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Old 06-24-2016, 07:26 AM   #11
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Both spells, darkness and confuse are just fine. Don't make game easier than it is.
In fact, since we're on darkness, should be NOT dispellable by PA. It's already low duration,
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Old 06-24-2016, 07:59 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by korag082007 View Post
considering the MS, there r shit tons of debuffs available to nerf those foreign buffs, but once some1 is in darkness +confuse then MS'd some1 is definatly dead, + debuffs on him
correct me if I am wrong but your main char is knight

Yes there are tons debuffs working on DI player:

warrior: disabling, disable limb, intimidate

knight: feint

barb: deaf. roar, howl

archer: hinder, caltrop, sudden strike, ambush, distr shot

marks: bow, seeking strike

mage: mind push, will domain, silence, time master, static field

lock: slow, petrify hands, laziness, fragility, darkness, elemental exposure

not sure about these: mana drain, soul keeper, sadistic servants


OH WAIT! they DO NOT work on DI target!

maybe DI is not powerful in zerg wars on Ra but on haven, especially with recent population lvl its nearly god mode. A barb with DI and heals from conju can obliterate entire war group and farm fort for hours unless somebody MS him.

Yes MS is controversial spell but its the only way to counter DI. Solutions are:

-change MS to remove only foreign buffs

-move DI to WM spell tree

-make DI conju self buff and remove MS

In my personal opinion last solution would please most of players
Kyle Katharn (knight) Darth Malgus (barb) Marka Ragnos (Hunter)
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Old 06-24-2016, 12:22 PM   #13
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I know I am biased on Confuse, since I main Conju, but I still believe it lasts too long.

[Conju rant] Confuse almost has the same effect as any other dizzy spell on conju. A confused conju is as useless as a dizzied lock. The thing is, Confuse lasts for 10 to 22 (!) seconds (60s CD). Let's take a look at dizzy spells :

Jaw Breaker : 2-6s (40s CD)
Back Slam : 3-7s (50% chance) (20s CD)
Shield Bash : 2-6s (45s CD)
Beast Attack : 3-7s (50% chance) (45s CD)
Howl : 3-7s (60s CD)
Silence : 3-7s (60s CD)
Meteor : 3-7s (15s CD)
Burst of Wind : 2-6s (40s CD)

Nothing comes even close of Confuse 1 ! (Except for MoD, which I left out because its mechanism is quite different)

Now, I get that Confuse should last longer than a regular dizzy spell because it doesn't have the same effect except on Conju (And maybe on Full support knight, idk). But that long ? Can you imagine how it is to stay almost unable to do anything for 16, 19, 22s (Since most Hunters I see have it 3+) ? I do believe that such thing should not be possible.

And yes, Confuse isn't that powerful in crowded RvR (Which isn't exactly Haven RvR but that's not the point). But so is every single target CC. Yet we don't see 22s long BoW's around. Even Darkness, which is quite similar to Confuse in a way, is still shorter (11, 15, 20s at lvl 3+).

On the other hand, in small fights it's really, really strong. I can't count the number of times a fight that could have been challenging just turned into a free win because of Confuse. Actually, that sole thing disgusted me from TDM, where I basically couldn't play every time the ennemy teams had a hunter. (Even though it might be slightly better now that's we have 4v4v4 fromat on Haven...).

And really, I wouldn't mind Confuse having shorter Cast Time and/or CD, maybe even cheaper Mana Cost. But please, please, reduce its duration. Also, giving it a more noticeable animation would be nice too. [/Conju rant]

About Darkess and MS, as frustrating as they may be, I can live with them. And I too agree that PA shouldn't be able to dispel Darkness.
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Last edited by Ulmar; 06-24-2016 at 12:47 PM.
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Old 06-24-2016, 01:59 PM   #14
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ive mentioned it before,i agree confuse duration is too long.but i also think it needs to be moved to the pet tree.if hunters want to skill confuse then they are going to have to skill a pet too and take a reduced bow damage set up as a result.

duration would be better at : 5,6,7,8,9 to put it in line with other dizzy spells.

moving it to pet tree makes sense to me and i know a lot of hunters will scream NO!...they will scream NO because they like the OPness of conf in its current state and the max bow damage to go with it.

MS...why that hasnt been made a loss of buffs for X-amount of seconds yet is a mystery to me.its way out of balance in its current form.

darkness tho i hate it,is fine.
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Old 06-24-2016, 02:32 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by kowocki View Post
correct me if I am wrong but your main char is knight

Yes there are tons debuffs working on DI player:

warrior: disabling, disable limb, intimidate

knight: feint

barb: deaf. roar, howl

archer: hinder, caltrop, sudden strike, ambush, distr shot

marks: bow, seeking strike

mage: mind push, will domain, silence, time master, static field

lock: slow, petrify hands, laziness, fragility, darkness, elemental exposure

not sure about these: mana drain, soul keeper, sadistic servants


OH WAIT! they DO NOT work on DI target!

maybe DI is not powerful in zerg wars on Ra but on haven, especially with recent population lvl its nearly god mode. A barb with DI and heals from conju can obliterate entire war group and farm fort for hours unless somebody MS him.

Yes MS is controversial spell but its the only way to counter DI. Solutions are:

-change MS to remove only foreign buffs

-move DI to WM spell tree

-make DI conju self buff and remove MS

In my personal opinion last solution would please most of players

yes this can be 1 solution, or another solution can be like, if player is on DI then player cannot have selected buffs or something like this
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Old 06-24-2016, 04:07 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Dumberest View Post
ive mentioned it before,i agree confuse duration is too long.but i also think it needs to be moved to the pet tree.if hunters want to skill confuse then they are going to have to skill a pet too and take a reduced bow damage set up as a result.
Why would confuse be moved to the pet tree when it has nothing to do with a pet? The reason no one uses pet is because it dies too fast.
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Old 06-24-2016, 07:55 PM   #17
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Reduce DI, Confuse duration, Darkness duration and casting time and make MS 100% but only for an ally buffs/auras.
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Old 06-24-2016, 11:41 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Sentan View Post
... make MS 100% but only for an ally buffs/auras.
Tell me. How can you remove aura buff? It has no sense in ideal case and little sense in reality - in the next tick you're protected by the aura again.

MS should stay as it is, just mana cost should be doubled. Players should consider if they are going to spam it and end with little mana for more important spells.

About Darkness and Conf, both spells are fine. It's good that these spells exist and encourage players to play as a team. Besides, darkness was already nerfed so much.
Is it really intent, leave warlock as a block calendar for every class to tear off?
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Old 06-25-2016, 09:36 AM   #19
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aura buffs contain just mana communition or something like that(donno spell name) and heroic presence like skills, which aren't as OP as those DI and other single ally buffs, and even aura buffs can be stopped. I remember wen I used to dismount and come in fort range I didn't used to get war confidence, though its an aura anyways
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Old 06-25-2016, 11:35 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by halvdan View Post
Tell me. How can you remove aura buff? It has no sense in ideal case and little sense in reality - in the next tick you're protected by the aura again.
Originally Posted by korag082007 View Post
aura buffs contain just mana communition or something like that(donno spell name) and heroic presence like skills, which aren't as OP as those DI and other single ally buffs, and even aura buffs can be stopped.
this exactly. A mindsquasher, which removes ALL FOREIGIN BUFFS would even get rid of shield wall and star shield (or what the knight mass buffs are called), but leaves you with your own buffs. Meaning, you are - kind of - alone for a moment. Still sounds like a strong spell to me, but not overpowered.
Heroic presence etc. are not worth discussing about mind squasher, because right now, aura effects are not removed either.
Originally Posted by halvdan View Post
MS should stay as it is, just mana cost should be doubled.
NO, adjusting cooldown or manacost or %chance or similar DOES NOT SOLVE the issue witih mind squasher.
Mind squasher's effect is too strong.
It's been said a hundred times. It is a blatant fun-killer, a tactic-neutralizer, a stupid, mindless cheating spell. It is too strong.
Have you ever fought against a team with multiple mind squashers? It makes you wanna kill yourself. Even if cooldown is raised to 5 minutes: Whenever you initiate a group attack, they'll have it ready.

Originally Posted by halvdan View Post
About Darkness and Conf, both spells are fine. It's good that these spells exist and encourage players to play as a team. Besides, darkness was already nerfed so much.
Is it really intent, leave warlock as a block calendar for every class to tear off?
I think darkness is alright too. Warlocks are not to be nerfed either way.
Confusing has an interesting effect and it shouldn't go, I think. But I'd vote for making it more dynamic, e.g. lowering cooldown AND duration significantly.
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