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Old 08-22-2008, 02:18 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Rated_R_Edge
You die, you have the option to spawn inside the realm, then you alert people if it was really something big. Everything is fine, and better.
While you gather low levels from the inner realm (the fighters are unreachable somewhere in the wz) and travel ages to the former "hot spot", the enemy walked happy singing to the other side of the wz. Great idea.
NGD stated the wz should be a dangerous place. In fact, low populated like on Horus now, it feels plain alone. And that is not what I expect when I want to enjoy a little game in my free time. Not to mention that the possobility to talk to your allies is an essential part of an mmpog.
On RA you can go a few meters and probably get someone into your general tab. On Horos you walk around like an ant in a big hall. Just alone...
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Old 08-22-2008, 02:53 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Xarn
While you gather low levels from the inner realm (the fighters are unreachable somewhere in the wz) and travel ages to the former "hot spot", the enemy walked happy singing to the other side of the wz. Great idea.
NGD stated the wz should be a dangerous place. In fact, low populated like on Horus now, it feels plain alone. And that is not what I expect when I want to enjoy a little game in my free time. Not to mention that the possobility to talk to your allies is an essential part of an mmpog.
On RA you can go a few meters and probably get someone into your general tab. On Horos you walk around like an ant in a big hall. Just alone...
1) Join a clan
2) Form a party
3) /chat people
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Old 08-22-2008, 04:21 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Gravat
1) Join a clan
2) Form a party
3) /chat people
Coordinate every task with others when 100 peeps are online on the whole server? No sorry, my day runs out every 24 hours and I have a life too.
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Old 08-22-2008, 09:54 PM   #14
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well now horus has the same experience every english speaker that stuck it out in ra has dealt with, since horus arrived.

sucks having no english people to talk to doesnt it?

maybe bitter, but i really have no love for horus..boo hoo, so sad, too bad.
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Old 08-22-2008, 09:57 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Gravat
1) Join a clan
2) Form a party
3) /chat people
The whole purpose of realm chat is because its not easy to do any of those above.

1. I think I have seen 2, maybe 3 clans on alsius.. total. I won't join a clan because someday I hope Ironfoot will create one and I will join his.

2. Form a party. Simple enough, except the whole realm is full of low lvls and new players that wouldn't possibly know how to help just yet.

3. Chatting is kinda same as #2. I have made a few lvl 20 friends but they are all on at different times because they live all over the world.

I'm not asking for it to be permanent, just temporary until we get lots of English players on there

Edge: Ok so if someone goes into the warzone and finds trouble, he is suppose to spawn at the wall, walk across the wall.. make a announcement to the realm where the trouble, walk back across the wall and run a bazillion miles back to the save he was suppose to have spawned in the first place? Trying to dodge gate campers and hunters along the way? How many people do that exactly?
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Old 08-22-2008, 10:01 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Puppypaws
well now horus has the same experience every english speaker that stuck it out in ra has dealt with, since horus arrived.

sucks having no english people to talk to doesnt it?

maybe bitter, but i really have no love for horus..boo hoo, so sad, too bad.

Who says we aren't from RA ourselves? On RA we was established with clans, friends, and experience. Almost all of us had a group we spent all of our time with so none of us used realm chat, but that isn't the case on horus.
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Old 08-22-2008, 10:35 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Shawnzie
Who says we aren't from RA ourselves? On RA we was established with clans, friends, and experience. Almost all of us had a group we spent all of our time with so none of us used realm chat, but that isn't the case on horus.
I think you meant weren't instead of aren't. If you were still from Ra, then you would know that right now all of that has dissolved and you won't see more than 4-5 English players in your friends list on at any given time.

I find that most parties, hunts and wars I end up in now are 90% Spanish-speaking.

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Old 08-22-2008, 11:20 PM   #18
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Never implied you werent from Ra..i did however imply that you arent helping the english community survive on RA what SO EVER, you simply remove yourself from it till it eventually dies.
its your right to play whatever server you want..i just think its hypocrisy to then complain that theres no people to speak with, when you yourself did the same to every other person (in your realm, or on your friends list for that matter) that can speak english..in RA.

you made RA sound absolutely irresistable in your reply though...then why leave?

I mean, if you already HAD friends you grew up with (figuratively speaking level wise) and had (meaning english or at least multilingual communication/socialization with) friends you played with, had hunts, fort wars, or whatever it is that floats your boat..then why DID you leave RA?

and please dont gimmie the "cuz all my friends did" routine,

because if they did, then youd be talking with them on Horus and re-living those experiences..but,

that clearly aint the case as you seem rather lonely.

not trying to argue, but just calling it how i see it.

I just dont get it is all.
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Old 08-23-2008, 03:13 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Puppypaws
Never implied you werent from Ra..i did however imply that you arent helping the english community survive on RA what SO EVER, you simply remove yourself from it till it eventually dies.
its your right to play whatever server you want..i just think its hypocrisy to then complain that theres no people to speak with, when you yourself did the same to every other person (in your realm, or on your friends list for that matter) that can speak english..in RA.

you made RA sound absolutely irresistable in your reply though...then why leave?

I mean, if you already HAD friends you grew up with (figuratively speaking level wise) and had (meaning english or at least multilingual communication/socialization with) friends you played with, had hunts, fort wars, or whatever it is that floats your boat..then why DID you leave RA?

and please dont gimmie the "cuz all my friends did" routine,

because if they did, then youd be talking with them on Horus and re-living those experiences..but,

that clearly aint the case as you seem rather lonely.

not trying to argue, but just calling it how i see it.

I just dont get it is all.
Actually all my friends are still on RA... and most begged me not to go to Horus and infact I still login to RA every now and then to play.

I am not complaining about not having anyone to talk with.. I have people to talk with on Horus. I just simply asked NGD to allow Realm chat until Alsius can get bigger in numbers
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