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Old 05-13-2008, 10:01 AM   #121
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Originally Posted by Valorius
Some of you are totally out of control flamers...
Originally Posted by Valorius
just STFU
Originally Posted by Valorius
Asshats. All of you.
I rest my case.

Anyway, on topic.

No one has pointed out that onslaught is 400 mana for 30 sec - not cheap if you're the only barb in the group - and if a mage stops to use Synergy Bond, then it just means they're falling behind - making it easier for the pursuer to catch.

Plus Val brought up lag - that isnt an argument, everyone has lag.

Personally I think Onslaught is fine as it is. Currently it is the only method a mage has at moving an increased speed. Plus - it ends on the first hit - even if it is evaded.

One question I think still needs answering is that why did this thread come to be? Why would a lone hunter take on a group, if they are so underpowered? Especially if they are running and it is causing the hunter to use alot of mana to catch up? Another is why were the group running in the first place?

Its a shame Im on Val's ignore, as my post is full of flaming...
RA / Hor... Haven?
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Old 05-13-2008, 01:43 PM   #122
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Just few things without flaming anyone.

1) Mage needs barb for onslaught, and group should always have upperhand against single player. I dont really understand why Valorious is whining/bringing this up/whatever you people want to call it, because it's not unbalanced when a group of players boosts each other and have more benefit for it than single player with his/her own skills. But I guess this is just matter of opinion.

2) Just because Valorious is ignoring people dont mean we need mods, you know thats why you can ignore them so you dont have to read their replies.

3) Can I have more replies in one page, because it's annoying to have zillion pages but not that many replies anyway?
Barb: Bartuc
Hunter: Costaja
Warlock: Nicholas Bolas - The THuGsters
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Old 05-13-2008, 03:24 PM   #123
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As it is now, 100 hunters can be chasing a group, but if that group has 1 barb, they become almost impossible to catch.

Conversely, if the pursuing hunters have 1 barb, escape is virtually IMPOSSIBLE.

An onslaughted hunter is way overpowered IMO. The hunter can hit 150% speed without even casting his own speed boost spells.

It places WAY too much importance on the barbarian class. It makes him the defacto deciding factor on the outcome of pursuits. That is the definition of overpowered IMO.
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Old 05-13-2008, 03:27 PM   #124
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lol just read val moaning about me and awd being on here unfautunatly for him we were acctualy NOT flameing mostly we were disscussing and then we just gave up and left this thread to die however val will never know he won here

because he cant read this post
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Old 05-13-2008, 03:28 PM   #125
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also vla read

Ponter, Vr1

these are the forum mods
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Old 05-13-2008, 03:35 PM   #126
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Originally Posted by Valorius
As it is now, 100 hunters can be chasing a group, but if that group has 1 barb, they become almost impossible to catch.

Conversely, if the pursuing hunters have 1 barb, escape is virtually IMPOSSIBLE.

An onslaughted hunter is way overpowered IMO. The hunter can hit 150% speed without even casting his own speed boost spells.

It places WAY too much importance on the barbarian class. It makes him the defacto deciding factor on the outcome of pursuits. That is the definition of overpowered IMO.
You said really very well now.

Hunters. You know what does it mean? A Hunter is supposed to "Hunt" alone, and a Hunter even as got skills for that. When I say alone, I say that "must" be less than 3 hunters.
You see, Barbarians are a "little" diferent than Hunters, Because they need lose 1/3 of mana to make onslaught, so if you catch one, The Barbarian is problaby doomed. You remenber me this thread...: Sorry, I searched searched and searched but i didn't found it but I explain what was it about:

A guy wanted to Archers have more speed, and Onslaught less speed. I think you want this too don't you?
Happy ups...I've forgot the rest.
Oh, wait, I've already remenber, Happy
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Old 05-13-2008, 03:37 PM   #127
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Originally Posted by Valorius
As it is now, 100 hunters can be chasing a group, but if that group has 1 barb, they become almost impossible to catch.

Conversely, if the pursuing hunters have 1 barb, escape is virtually IMPOSSIBLE.

An onslaughted hunter is way overpowered IMO. The hunter can hit 150% speed without even casting his own speed boost spells.

It places WAY too much importance on the barbarian class. It makes him the defacto deciding factor on the outcome of pursuits. That is the definition of overpowered IMO.
Well 100 hunters could spread out and block their way But variety is good, different classes together should be more powerful than one class only. And I dont see real problem with hunter + onslaught (cept that it annoys the shit out of me) because fastest char with speed bonus from another class should be very fast. Just like slower mage with onslaught should be quite fast too.

edit: Valterbla said it well too that hunters should hunt alone (or in few hunters group) because they are..well hunters. Altho I like to "hunt" with hunters too (with my warlock) so I guess that point is void. Hunters anyway are clearly the class which can play solo, and others are more or less meant to play as bigger groups. But then again, just matter of opinions.
Barb: Bartuc
Hunter: Costaja
Warlock: Nicholas Bolas - The THuGsters
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Old 05-13-2008, 03:40 PM   #128
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thats a good point phreddy

different classes together should be more powerful than one class only.

the hunter can catch the mage if hes solo but with a barb to help why cant he be able to get away its

also he needs the barb to stand a chance and mages wont allways be with a barb when you hunt them
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Old 05-13-2008, 03:40 PM   #129
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An archer also uses about 1/3 of his mana to cast SOTW, which is necessary for the speed boost if you want any chance at all to catch an onslaughted enemy mage.

Whereas catching an enemy knight, barb, or archer with onslaught cast on them is pretty much impossible, even with SOTW. It puts far too much importance on one spell and one class when resolving pursuits.
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Old 05-13-2008, 03:41 PM   #130
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imo it gives barbs more of a job than run in hit hard die...
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