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Old 03-01-2018, 09:48 PM   #111
Join Date: Dec 2011
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barberians is on a distinguished road

All these ''great'' ideas just because You got killed for triple logging at the bosses. Why accuse others and act like farming bosses is so bad, if You yourself log 3 DIFFERENT ACCOUNTS FOR A BOSS KILL.

No hate. Just makes no sense...
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Old 03-01-2018, 10:02 PM   #112
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Originally Posted by barberians View Post
All these ''great'' ideas just because You got killed for triple logging at the bosses. Why accuse others and act like farming bosses is so bad, if You yourself log 3 DIFFERENT ACCOUNTS FOR A BOSS KILL.

No hate. Just makes no sense...
Please provide the evidences you have that I was online on 3 accounts in same time at one of the bosses (at daen it was me and my fiance) everyone in Alsius knows that I want to buy a daen lb, at tk it was me and my fiance (switched from marks to hunter because someone killed my fiance) one psr will help with my mana issues not that I will ever drop, i wasn't at eve (nothing interesting for me at eve and I don't stack items waiting for the merge)). I'm not interested in souls, atm crafting has nothing interesting for me.
I would really like to see the evidences, else this is just an insult. After you provide the video name the 3 characters in that video that you believe are mine.
Probably you never saw couples playing in this game.

If NGD believes that it's me playing on 101 accounts in same time (a bit hard to be that 101 because Haven hasn't peaked to that value in the last months and the only chance to do it is at bosses) they are free to perma ban all the accounts they belive are mine. I have no problem with that. I will just laugh and find another game to play (maybe the game my fiance is playing atm, it looks interesting to be honest) or maybe I will just spend more time with my fiance and my kid (I might neglet them due to this game) if I get perma banned in this one. All the friends I had in this game left it and they told me why: the way the community is acting!

I also assume that you have cams in my house to see everything I do, my fiance, my father, my kid, my grandma are doing...

If you are Barberians from Alsius (I have you on ignore ingame, I don't like the way you act so I don't have to see what you write) you are active in war, you will not be affected by the 0% drop chance for players that just log for bosses. I don't get why you are upset.
You are upset that I didn't sold you the eve mana ring?!? Come with a better offer. Current offer is 2k mags and I won't take it because I have no use for the mags in the dead Haven economy.

L.E.: The suggestions I wrote aren't actually mine. I saw several players writing similar things in Alsius chat (Haven and Ra and the Ra players really liked the idea to make the boss jewels from Haven account bound before merge). I just wrote my own version (improved a couple of things to prevent abuses). Maybe I'm the one that has what it takes to write them, maybe the rest fear the hate such suggestions will generate, there is already hate without a reason towards me so I doubt it will matter.

L.E. 2: My boss drops are the following: useless tk ring (conc %crit one, sold for 200 mags), tk spear (sold for 200 mags). tk hammer (sold for 500 mags, a good trade), eve spear (traded for the lb I use, bad trade but the only way to get a good lb; no clue who was the owner of that lb, I never saw that character name online after the trade and failed to figure out who it was, i figure out who ended up having the spear but I doubt it's the same person with the one that traded me the bow), daen mace.
My fiance drop: eve mana ring (she gave it to me).
0 souls me, 0 souls my fiance.

Other people dropped way better than me. I don't see why someone will hate me for such drops...

L.E. 3: But I do understand now why some people use warlocks to stop the killing of bosses. If the aberations wrote about me go on and my characters and my fiance characters will be killed again at any of the bosses I will make a couple of locks to stop the bosses from happening. At least then people will have a reason to hate me... If people hate me anyway it shouldn't matter...
Sure people that have nothing to do with this will be affected. They are free to find a way to remove the reasons that made me take into consideration making a couple of warlocks to stop the bosses from happening.
If you actually believe that I can be online on 3 accounts in same time then maybe you should fear what 3 warlocks that are online in same time can do at a boss... You're the one saying that I play 3 accounts in same time. I told you who it was on each of the accounts, if you believe it or not it's not my problem. Make a ticket if you think I broke the rules with the evidences you have, NGD can investigate and they can ban me/perma ban my account/my fiance account if they consider that's what they should do. I already said what will happen in case of a perma ban.

L.E. 4: Sorry for my long offtopic post. I'm just sick and tired of all the aberations that some people write about me in this game and how others believe those aberations...
The things that are happening now just confirm what all my friends that left this game told me... But well I know I can't change the community... There are other things I can do but I strongly belive that Haven needs players...

L.E. 5: Enjoy the ignore on the forum barberians I don't have to read aberations wrote about me.

Last edited by EverlastingWind; 03-01-2018 at 11:50 PM.
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Old 03-01-2018, 11:56 PM   #113
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Truly incredible when threads get derailed. monkaS
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Old 03-02-2018, 12:29 AM   #114
Join Date: Jul 2015
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Originally Posted by Hollow-Ichigo View Post
Truly incredible when threads get derailed. monkaS
We ended up having discussions about a possible merge/transfer due to the fact that the servers population got to some numbers that don't really offer action.
This is not the first time there is such a discussion on this forum.
The game can be re-release on Steam and this hasn't been tried yet (I know an older MMO that has 1800+ average players, it's similar with this one and in fact it has way less action, why wouldn't this game be capable to have a similar number of players because this game is actually better). As far as I know a re-release is possible, I know other MMO that have done it.
A known twitch streamer can be asked to stream this game, someone that has a high number of viewers. Maybe some will try the game. Maybe some will like it and stay. It won't work with a current player because with 10 viewers nobody will notice the game, someone with 5+k viewers is needed.
But before such things can be tried some of the problems that I listed in the first post in this topic need to be fixed. Atm from my point of view there are other MMO on the market more attractive. Also I agree with Tania that Haven and Valhalla need to be made more attractive compared to Ra.
If a MMO wants to survive it needs to adapt to the market changes.

Before doing a merge several problems need to be discuss.

And yes we need to discuss why players left. Because it can happen again after the merge.
My friends that left the game blame the community for their decision to leave the game. I don't see why they would had lied me. (I believe that one of them actually wanted to get perma banned because he couldn't leave the game else.)
If this will repeat with the only remaining server than the game will just die...
The community is the reason I keep jumping between realms. There is a realm where I just couldn't last more than 6 months. It's always the same story no matter what realm. I make some friends, few I admit, they leave the game, I start to see how a part of community is acting, I don't like what I see and I just leave because there is nothing to keep me in that realm. If there was a realm transfer (in some of the other MMO i played there is such thing) that will move the character keeping the items and level then NGD would had made a fortune from me (it can be implemented, the realm has to be a variable in the database, it can show a window to pick the race same as when you change the race in the same realm (to fix the incompatible race problems) and the items specific for each realm can be market like this "usable in syrtis only", "usable in alsius only", "usable in ignis only", you can do the quests in each realm 1 time only).
I already proved how haven players can act...

Don't get me wrong but if I see a player only at bosses and never ever in warzone I will just assume that it's a player that doesn't play and just want to get the drops to sell them for not ingame stuff after the merge. From my point of view (and not only) this problem needs to be addressed before the merge/transfer.
Sure such players won't like my suggestions because if both will be applied then their entire plan is gone. (We already have an example in this topic regarding how much some players "love" me. Someone that has evidences that I play on 3 accounts in same time would had just posted them directly. I appreciate the compliment (that I can play on 3 accounts in same time) but I'm sorry to dissapoint you: it's not possible for me, maybe others can I just can't.))
If the players that show up at bosses would actually be active in war zone there would be no need to merge Haven!
I wonder how Haven will look if bosses will no longer spawn. I actually want to see how Haven will look without bosses spawning for 1 month.
The players that sell items for not ingame stuff are like a cancer, they slowly but surely killed the economy in Haven. Hate me as much as you want but this is the reality.

There are players on Ra that don't act that well with english speaker players. ("go haven if you speaking english, speak spanish in ra" and well that person didn't even wrote in english it was in german...).
This problem won't change in case we end up with only 1 single server. It will only become bigger.

Let's assume the merge/transfer will happen. Can that server handle the number of players? The things that happen now in Haven with bosses (people logging only to kill bosses and logging off after) will happen in Ra to after the merge. Will the server be capable to handle all those players without crashing? Don't get me wrong but Haven is crashing with not even 40 players on. There are games that at release just can't handle the players that want to play and those players don't return.
So yes such problems needs to be take into consideration because if server stability will become a problem than the merge/transfer will do only bad...
Doubt someone wants to play on a server that crashes often, that random disconnect players... Doubt someone like to waits for an army of minutes/hours in a login queue... Especially when there will be no other server as alternative.

Let's assume the server stability will not be a problem.
If let's say 300 people are at a boss what fps do you thing most players will have?
If the zerg numbers increases (assuming some of the players that left haven due to lack of action in wz and didn't went ra because didn't wanted to grind again) what fps do you thing most players will have?
If the fps end up droping too often in the unplayable area players will leave. This is another case when the merge will do harm.
You know not everyone is playing on the latest i7.

What will happen with players that will end up with characters in all 3 realms on same account as result of this merge? There are already some with characters in 2 realms on same account. A new merge will for sure generate accounts with characters in all 3 realms.
I believe this problem needs to be addressed and players given the option to have all their characters keeping the level and items in one single realm. It's not exactly their fault that they end up in such a situation. Alternative just let them happy play in every realm without any penalties. Again it's not their fault they ended up in such a situation.
But if they are allowed to play in every realm without penalities the rest will have to be allowed to do the same because it will just be unfair for the rest...

P.S.: Maybe just maybe me and my fiance will not show up at bosses. Wonder who will you kill thinking it's me due to someone obsessions.

Last edited by EverlastingWind; 03-02-2018 at 02:29 AM.
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Old 03-02-2018, 12:44 AM   #115
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Originally Posted by Hollow-Ichigo View Post
Truly incredible when threads get derailed. monkaS
/me agrees with Ichi....(Just shoot me now?!)

No, now, let's get it back on track. Ok, most of the people on Haven are already on Ra in some way, shape or form. Meaning, population/culture/language is NOT what's holding up progress towards a merger. What is? STUFF ffs! Solution? Make all those boss drops account bound? NO! It's possible, but in no way is that the most elegant lasting fix (& such would 'encourage' the selling of entire accounts, a bad & bannable thing; as if we need fewer players than we have? NOT!). So, make all wz-boss drops (including ye olde dragon ammies) fully available again, so that ANYone on server will drop them? YES! This is the fairest common-sense-way imho to seriously handle this final impediment to merging the 3 servers. Please, just do it already, do it all!....

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Old 03-02-2018, 01:36 AM   #116
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Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
So, make all wz-boss drops (including ye olde dragon ammies) fully available again, so that ANYone on server will drop them? YES! This is the fairest common-sense-way imho to seriously handle this final impediment to merging the 3 servers.
Fair for the people that war and can log when the bosses are killed, unfair for the ones that war but can't log when the bosses are killed, the ones that just log for the bosses and do not war don't deserve to drop simple as that (that's why i suggested the 0% drop chance if less than 14 tickets gained). You can't expect players to wake up in the middle of the night for a boss (and haven has lost like all the players from australia... one void here one void there and you get a big void that translates into a dead server)
There are people that work at those hours. For them that's unfair. In fact those players are unable to craft dragon weps because they can't be on when the bosses die so no souls for them. If they want a dragon weapon they have to pay some crazy amount of ingots that don't reflect the real value of the dragon weapon...
From my point of view any part of the game should be possible for everyone that actually play the game (logging only for bosses and doing 0 war is not playing the game, at least this is my point of view), even for the people that can't log when the bosses are killed because of job/timezone.
It has been already suggested to add souls for wmc. I fail to see why it hasn't been implemented yet. It will fix the problem for the players that can't log when the bosses are killed. The wmc price will make people to war because it should be a high amount of wmc needed and will provide alternative to the drop from bosses, not to mention that some people will buy double/triple wmc boost.
I talk about crafting but that applies to drops from bosses too.
An alternative for players that can't be on when the bosses are killed but take part of the war should be provided. A box for wmc like tk box at imperia for wmc having as drop any of the tk drops (random drop and it can be no drop at all, by any i understand from no drop at all to soul + item), daen box at sha for wmc having as drop any of the daen drops, eve box at efe for wmc having as drop any of the eve drops can be added and in such way a player that can't be on when the bosses are killed will have access to the drops. If you take part at the killing of tk for example tk box will be unavailable until after next time tk dies, if you take part again at killing tk the tk box will be again unavailable until you don't take part at tk killing, also you can buy only 1 box between 2 tk kills. You get the idea.
The chances to get an item will probably be lower than taking part of the killing of a boss but still better than the 0%.

The problem with the boss jewels could had been addressed when the wm jewels were added. If the wm jewels were somehow equal with the boss one there wouldn't had been such discussion.
Basicaly anyone that was taking part of a war could had got a similar ring/amulet.
If I remember right the boss jewels have lvl 50 as requirement. wm ones have lvl 60 and require you to be wm so the boss ones would had been better (lower lvl requirement, tradeable)
Items stats can be changed.It has been done with hunter champion legs. So in theory the wm amulets and rings can be changed to have the same numbers as the boss ones.
The boss rings will still be particular because there are no ice/fire wm rings, and psr is unique also due to the damage+mana combination.
The wm amulets will be similar with the dragon ones but well the dragon amulets can no longer be dropped something that is unfair for the players that weren't playing when you could drop them.
If you think such changes will cause problems due to the higher damage then the way const translate in hp can be change, basicaly const will give a bit more hp than now.
Such a change can be done before the merge and at that point I no longer see a reason to make them account bound. Else I will still think that account bound is the only solution.

I assume you have no problem with people selling items for not ingame stuff. I have a problem with that. I think they should be banned, but it's not easy to do it.

Don't get me wrong but people that want to use the boss jewels will keep them. Only the ones coming from Haven will be account bound, Ra ones will NOT be account bounded.The drops after the merge will NOT be account bounded.
There is a reason why you can buy for xim more character slots.
Atm Haven is split in:
- players that don't have boss jewels (they will not be affected in any way)
- players that have boss jewels but will not trade them no matter what (they will not be affected)
- players that buy all the jewels (and items they can) to make a large stock for the merge/transfer (they are the ones affected, the good news is that their numbers are really low, nobody will cry if they quit the game due to such change, in reality nobody actually likes them)

Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
(& such would 'encourage' the selling of entire accounts, a bad & bannable thing; as if we need fewer players than we have
the ones that do that leave the game anyway.
if the country from where the user logs is no longer the same as the one used when the account was registered the account can be temporarily automatic suspended until the one using it can prove it's the real owner.
it will also help with accounts that are hacked. basicaly if the hacker is from another country he/she will not able to touch that account.

It is expected that as result of the merge some players will just quit the game for various reasons like but not limited to: no realm chat, dodn't like the attitude showed by the players from the other server.
Just look at how many Nemon players are still active in Haven...

Last edited by EverlastingWind; 03-02-2018 at 04:27 AM. Reason: refined a bit the ideas
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Old 03-02-2018, 06:11 AM   #117
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Thank you for fitting the thread with walls of texts that im sure ngd will have the time to read. Nice suggestions wind, how do you think your alt toons that are only parked and ready for bosses to be tri-logged upon to gain a higher drop chance will get them tickets?

First that and then you are threatening to ruin bosses with logging your warlocks, look at your message again, you just admitted that you can tri-log your locks.

Makes sense this post came after you getting killed over and over again by a single player. Now you post these suggestions that are a means to ruin bosses for him.
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Old 03-02-2018, 09:44 AM   #118
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Originally Posted by saumya View Post
First that and then you are threatening to ruin bosses with logging your warlocks, look at your message again, you just admitted that you can tri-log your locks.
Originally Posted by EverlastingWind View Post
If you actually believe that I can be online on 3 accounts in same time then maybe you should fear what 3 warlocks that are online in same time can do at a boss... You're the one saying that I play 3 accounts in same time.
I put the if ... then ... in bold maybe now you see it better.
Action - Reaction Principle. Maybe you should check it.

If NGD wanted the 3 realms to cooperate to kill the bosses then the area around bosses would had been as the area where Momo is. Warlock using skills to farm exp/wmc/rp at bosses is something that is casualy happening in Haven.

Originally Posted by saumya View Post
Thank you for fitting the thread with walls of texts that im sure ngd will have the time to read.
You had the patience to read it all else I can't explain how you wrote:

Originally Posted by saumya View Post
Nice suggestions wind
I'm happy that someone find them nice.
The fact that you read it all suggest that other can do the same.

Originally Posted by saumya View Post
how do you think your alt toons that are only parked and ready for bosses to be tri-logged upon to gain a higher drop chance will get them tickets?

kinda say that I'm active in war zone. wish all the players i see at bosses be half active as I'm in warzone.
My suggestion supposed to increase action. If people want to drop at bosses they supposed to capture forts and get kills. More players having a reason to capture forts and get kills = more action.

Nobody confirmed that a merge/transfer will actually happen. Until it will be officialy confirmed we can easily assume it won't happen.
Reasons for more action are never a bad thing.
Invading empty realms (or well with 1 single defender) is no fun.

The other suggestion is to limit the effects on the black market. NGD is losing money cause of that. I'm sure that if the black market would be completly eradicated there will be enough money to hire more developers for this game.

Originally Posted by saumya View Post
Makes sense this post came after you getting killed over and over again by a single player.
That particular player has considerable better items than me. (I can't compete with his 5k hp to begin with)
Not to mention that one time I was atacked after tk has hit me. So I started with a considerable low hp compared to the enemy.
It is no shame to lose against an enemy. But well it is a shame to get killed over and over because you can't cast Steel Skin or Sanctuary, lucky it's not me in this situation.
And last time he was lucky with the knight near him. He barely escaped.

Originally Posted by saumya View Post
Now you post these suggestions that are a means to ruin bosses for him.

The rankings say that we are talking about an active player. I don't see the point of your afirmation. With only 6 wishes in the last 30 days that player had to be active in wz. I don't see how what I wrote will affect him.

How can they ruin the bosses for him? If I had friends in Alsius they would had reacted when he killed my hunter. Because you read my other posts you already know that I said they all left this game blaming the community. We already have here an example of how some members of the Haven community are acting. I don't see what I'm ruining, I only see that will be a nice way to practice a warlock.
If I lose something (even a chance) I consider that the one(s) making me lose should lose something. Maybe there will be collateral damage also, but atm I consider it acceptable.

It's just a pure coincidence that I posted those suggestion now. I had the inspiration.

You should accept and respect other people opinions even if you disagree with them. But all I see is me getting ganked even on the forum...

Last edited by EverlastingWind; 03-02-2018 at 10:59 AM.
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Old 03-03-2018, 02:00 AM   #119
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EverlastingWindy, people with 2 accounts in same realm WILL be affected. Such share their items now between their accounts, but won't be able to do so if the items are made account-bound. Also, you actually expect NGD to code YOUR fix of Haven-items bound, but others UNbound? Do you really want to open that potential can-of-worms? Can't & won't be done, period, at least I hope not. Sounds entirely like begging for a giant swarm of stinging bugs to bite me...

There's nothing in the TOS forbidding the sale/trade of game items afaik, just the accounts themselves. There have always been HAVE's & HAVE NOT's, it's just the way of our sick world, & an endemic/systemic condition that, oddly, most people prefer. No shit! When asked in survey, more than half chose the option of making 1/2 as much money if it was twice what most others make OVER making twice as much money but that total being 1/2 of what most others make.

Yup, they'd rather make 1/2 as much as long as it is twice what most others have/get. "Keeping up with the Joneses" (& surpassing them) isn't just a saying, it's a soul-sickness of the human-psyche. Worse, this 'plague' makes it virtually impossible to EVER democratically create a bountiful, egalitarian human society. It simply means: most ARE mean (& rather f-ing stupid). Ichi, please tell us again how "Truly incredible (it is) when threads get derailed. monkaS".

P.S.: Haven is essentially dead already. Valhalla is dying. It's well past high time to do it, so please just merge all three servers & be done with this....

Last edited by Lebeau; 03-03-2018 at 02:13 AM.
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Old 03-03-2018, 02:15 AM   #120
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Default I agree...

We don't necessarily need several servers if the servers don't provide any difference in play-style or game-style.

If just separating languages with server to make communication easier, people will conform and have a friend's list of their language and still play with people they cannot communicate 100%. But from my experience you do learn some different languages and grow as an individual yourself.

tldr; I am all for merging servers b/c the lack of fights will decrease your overall interest in the game, even if exposed to a population surge. Better to sustain interest in the game than let it crash and burn.

tldr the tldr; merge all servers.
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