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Old 06-01-2014, 04:38 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Fightherpath View Post
You guys are talking too much shit about people you dont even know.I think you guys are just jealous because Tiger and Evangaline and better than 95% of you guys.

When i moved from Alsius to Syrtis and started particapating in wars the player i learned the most from was Tigerious.He was never afraid to rush a zerg and take down 3-4 enemies...unlike most faggy barbs who just sit behind and wait for the whole zerg to rush and scream for heals like crazy.I think more barbs should learn from him.

You people need to put your jealousy aside and just face the facts...
stop sucking tiger so much.
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Old 06-01-2014, 04:38 PM   #12
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This whole thread deserves a GIANT, MASSIVE FACEPALM....

People like Arwen, Oro, Roofio and Anpu and so many long gone and forgotten deserve a big thanks for what Syrtis was before.

Tiger and Evangeline are part of what you will not like in this realm sooner or later. Take your time - we will see.

We know them very good - alot of us played in Syrtis for many years.
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Last edited by ieti; 06-01-2014 at 04:53 PM.
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Old 06-01-2014, 04:43 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Eminoo View Post
stop sucking tiger so much.
No one is sucking Tiger.I am just stating what i see with my own eyes everytime
i war with him.You people just dislike him because he kills you very often...no matter what he plays hunter or barb.
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Old 06-01-2014, 05:21 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Fightherpath View Post
No one is sucking Tiger.I am just stating what i see with my own eyes everytime
i war with him.You people just dislike him because he kills you very often...no matter what he plays hunter or barb.
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Old 06-01-2014, 05:37 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by leafdale View Post
What would your strategies be?

relative strengths and weaknesses.
MS5 would decide the winner lol. Evangelines MS never fails and he's not a bad knarb. Decent knarb beats decent barb.
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Old 06-01-2014, 06:21 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Fightherpath View Post
No one is sucking Tiger...You people just dislike him because he kills you very often...no matter what he plays hunter or barb.
No one? Wrong, bucko! Tiggy himself may be the one who's actually sucking here. Give my or anyone else's barb a 'conj harem' like he so routinely employs ... oh, & give my or any other's hunter some ubergear & a boss ammy & ring set ... hey, & now run around only playing when the largest zerg on server is currently online in your own realm. Ya' think ANYone that's so advantaged could & would "kills you very often"? For real, I really do. "I am just stating what i see with my own eyes"...

-Alone, with no such advantages available in the duels, Eve the knarb wrecks Tig the barb EVERYtime.

Last edited by Lebeau; 06-01-2014 at 06:31 PM.
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Old 06-01-2014, 07:15 PM   #17
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Tiger can play so risky cause he is sure he got heals from atleast three conjs everytime he rushes named zerg. It might look fancy and pro but its nothing special really. Tiger is not a bad player, but he is not the god some syrtis want to picture him as, he does not hit harder, roar faster or die cooler then any of the "stronger" barbs from other realms.


I think Evang would win this simply cause knarb should be able to beat any barb if played correctly
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Old 06-01-2014, 07:59 PM   #18
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there are players out there worth defending, picking the #1 troll player of the whole server, however, isnt a smart thing to do
the only time I see him playing his barb is with atleast 3 conju supps and a group of 15+

If tiger is the best Syrtis has to offer and is worth defending as you claim then I truly feel sorry for the realm

Im not really sure if the first post was just one big joke or if leaf is actually trying to get a response..
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Old 06-01-2014, 08:02 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
No one? Wrong, bucko! Tiggy himself may be the one who's actually sucking here. Give my or anyone else's barb a 'conj harem' like he so routinely employs ... oh, & give my or any other's hunter some ubergear & a boss ammy & ring set ... hey, & now run around only playing when the largest zerg on server is currently online in your own realm. Ya' think ANYone that's so advantaged could & would "kills you very often"? For real, I really do. "I am just stating what i see with my own eyes"...

-Alone, with no such advantages available in the duels, Eve the knarb wrecks Tig the barb EVERYtime.

He never needed a conju harem,he has proven it many times when hunting.He has fought against the odds many times and won.

@Rising_Cold He isnt the best Syrtis has to offer but he is better than 90% of the players in the other realms...
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Old 06-01-2014, 08:10 PM   #20
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I dont agree with you at all, today when we had pvps at PP tiger lost and raged so hard he didnt even come back. Tiger does never fight against even odds or without atleast one conjurer at his side. doesnt matter if its at a fort or hunting.
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