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Old 07-17-2014, 07:31 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Kyrenis View Post
(coming from someone who mains barb)
lul wut do u noe about barbs m8?
Memoize [Knight]
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Old 07-18-2014, 02:57 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Kyrenis View Post
OK, just so we are completely clear (for purposes of perspective), what kind of primary weapon does YOUR main, the barb, use btw? (Way too many blade-junkies just don't want to really compete with bluntie-barbies like meself is why I am asking.)

Too high? That's incorrect, the dps would not be TOO high, it would still be equal to or less than a slash or pierce barb's DPS (despite the blunt-ban, all endgame 1-handed slash & pierce type weapons are usable by barbs incidentally). Unless u r saying only blunt barbs should hit like wussies & the 'real' barbs (with blades or polearms) should hit really hard. R u actually saying that?!

So, ah, MS is STILL too OP?! Even with it's new 40-sec-cd (double what it used to be)? Man, so I guess u r totally ok then with 10-sec-cd South cross, yes? Oh, & also ok with Disable Limb as is, which can be recast as soon as it's duration ends? Both are also game-changers (to a degree) each in their own ways. But all of this is from an external game-balance perspective (even if I disagree with your conclusions)....

What INGAME reason could there possibly be for any warrior being disallowed the use of specific kinds of common weaponry? 'Barbo the Blunt' can use all the OTHER maces & hammers, but not THESE maces & hammers? WTF?! There isn't any sort of valid reason. That's the point I'm making. It's just bs. It's totally contrived ... & it needs to be fixed/revised
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Old 07-18-2014, 03:43 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
OK, just so we are completely clear (for purposes of perspective), what kind of primary weapon does YOUR main, the barb, use btw? (Way too many blade-junkies just don't want to really compete with bluntie-barbies like meself is why I am asking.)
I use a rapier.

Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
Too high? That's incorrect, the dps would not be TOO high, it would still be equal to or less than a slash or pierce barb's DPS (despite the blunt-ban, all endgame 1-handed slash & pierce type weapons are usable by barbs incidentally). Unless u r saying only blunt barbs should hit like wussies & the 'real' barbs (with blades or polearms) should hit really hard. R u actually saying that?!
You clearly didn't read my post correctly. I said 1 handed magnanite weapons on barbs would be too overpowered DPS-wise, not just the mag hammer.

Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
So, ah, MS is STILL too OP?! Even with it's new 40-sec-cd (double what it used to be)?
The CD has changed nothing about how the spell works other than making the spammers wait a mere 20 seconds more.
The spell still instantly removes all buffs on a target, with no way to counter it.
You will probably rebuttal with "its only a 50% chance". NGD's RNG is laughable and shouldn't be taken seriously.

Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
What INGAME reason could there possibly be for any warrior being disallowed the use of specific kinds of common weaponry? 'Barbo the Blunt' can use all the OTHER maces & hammers, but not THESE maces & hammers? WTF?! There isn't any sort of valid reason. That's the point I'm making. It's just bs.
See my other post:
Originally Posted by Kyrenis View Post
I feel MS is just too overpowered for barbs to be able to use in its current state. I'd be all for barbs having elite knight hammers/maces once MS gets moved to a different tree/adjusted/removed entirely.
I'm curious, why do you think barbs should still be able to use MS?
WM barb WM marx WM conj WM knight 60 lock
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Old 07-18-2014, 06:31 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
Too high? That's incorrect, the dps would not be TOO high, it would still be equal to or less than a slash or pierce barb's DPS (despite the blunt-ban, all endgame 1-handed slash & pierce type weapons are usable by barbs incidentally). Unless u r saying only blunt barbs should hit like wussies & the 'real' barbs (with blades or polearms) should hit really hard. R u actually saying that?!

So, ah, MS is STILL too OP?! Even with it's new 40-sec-cd (double what it used to be)? Man, so I guess u r totally ok then with 10-sec-cd South cross, yes? Oh, & also ok with Disable Limb as is, which can be recast as soon as it's duration ends? Both are also game-changers (to a degree) each in their own ways. But all of this is from an external game-balance perspective (even if I disagree with your conclusions)....

What INGAME reason could there possibly be for any warrior being disallowed the use of specific kinds of common weaponry? 'Barbo the Blunt' can use all the OTHER maces & hammers, but not THESE maces & hammers? WTF?! There isn't any sort of valid reason. That's the point I'm making. It's just bs. It's totally contrived ... & it needs to be fixed/revised
Kyrenis is absolutely right and you are really funny with your complaints. Nothing is disallowed, just get 2-handed hammer if you want spam MS on barb. Saero made it more than clear, one handed hammer with high damage would be way too OP on barb.

And asking to let barbs use magna hammer is even higher level. As other magna knight weapons it's knight only, I don't think it should be made warrior weapon just cos alsius barbs want to spam MS more effectively besides having really OP weapon.

The subclass restriction of lvl 60 onehanded blunt weapons is one of the very wise things done in this game.
A better world.
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Old 07-18-2014, 11:45 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Kyrenis View Post
I'm curious, why do you think barbs should still be able to use MS?
So they can destroy the only defence you have against their 4k south crosses, of course.
Memoize [Knight]
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Old 07-18-2014, 11:50 AM   #16
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Barbs already hit hard enough - mage barriers taken out in 1.5 hits, archers def is no def vs kick+fulmi, barb defence vs barb attack is negligible. Only knights stand a chance.

Barbs don't need the added nastiness of debuffing.MS would be a fair knight only skill.

Having said that, I'm enjoying trying to develop tactics that work against MS spamming monkeys. So please don't remove till I get these tactics right

Jaro Seeker - lvl 60 barb.
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Old 07-18-2014, 12:35 PM   #17
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Seems we have an anti-blunt barb seminar here. Sorry guys, but if the cd of a spell is 40 sec., u can't "spam it". Inferring such is disdainfully laughable. The very definition of spam is to do something over & over in rapid succession. Wi3ld gets it, SC is a spam spell, MS is not.

MS is the only way to bring down knight auras shielding a zerg, to aid in the quick killing of buffed conjs or knights, or to limit the damage done by a rampaging barb on a DI/UM-charge. I'm not fooled. This is NOT a balance issue: ALL those against blunt barbs hitting just as hard as other barbs just don't want to lose their precious buffs that keep them alive longer or that let them hit those 3k+ SC's or Ripostes.

Even knights can only cast MS 1/2 as often now thanks to the anti-MS whiners getting MS nerfed months ago. By capping blunt dps for 2-weapon combo barbs it is these peeps silent hopes that fewer will skill the blunt tree, & thus, fewer will cast MS on them & ruin their plans. If they truly had their way, MS wouldn't be knight-only by moved in other tree, it would be none-only by moved out of game entirely.

As I said, I'm not fooled. They feel the same about Darkness I'm sure. All I've seen in refutation is nothing but pro-zergster rhetoric. They want a game where group-size is all-important (even moreso than it already is) & one where there are no game-changers or surprises to deny them the sure thing they obtain by dint of population alone. They want to unstoppably steamroll their outnumbered opposition smoothly & they don't want any bumbs in their road, let alone delaying roadblocks or detours that might 'steal' their certain victory.

Their obvious & blatantly biased prejudices completely disqualify them from making any sort of serious game balance suggestions or opinions as far as I'm concerned. Go back, read their propaganda posts again & tell me the critical reasoning that any of them had & presented as to why disallowing blunt barb dps to match edged & pierce dps is a good, balanced & fair thing to do (ya' can't, cuz' it's just not there)....

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Old 07-18-2014, 01:29 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
Seems we have an anti-blunt barb seminar here. Sorry guys, but if the cd of a spell is 40 sec., u can't "spam it". Inferring such is disdainfully laughable. The very definition of spam is to do something over & over in rapid succession. Wi3ld gets it, SC is a spam spell, MS is not.
40 seconds is almost nothing, it's the same as berserk's duration/cd. So every time you cast berserk you will be able to cast ms.
Also wield was being 100% serious and not sarcastic or anything..../s

Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
ALL those against blunt barbs hitting just as hard as other barbs just don't want to lose their precious buffs that keep them alive longer or that let them hit those 3k+ SC's or Ripostes.
Well yeah, I'm pretty sure it is unanimous that people enjoy having buffs so they can actually stay in the fight.

Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
Even knights can only cast MS 1/2 as often now

Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
As I said, I'm not fooled. They feel the same about Darkness I'm sure. All I've seen in refutation is nothing but pro-zergster rhetoric. They want a game where group-size is all-important (even moreso than it already is) & one where there are no game-changers or surprises to deny them the sure thing they obtain by dint of population alone. They want to unstoppably steamroll their outnumbered opposition smoothly & they don't want any bumbs in their road, let alone delaying roadblocks or detours that might 'steal' their certain victory
It is clear that nobody can change your ms-whore opinion if this is your only argument, so I won't be replying anymore.
If you want to spam ms with good dps, go create a 2h mag hammer
WM barb WM marx WM conj WM knight 60 lock
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Old 07-18-2014, 02:31 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Kyrenis View Post
40 seconds is almost nothing, it's the same as berserk's duration/cd. So every time you cast berserk you will be able to cast ms.
Also wield was being 100% serious and not sarcastic or anything..../s

Well yeah, I'm pretty sure it is unanimous that people enjoy having buffs so they can actually stay in the fight.


It is clear that nobody can change your ms-whore opinion if this is your only argument, so I won't be replying anymore.
If you want to spam ms with good dps, go create a 2h mag hammer
-So if NGD nerfs South cross & Riposte to 40 sec cd's, they'll still be spam too then? Hmmmm?....

-Wi3ld chooses his serious moments & isn't always being tongue-in-cheek, but it takes objective critical thinking to know when that is....

-Nonsense. Buffs aren't required to stay in a fight, only required by those craven-bullies who never wish to fight from any sort of disadvantage whatsoever (cough^zergling^cough^usuallygelf^cough).

-Realms being only 1/2 as able (due to limit of 1/2 as often) to break using MS those critical aura & buff protections in a rvr battle isn't "good", it's a rules-reward for zerg-rules bs.

-U mad, bro? It is clear that nobody can change your anti-ms, pro-zergster-whore opinion if this is your only argument, so I won't be replying anymore either.

-Excuses, excuses. I don't want a 2-hander, I want what EVERY pierce & edged 2-weapon-combo-barb already has, but in blunt instead: a FULL usable selection of ALL existing weaponry.

Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
...All I've seen in refutation is nothing but pro-zergster rhetoric. They want a game where group-size is all-important (even moreso than it already is) & one where there are no game-changers or surprises to deny them the sure thing they obtain by dint of population alone. They want to unstoppably steamroll their outnumbered opposition smoothly & they don't want any bumbs in their road, let alone delaying roadblocks or detours that might 'steal' their certain victory.

Their obvious & blatantly biased prejudices completely disqualify them from making any sort of serious game balance suggestions or opinions as far as I'm concerned. Go back, read their propaganda posts again & tell me the critical reasoning that any of them had & presented as to why disallowing blunt barb dps to match edged & pierce dps is a good, balanced & fair thing to do (ya' can't, cuz' it's just not there)....
-Uh, STILL not there. Btw, 'I like it the way it is because it serves my & my group's current interests' is no kind of plausible reason, nor logically sustainable as "a good, balanced & fair thing to do".

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Old 07-18-2014, 02:34 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
-So if NGD nerfs South cross & Riposte to 40 sec cd's, they'll still be spam too then? Hmmmm?....

-Wi3ld chooses his serious moments & isn't always being tongue-in-cheek, but it takes objective critical thinking to know when that is....

-Nonsense. Buffs aren't required to stay in a fight, only required by those craven-bullies who never wish to fight from any sort of disadvantage whatsoever (cough^zergling^cough^usuallygelf^cough).

-Realms being only 1/2 as able (due to limit of 1/2 as often) to break using MS those critical aura & buff protections in a rvr battle isn't "good", it's a rules-reward for zerg-rules bs.

-U mad, bro? It is clear that nobody can change your anti-ms, pro-zergster-whore opinion if this is your only argument, so I won't be replying anymore either.

-Excuses, excuses. I don't want a 2-hander, I want what EVERY pierce & edged 2-weapon-combo-barb already has, but in blunt instead: a FULL usable selection of ALL existing weaponry.


-Uh, STILL not there. Btw, 'I like it the way it is because it serves my & my group's current interests' is no kind of plausible reason, nor logically sustainable as "a good, balanced & fair thing to do".
Cringed so hard whilst reading this, I hope you are trolling.
Hurrdurr u want to buff? lol only noobs buff
fcking gelfs lrn2play without buffs
WM barb WM marx WM conj WM knight 60 lock
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