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Old 07-20-2016, 08:06 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Herakles View Post
Another day another no TDM...

it was 3-0-0 again most of the time although at one stage we got to 3-1-2

I have a suggestion for battlezones.

At one stage we had 12 people waiting but no enemies to play (not because they don't have enough online just because they don't want to play)

My suggestion is, if there are enough players for a game in total but not enough from other realms maybe you can mix the teams, and fight against people from your own realm. So even if Syrtis doesn't want to play TDM or Ignis doesn't have enough online to do TDM Alsius can maybe fight against each other in TDM?

I have 30 tickets now and can never use them. Some people have over 70 :/. This suggestion might get some more games of TDM done, because it's sad to have a part of the game that the creators worked hard on to make unused.

There are other games that have used something like that in bgs. It makes perfect sense. I'm not naming names, but I will say that two of my favourite MMOs other than Regnum, use this system that they call something like "undercover" or "mercenary" mode, and get this, these games are HIGLY POPULATED. They're chock full of players, but they still have to break faction boundaries to fill one team or another now and then. You get paid extra for your trouble, so it's a win-win. Let's hope this option gets well considered.
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Old 07-22-2016, 01:55 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Takeyo View Post
There are other games that have used something like that in bgs. It makes perfect sense. I'm not naming names, but I will say that two of my favourite MMOs other than Regnum, use this system that they call something like "undercover" or "mercenary" mode, and get this, these games are HIGLY POPULATED. They're chock full of players, but they still have to break faction boundaries to fill one team or another now and then. You get paid extra for your trouble, so it's a win-win. Let's hope this option gets well considered.
+1, this would be good, btw I would like to add 1 more point, most players have their champion armour set complete, so this might be 1 reason that people don't play that, I sujjest if we add more things may be weapons or like may be 7-day costumes, mount or may be some temporary dye anything like this, sometimes adding things off-gameplay adds more fun in game
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Old 07-23-2016, 07:01 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by korag082007 View Post
+1, this would be good, btw I would like to add 1 more point, most players have their champion armour set complete, so this might be 1 reason that people don't play that, I sujjest if we add more things may be weapons or like may be 7-day costumes, mount or may be some temporary dye anything like this, sometimes adding things off-gameplay adds more fun in game
Yes this is another important part, some people might not play TDM any more because they already have completed everything, this gives them no incentive to play.

Another day yesterday with 0 games as well...
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Old 07-24-2016, 12:23 PM   #14
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Extend that calendar, i'm never online during tdm :s
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Old 07-25-2016, 01:52 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Herakles View Post
I have 30 tickets now and can never use them. Some people have over 70 :/
this might actually evolve into a problem later on.
if people can get tickets but cannot join instances, this looks like a design error to me. maybe the ticket system should be disabled server-wise then.
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Old 07-25-2016, 08:35 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by schachteana View Post
this might actually evolve into a problem later on.
if people can get tickets but cannot join instances, this looks like a design error to me. maybe the ticket system should be disabled server-wise then.
or they should stop messing around and get some new blood would also fix the problem
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Old 07-29-2016, 03:09 PM   #17
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Haven Battlezones now need 4 players when we couldn't get games with 3 players?

Don't think we will ever get a game of battlezones on haven now...

I sit there waiting for a game for 2 hours no game.

Maybe if the joining or logging in screen wasn't so big then others would wait instead of closing?
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Old 07-30-2016, 02:59 PM   #18
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Just came back from a break. I get 0 tickets on all of my characters, even if I manage to play actively 3 days a week, I have hardly any chance of getting any tickets. You know any ppl with a normal life, would not play a game 5 days a week as a full time job.
For me I have family , social life, work, if you want me a ignis to play TDM, give me some tickets first. I remember at syrtis' prime with daily farming on ignis and alsius, ignis still proved to a force to be reckoned with in TDM, didn't we?

Clayrissa/ Clementina.....
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Old 08-05-2016, 08:46 PM   #19
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We know that battlezones affect the war and they will do it more in Haven. Are you OK with the idea of, a pair of days or three in the week, open them during peak hours?
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Old 08-05-2016, 09:08 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Adrian View Post
We know that battlezones affect the war and they will do it more in Haven. Are you OK with the idea of, a pair of days or three in the week, open them during peak hours?
I'm okey with it but there is another issue on Haven... due to low population on server and no new players around it's nearly impossible to find any TDM... many people already got their Champion sets so they won't participate in TDM anymore (well, most of them) :P that's why TDM should be available at any time. In the first month since the introduction of new Battlezone there was no problem with finding the game because players were farming Champion gear so ofc it affected WZ... but now... I would give a chance for open TDM... without time restrictions... at least for week and see if it really hurts Warzone so much. Maybe just disable TDM when X Realm is getting invaded.
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