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Old 12-10-2008, 06:31 PM   #101
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Wonder if NGD has ever looked for outside funding? Maybe another creative media company that would be interested in backing the progect and bringing new skills and funds to the game?

On topic:

Yeah imbalance its bad etc, Several Ignis dont seem to be following with the whole PVP thing that Horus came up with (Eg, samal the other day took fort went to save, waved, got atked, killed them waved bowed tried challanged a few of them, attacked everyone, we killed them etc for about half an hour...)

But realy NGD read this thread If everything we have to say hasnt allready been said then realm imbalance is proberly unresolveable :s
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Old 12-10-2008, 08:38 PM   #102
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One suggestion that NGD could do, at least on a subliminal level is have 3 little movie versions of thier game intro available on thier website: one version from the perspective of each realm.

The current movie is from the Syrtis perspective. How the dark elves split from them and by the way there are dwarves too. I imagine an Ignis or Alsius intro may look different. Talk more extensively about thier realm, and thier entry into this conflict, and in passing mention the other two. Then to increase realm population have the alsius video avialble from the regnum home page, and make the others buried in the site somewhere. Rotate the links as needed.

I think having a realm specific intro (advertisement if you will) may sway more players to choose one realm over another.
Ulixes Wolfhair
Hunter of Syrtis...Horus and Ra- The White Company
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Old 12-10-2008, 10:19 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by Malik2
... How the dark elves split from them and by the way there are dwarves too.

Btw they could at least make the realm bonuses more visible; I mean, you don't even see them unless you mouse-over the realm logos.
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Old 12-11-2008, 02:03 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by backe
I was thinking earlier today about how I wished we could transfer characters not between servers, but between realms.
I was toying with a similar idea based on the concept of underdog realm governments attempting to bribe enemy soldiers to join their realm. Here's what I had in mind:

On the most populated realm, an NPC appears in the warzone that NPC gives a quest that will allow the player to move to a lower populated realm. Based on the population variance, the player will receive gold and a lot of xp once he reaches his destination realm's gate.

Here are the restrictions:

- You can not move to a realm with a higher average population (based on the average number of players online every hour for a period of a week for each realm.)
- You can only move once a month (to prevent abuse)
- Players can only leave his current realm once. On the second time he leaves a realm, he may not return. (example: An Ignitian left Ignis for Alsius and went back to Ignis. The next time he leaves Ignis, he will not be able to return anymore. If he keeps transferring realms, eventually, he won't be able to leave his current realm because non of the other realms will accept him)

This will mix up a bit of the inter-realm races and items. Imagine a half-elf Alsirian or a dark-elf Syrtitian. Players who switch realms may also bring along realm specific items. These items will be a rare commodity in other realms, and will be heavily traded.
On Regnum Sabbatical
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Old 12-14-2008, 08:18 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by mcfs85
anyways im loosing all the fun in regnum. so i got no other choice to just wait for games like Runes of Magic, Diablo III and Final Fantasy XIII.
i hope it will bring me back the fun of RPG's/MMORPG's!
I have left Regnum, for the game World Of Warcraft. It was my way to get the fun back to MMORPG's.

Regnum misses ALOT of things that other online games have:
* When you reach Max level, regnum has nothing more to offer to the players. NGD knows this and are doing there best to prevent people from reaching lvl50.
* The developers dont care about what the players want. They add what they want instead of listening to the people. If people want grinding-spots NGD should just add grinding-spots. If people want a bug fixed, they should fix the bug. If people are complaining they should fix the problems instead of removing the forum-threads.
* The developers dont care about develop the game to become bugfree(TM) anymore, instead they add features you have to pay for, that they later on puts limits to (Xp-boost, and removing grinding-spots for example).
* They dont care about the players and ignore that people really want to level fast and become good PvP-players BECAUSE THEY KNOW that the game has nothing to offer after lvl50 is reached.
* NGD dont care about adding interresting parts to the game. The game has around 70 quests / realm. WoW has 5000+.
* Blizzard adds a new tricky quest every day (known as "Daily quests") to WoW. NGD removes mobs that is important to finish quests (Rune quest for example, missing Igneos, need I say more?).
* People playing WoW are playing even when they reach max level since the game still offers something. People playing regnum leave the game when they reach higher levels...

My suggestion: Make the game more interresting, make the game more fun, dont be affraid of adding new parts to the game. This makes more people play the game and the people playing (the customers) would then buy more xim. If making the game more interresting would add 2000+ new players, maybe 10-20% of these continue to play the game to lvl50 and buy xim during the game-play, and this would benefit both NGD and all the players...

It would also be nice if NGD communicated more to the people. If they played the game themself and talked to people, players and customers. I have talked twice already with gamemasters from Blizzard that wonderd if I had problem since they noticed crashes from my game-client when I played. The crashes was because I have to run the game from Windows Emulation (Wine) in linux, and when I use Wine to run opengl-apps it is not possible to watch movies, if I do the game crashes. They wanted to support me less then 10 minutes after the first crash/problem. In regnum you have to write it in the forum, then the forum-masters removes the thread, and still Regnum dont have that many players as Blizzard has in WoW to support. I have never even got an answer from NGD on my questions in the forum...

Regnum was fun, regnum made me interrested in MMORPG's, Regnum made me meet alot of new online-friends, Regnum was fun intil NGD decided to not care about the players anymore. Now it's not fun anymore... sorry.

I belive the decrese in forum-threads are because people are leaving the game. I left the game, and I probably dont come back to this buggy game with no fun to it anymore.

Sorry NGD, you have lost it all. You started so good, but something happened... Please change your attitude to the customers (The Players) if you want any more players to the game. This is probably my last post... and I know that you probably will remove the post as you use to do with all bad critic you get, but I just wanted to tell my opinion.

Thanks for the good time anyway!
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Old 12-14-2008, 10:11 PM   #106
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have fun playing wow

but seriously though, a quest each day? how's that supposed to be fun? Such a thing might as well exist in a single player game, regnum is not about this it's about the rvr.

It's all the grinding which scares people away
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Old 12-14-2008, 10:42 PM   #107
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Originally Posted by Angelwinged_Devil
have fun playing wow

but seriously though, a quest each day? how's that supposed to be fun? Such a thing might as well exist in a single player game, regnum is not about this it's about the rvr.

It's all the grinding which scares people away
Dont know, the daily quests are made for the higher levels. I am only lvl28 yet (lvl80 is cap).

The game is not just about grinding. You can grind, or you can quest your way up to high levels... Your choice!

Also, another thing I noticed playing WoW: The developers allows the people to reset the powers, but it cost some gold. Really nice feature for diffrent setups. You dont abuse it as people did/do in regnum, but you can change if you want and have collected gold for it. Very good feature! :-)

And yes, I really enjoy playing wow. Alot of people online, no buggy game and alot of quests or paths to select to get stronger. Not as limited as Regnum is. You can even change proffesions if you dont like the one you selected from the beginning! :-)
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Old 12-14-2008, 10:54 PM   #108
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Could I point out one thing that people tend to forget

Blizzard = Multimillion $ company with 100's/1000's of employees
WoW = P2P

NGD = Small company low budget
RO = F2P

See the differance? As such compareing the two you may as well compare a Fish with a Shark, But fish taste better than Sharks
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Old 12-14-2008, 11:20 PM   #109
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This is WoW

Everytime I look at the ugly character model's in WoW I want to puke. I said it before in another thread, but imo even Regnum beats WoW for me. Sorry thats not the point :P

WoW, Regnum, everything else, who the hell cares, the point is you do something because its fun, if someone finds grinding nonstop fun then let it be fun, if someone finds doing quests the whole time let it be fun,

I can see on the internet these "intense" nerd battles between people between whats better, some go here and there and try to convert people to it, as it it was a religion or something

If it gives you an orgy then marry it ffs.

But no one wants to hear about WoW in a ROL forum, hell I could say alot of things about where I am now but I keep it inside me, who cares?

I don't care, alot of us forget what a game is, you do something because its fun, if its not fun anymore who the fuck forces you to stay, go find something else, end of story.

There is no perfect game
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Old 12-14-2008, 11:57 PM   #110
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Originally Posted by Rated_R_Edge
This is WoWThere is no perfect game
I dont say that there is, I just say that alot of things making people leave Regnum are availble in other games, and if NGD wants players to remain in the regnum-world, they should listen to the players/customers and do what they think is best for the situation...

Regnum was really fun until all the changes.
Regnum was fun when leveling was allowed.
Regnum was fun before xim became more important then the game.

I found a new game to play, and I just told you why I did not stay with regnum and why I belive people are leaving the game.

Thats all.
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