how this will/wont work and how it could work then we will get arguments about the "bonuses" you would gain for being "heroic" then wed have conjus saying this is impossible for them to get ect and wout change the balance more

so im just going to leave this idea to roll over in the minds of NGD (if they read it) if they like it then in a couple of months we could well have lots of shiny glowing people at wars lagging up the place more
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Old 05-17-2008, 11:11 AM   #105
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Originally Posted by NightTwix
And btw, will we see a lot of hunters and conjurers begging in the future? Cause they will still be forced to reset OFTEN when they use pets/summons
Hunters will have a bigger problem than conjurers at level 50 though, maybe a conj wants to change between different support setups.
A conjurer already has a lot of money as they need to repair less armor and they don't have to buy new arrows.
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Old 05-18-2008, 04:44 PM   #106
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Originally Posted by 210paul
im not up for filling 100 pages with people bouncing around ideas of how this will/wont work and how it could work then we will get arguments about the "bonuses" you would gain for being "heroic" then wed have conjus saying this is impossible for them to get ect and wout change the balance more
Not interested in discussing ideas, that's the whole point of a forum, its a place for open discussion of ideas!
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Old 05-18-2008, 08:33 PM   #107
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Originally Posted by impp
Not interested in discussing ideas, that's the whole point of a forum, its a place for open discussion of ideas!
yeah just im too lazy too fight my corner on this one =)
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Old 05-19-2008, 08:37 AM   #108
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I only just found this thread.

Seems like there's a lot to look forward to...
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Old 05-19-2008, 12:57 PM   #109
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Nice ideas........ sorry if being a free player means i clog up the game for more privileged. I like this game but don't want to be apologising for not spending money on it.

Get rid of the lag before you make it any more complicated. Fort wars are ridiculous I die and watch all the stuff that did it to me appearing in my combat log when I am waiting for the countdown. Then I crash. This does not impress me so I now stay away from fort wars. (except Stone/Herbred).

I am lvl50. but I have characters who haven't got there yet and i don't want to have to delete them.

NGD I love your game its the only one I have ever played and will continue to play it what ever happens. Take the critisim/suggestions on board, I hate to see damned good players like katiechan so disillusioned that they leave because that just leaves younger lvl's with even less guidance than they have now. Don't price us out of a game we all enjoy (no matter how we bitch) because we really do keep it going.

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Old 05-29-2008, 02:23 PM   #110
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Originally Posted by dragonladyuk
Nice ideas........ sorry if being a free player means i clog up the game for more privileged. I like this game but don't want to be apologising for not spending money on it.


nah not everyone can afford to buy xim thats why ngd is so cool.
they made an awesome free game
Zik Tyro (Conj) 50 -- Zik Tyro (Conj) 50 -- Lone Star (Warju) 50 -- Mulana (Warlock) 50
Zikna (Knight) 30 -- Raiegh (Barb) 50 -- Robin Hood (Marks) 30
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