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Old 08-02-2011, 07:08 PM   #121
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Originally Posted by Vroek View Post
Changing form absolute armor would be an extreme amount of rebalance and work for NGD, it not really likely to happen.
I don't agree with your 1st assertion. We are currently seeing they have a huge amount of free time and they are looking for something to work on.
Look, they even decided to include amazing new bugs and other problems in this game (see jump threads). It looks like we didn't have yet enough.

Concerning 2nd one, witnessing how they manage their game, I agree.
Nel's VidZ
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Old 08-03-2011, 01:38 PM   #122
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You all suggest changes which are too complex. NGD obviously wants to do many small changes and slowly balance the game out.
Besides, this thread was about to discuss their changes, which didn't happen in the last 10 pages ;P

So here are my opinions:

-swap feint with intimidate

I don't think that's enough to stop barbs from killing most enemies once they reach them since 1 knock is enough for that. But it's a good start.
Intimidate won't be much of a threat since we live in the time where there is Horn of the Wind.

-no damage for Burst of Wind

NGD reasons this by saying it makes locks stronger vs marx but it obviously only works if the lock is DI-ed.
That means that you actually make DI stronger and coming along with that the class which profites the most from that are DI-ed Barbs.
Untill now you could cast Burst of Wind on them to prevent them from casting. That won't work anymore and they are free to go on rampage.
So I'm against this change.

-melee ambush

This might be a fine nerf for marx since they still have winter stroke to keep distance but hunters only have ensnaring arrow left for this purpose.
Yes there is caltops arrow and distracting shot too but those have a too long cooldown and/or mana cost to be used effectively in this regard.
Reducing ambush range and/or make it hunter only sounds reasonable but I think NGD wants to reduce knock down spells in general (by removing them or making them harder to use).
So making ambush a "cannot move"-spell could be an option too.

-stunning fist only dizzys or stuns

If it stuns than its a nice way to escape from melee combat (even better than the current version since the opponent can't move).
If it dizzys than its a nice weapon against casters if you happen to get that close. It will stop not only offensive spells but buffs as well.
On the other hand it would be useless against normal hits (mainly from barbs and marx).
I don't mind the changes here because it makes a whole new spell with advantages and disadvantages and I'm curious how it works out but I'd like to suggest to remove the casting time and/or the success chance to encourage the use of it.

-will domain replaced by mummify

I will keep quiet about this one, because I have close to no experience playing as a mage.

Thx for reading
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Old 08-04-2011, 04:01 AM   #123
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Default AMBUSH = NO NERF Please!

Im here as a VERY old Marks, And May I Simply say this, Please do not Nerf Ambush to Melee Range, Currently if an archer gets caught by a melee character it is hard to escape as it is, we need to have some range on ambush to stop them before they reach us, one of the first posts had it right, a ranged class that cannot knock down opponents is stupid, Ambush is often one of the only things that stops Noob archers of either class from getting killed all the time, because something you leanr early as an archer is that ambush gives you those precious few seconds to get away. And I'm coming from a mark point of view, I dread to think how hunters will fare! Please do not nerf it, Sure Decrease the knockdown period, decrease the range a little, but dont make it melee range or we are deaded. lol Thanks for the time
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Old 08-04-2011, 02:27 PM   #124
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I have no idea what chilko was requesting here, but I think not many had either.

Feint: moved to the “vanguard” -knight only- discipline to replace “intimidate”
Intimidate: moved to the “Tactics” discipline instead of “Kick”
Kick: Moved to the 1st place of the discipline in place of feint
To try and make knights more of a threat and barbs less? Doesnt really effect me. And wont make people take knights more seriously.

Ambush: The range of this spell will be reduced to melee range. This will allow archers to have a CC suited for melee classes (so to gain range for a brief period of time) but not against other ranged classes.
Stunning Fist: the effect “Cannot attack” will be replaced either by “Stun” or “cannot cast” (please let us know what you think)
You have got to be kidding me. Why not just dump ambush? Since at meele range only camo hunters will use it to gank grinding easy players more easily.

Nerf stunfist? Because I didnt see you saying it will apply to beetle swarm, a RANGED cant attack spell.
Stunfist WAS supposed to be a way to stop warriors and give some time for the archer. But since it has a longer casting time than feint/kick it wasnt very helpfull. Again mostly hunters used it for camo gank purpose. Marx will try to stay away from warriors.
I dont understand this at all. Im not an anti-confusionist but stunfist is nowhere near confuse. And why stun? Thats what distraction shot is for with its range 25.
These probably are the worst ideas.

Will Domain: this skill is going to be replaced by "Mummify".
Mummify: transforms the objective into a mummy showering its movements. Reduces movement speed and attack speed.
Change a knock spell that UM can resist into ANOTHER slow spell for locks that UM doenst resist?
After slowing a barb killing it with a lock is just a random clicking of dmging spells while strafing with a lock.
Even marx use lightning/caltrop to kill 1 barb but it costs 500 mana and we have not ambi sac.

Burst of Wind: damage will be removed.
Sure. If you change meteors range 30 to "meele range". I take my previous statment back. THIS has got to be the worst idea.
And meteor 600 dmg is ok against a DI?

What I see from these changes that ALL archers will skill lvl5 para and lvl5 mobility (marx lvl 5 foresight too) and will run away when enemy enters range 35.
People calling marx OP not because of BoW going through DI but because they do higher normals with a 35 med longbow than their dmg spells.
Is this the way of saying: "We wanted to have a mobile rocket luncher class but you cant have that so we opted for marx."?

I know we are having a cc nerf mania here but your only nerfing barb and hunter/marx spells, and actually buffing mage spells (Mummify) slow spells work much better against warrior classes than a knock. Why knock him if you can strafe away? And will UM resist slow as well?
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Old 08-04-2011, 02:58 PM   #125
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Originally Posted by Dome View Post
I have no idea what chilko was requesting here.
The discussion thread is here:
> http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum...ad.php?t=79340
and it's now locked.

This thread is about to summarize the thread linked above to get a picture of what english community thinks about it.
See Seher's post: http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum....php?p=1377741
and Bois' post: http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum....php?p=1377825
All your thoughts have already been reported.
Nel's VidZ
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Old 08-08-2011, 05:45 PM   #126
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How about add back stamina bar, which would be used as jump limit?

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Old 08-09-2011, 03:30 PM   #127
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I like to play hunt, but the damage a hunt deals in war is a bit low, how about giving them back Head of the Pack?
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Old 08-10-2011, 11:34 AM   #128
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After playng a lots this days i changed my mind and i have a conclusion:
Its not so bad this system...look like a lots of action all over the places on war zone.
The only frustrated think is that respawn at gates and central saves.

Maybe if let like this the other saves and take out only respawn at gates ant add back central saves but with untouching actualy saves can be better ,its worth to give a try.....can't be worst than actual system.
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Old 08-15-2011, 01:43 PM   #129
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NGD changes-


-Worst decision ever.That will destroy hunter pvp and rvr. And you will destroy hunter's grinding too.I cannot say a hunter cannot grind without ranged Ambush,but will harder.But in pvp hunter needs ranged ambush more than any other spell.So my opinion is that ambush is better with the current range.By the way,hope u see that a lot of players askef you to leave ambush how it is now.Don't destroy hunters.
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Old 08-15-2011, 07:59 PM   #130
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Off topic, im sorry, but i really want to know when we will have a topic on warmaster balance?
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