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Old 03-10-2009, 10:51 PM   #171
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Originally Posted by 210paul
Ill agree that the game isnt "ment" to be played with allied realms, but it is available as an option so it is foolish not to take the chance to go out be freindly with other realms and have some fun for a while, maybe even get a nice drop (thorkul teeth yaaay ^^)

But I disagree with people thinking that because they dont want to take part they should ruin everyone elses chances to do so as well,

its comparable to hmm... Say a certain member of your family turns vegitarian, then decides because they CHOOSE not to eat meat they will beat up anyone who wants to.

If you agree with the even come over and have some fun.

If you dont like the boss events then stay clear, go do something else, and leave those who do want to take part alone.

Anyone know if they are all spawned yet?
My vehement opposition to this event does not just come from my theories or stories i heard from someone. I was there at the first ever boss mob killing that ignis took part in. It was not in the least what you call 'mature'.

We were gathered at woodbridge for Dhaen Rha. Needless to say there were more syrtis about 30 of em. We had about 10 ignis. I dont want to pull up names here a certain high lvl hunter from syrtis ambushed my clan mate. She ambushed him back. I thought it was a joke, but then another barb came and feinted her, she didnt like it at all. Then he spritual blowed her although lvl 1. Prolly they thought it was a joke. But she had no chance of letting them know. Both of us became pretty stressed not knowing whether to retaliate or keep up the seeming peace. Eventually I had to kill the barb, we cant just take the bullying lying down. As Dhean Rha was about to die some syrtis started to area killing me and a few others thereby sealing my chance of getting any drops. Why all this? Because the game was not 'designed' for inter realm cooperation. As you seem to believe NGD didnt give that 'option'.

The same thing happens at the so called 'pvp events' at herb. abt 4-5 ignis stand among a group of 20 syrtis. Then some random noob hunter comes and ambushes you. Someone asks you for a pvp he comes in pvp setup(cos u guys organize it). You are in war setup or he is higher lvl than you and you are not interested in pvp. But he pokes you ambushes you and what not. Its not funny. I cant tell him that. Why? The NGD didnt give you that 'option'

I like to be decent and expect the same from others. I can stand getting killed by enemy at fort or gate wars, getting camped, getting hunted. But I cant stand getting backstabbed at these so called 'events'

Apart from this, we decided to kill the boss mobs for novelty. Nobody had tried it. Ok we tried it succeeded. We got our dhaen rha skin and eyes or got killed by areas and you got your weapons and armour. Fine. Its over. We have been there done that. Leave it at that.

Maybe I will do this when NGD comes up with a time and place for it (like the party island arena. Arena was too small btw ) Or NGD calls a truce for one or two random hour and you cant attack anyone else.

Till then I will crash your party whenever I can. As to the reason why I cant just leave you alone, I just dont want to be bored while you have your own merry party. I will try to convince all my realmates too.
But pleaseeeee dont say, Ignis is not mature.

PS: Btw, for the questions about my identity, lets say Im 'Undercover' :P I created my own little Mr.Hyde :P

PS2: Red Powaa... FTW !!!

PS3: To my Ignean brethren, We killed tenax for the first time after 15 attempts. We broke our first realm door after 20 failures. We learnt from our failures and emerged stronger than ever. We CAN kill the boss mobs on our own. We just need to try. YES WE CAN ! Lets not debase ourselves joining hands with the realm that banished us to the destitution of the desert !
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Old 03-10-2009, 10:51 PM   #172
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Originally Posted by SmUrV
Untrue, eh?

Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't see and if/then statement in there.
Originally Posted by kaos8742
***If there are any Ignis that want to participate please contact me (or have someone else contact me) on IRC the day of the event and I'll do my best to keep Syrtis from attacking you when you show up.


This is Arwen's statement about any Ignis whilling to participate. She granted you immunity from getting killed if you showed up.
Amoxi - Vanco - Azithro - Genta - Cipro - Doxy [RA]
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Last edited by tiggax; 03-10-2009 at 11:10 PM.
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Old 03-10-2009, 11:04 PM   #173
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Originally Posted by veluchami
The same thing happens at the so called 'pvp events' at herb. abt 4-5 ignis stand among a group of 20 syrtis. Then some random noob hunter comes and ambushes you. Someone asks you for a pvp he comes in pvp setup(cos u guys organize it). You are in war setup or he is higher lvl than you and you are not interested in pvp. But he pokes you ambushes you and what not. Its not funny. I cant tell him that. Why? The NGD didnt give you that 'option'
Well, this is a bit off-topic (if not completly <.<' ) but the Samal save pvp events always end badly like the Herb ones. I remember when me and four more syrtians went there to participate on the so called pvp, just to get pwn by areas from a certain warlock who I wont refer, and some other ppl.
But just because these things happen, it doesnt mean you cant have fun with other realms other than killing each other. A lot of ppl have friends in other realms (me including), and sometimes we hang around in the WZ. They even showed up on my grad.
War is fun (in-game), but sometimes it's also good to socialize with someone from other realms, and share some opinions or just chat, or even kill the bossmobs together.
The only problem is that some ppl are just too blind to see that these events are more than a plan for Syrtis to get the drops because we have the highest population. We also do this for fun, and to take a pause from war.
Amoxi - Vanco - Azithro - Genta - Cipro - Doxy [RA]
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Old 03-10-2009, 11:22 PM   #174
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took you's 15 trys to kill Tenax wow
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Old 03-10-2009, 11:28 PM   #175
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Originally Posted by Ramsli11
took you's 15 trys to kill Tenax wow
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Took you 100+ attemps to open the port...

Ah, nevermind...
RA / Hor... Haven?
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Old 03-11-2009, 02:00 AM   #176
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Do what you want. You're just a troll for me and because of people like you, many ppl are driven away from game. Stay in your tiny little hole mr. Hyde and enjoy yourself. And having multiple accounts is against game rules you know...

Do not feed him guys. The dog that barks, do not bites...

Event will continue despite of sabotages of ppl like him.
RA | Ignis | Lilla My | Conjurer | EVIL IGNIS ROCK
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Old 03-11-2009, 02:49 AM   #177
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Originally Posted by war_support
Do what you want. You're just a troll for me and because of people like you, many ppl are driven away from game. Stay in your tiny little hole mr. Hyde and enjoy yourself. And having multiple accounts is against game rules you know...

Do not feed him guys. The dog that barks, do not bites...

Event will continue despite of sabotages of ppl like him.
Ignis, the above is a typical counter 'argument' from the greens. They never give valid points in their arguments. Just go back a few pages and see what they have written. Empty rhetoric, soulless rants and personal attacks is what you will see. It is kinda pointless arguing with them. I know that but then I did not write for their sake. I just wanted to plead to you, my Ignean brothers and sisters, to ignore their false propaganda in the forums and IRC and see for yourself that no good but just harm arises from the so called events these hypocrites organise. So I plead thee, my Ignean brethren, to fight under one banner, the red banner, for the glory of our motherland and to show these lowly greens their rigthful place in the New Regnum Order, under our feet....

PS: Red Powaa... FTW !
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Old 03-11-2009, 03:05 AM   #178
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Originally Posted by Ramsli11
took you's 15 trys to kill Tenax wow
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Yup. We don't have the sheer numbers that Syrtis probably used to take down Vesper (Plus, you know, our dragon's red, so clearly is cooler and more powerful).

You know what? We probably could take down the bosses by ourselves by now, after a few attempts. But inter-realm co-operation might be more fun anyway. I've never been to one of these bossmob events – I'd like to, but it seems I'm not going to get the chance unless I make a character in the frozed wastelands.

I've been on IRC a couple of times. It was an epiphany. Those Syrtian Scum are Real People behind their keyboards too. Quite reasonable people on the whole (some of you let the side down, I won't name names, your realm mates know who you are – let's just say vocal much? »cough« »cough«), some surprisingly so when compared to their in game characters. We can get along, but it seems we've stopped trying. *sigh*
If you can't detect sarcasm yourself, please pay attention when it's pointed out to you.
Arathael :: Wyrd Sceote :: Gwn M'gerSoul Taker, Imperial Guard of Ignis
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Old 03-11-2009, 03:15 AM   #179
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Originally Posted by veluchami
Ignis, the above is a typical counter 'argument' from the greens. They never give valid points in their arguments. Just go back a few pages and see what they have written. Empty rhetoric, soulless rants and personal attacks is what you will see. It is kinda pointless arguing with them. I know that but then I did not write for their sake. I just wanted to plead to you, my Ignean brothers and sisters, to ignore their false propaganda in the forums and IRC and see for yourself that no good but just harm arises from the so called events these hypocrites organise. So I plead thee, my Ignean brethren, to fight under one banner, the red banner, for the glory of our motherland and to show these lowly greens their rigthful place in the New Regnum Order, under our feet....

PS: Red Powaa... FTW !
Hit me, nail me, make me God.
Panoramix :: Half Elf Hunter ## Miraculix :: Half Elf Marksman ## Aspirinix :: Wood Elf Conjurer
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Old 03-11-2009, 07:42 AM   #180
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Originally Posted by tiggax
This is Arwen's statement about any Ignis whilling to participate. She granted you immunity from getting killed if you showed up.
We do not suffer the yoke of tyranny, and we will not abase ourselves at your feet begging for the single glance that implies death or the pity one might have for a dog; We are Ignis and you will suffer our wrath.
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines...
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