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Old 09-01-2007, 05:18 PM   #11
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I thought Linux zealots had killed the last Windows apologists but I was wrong: they were hiding in POLAND!!!

Just choose what you prefer, but the difference between you and us is that we know both sides. You only know Windows and you consider it granted that it's better. And I'm not talking about old stuff like having to restart for each change, it's just that Windows feels like a jail. The whole paradigm is wrong, but I think a Windows user just can't understand it unless he experienced freedom before.

e.g, on Windows if you want a piece of software that does X, either you know/someone tells us one that does X, or you ask Google, you go to their website, then download it, either pay or find a crack -- btw I wonder what's more popular in Poland --, and run it.... and if it doesn't work, you're screwed btw. (hopefully, the software or the cracks were virus/spyware free)

On any decent GNU/Linux distribution (ones new users are likely to install), you just ask to the package manager "I want X", it gives you a list of apps which do X, you select the ones you want and it downloads & installs them for you, freely and legaly (because they're Free Software) and then you test them. And most of those apps are of very high quality and at least strictly equivalent to Windows ones. Minus the spyware risk, virus risk, and awful design (in Windows each app wants to own the OS, because they're packaged by the software vendor and not by Microsoft, in GNU/Linux since they're Free Software, applications are repackaged by distro-specific package maintainers which make sure they play fair with the rest of the system).

Anyway, your loss.
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Old 09-01-2007, 05:39 PM   #12
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Ur talking like everyother "If somethings wrong its cause of Windows, CHANGE TO LINUX" thats bullcrap, ppl like u are just afraid of Windows, u feel like in jail cause ur not even trying to understand it, im using Windows for almost 10 years, I know Win98 like my own pocket, WinXP is close to that stage too. U call windows a jail? prison? sry if u cant afford 100-150 euros for a program that will suit u for 3-5 years then sorry, we have nothing to talk about.


Originally Posted by magnet
e.g, on Windows if you want a piece of software that does X, either you know/someone tells us one that does X, or you ask Google, you go to their website, then download it, either pay or find a crack -- btw I wonder what's more popular in Poland --, and run it.... and if it doesn't work, you're screwed btw.
I've got a list of tested and trustfull programs which work as they should. If i want to overclock my whole system i do it, if i want to edit registry entries i do it. Just like in real life, if i want to eat i do it, if i want to go on a party i do it, if i want to f*ck on it, ill sooner or later do it. So i dont know whats ur problem and anyother Linux maniac.
Windows is stable if u know how to use it and know how to make it stable enough for your needs.

And its not my loss, i piss on the ignorance of any "Blablabla WinShit is bad blablabla", most of you just installed windows opened IE and started downloading Linux cause.... its free, i doubt that u could enter Windows system registry without 3rd party programs w/o an attached 'User manual', so dont u talk to me bad boy, cause any word from u about windows, is bluusht all the way around.

And whats your problem to poland? Stick your irony and sarcasm deep in a place when sun never gets
shall i remind u of a WW2 alliance which France and England tottaly ignored?
Poland in 1980 opposed the Soviet Union so a free europe exists till this day.
So dont u dare write anything about my country without careing about its history and ppl that live here.
I am polish, and im proud of it. The land of agile thieves and Hard workers.
The Melbourne Shuffler!

Last edited by Boger; 09-01-2007 at 05:58 PM.
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Old 09-01-2007, 08:49 PM   #13
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If you choose to feel offended at harmless jokes, be my guest. And I've been using Windows for way more than 10 years, in fact since it was DOS, and I know everything there is to know. I already told you that's the difference, I know both, and you're blindly defending Windows without knowing GNU/Linux. Were you using Linux, *you* would be the kind blindly defending Linux. I don't care for OSes, I'm not a big fan of Linux either, I just find it's better than Windows for many things, not all, and those things matter more to me. I don't see any area where Windows software has an advantage good enough for me except for games, and I don't play anything but Regnum. But as I told you first, I couldn't care less. Your choice, your loss. Now let's get moving I don't care for OS wars. I'm not going on with this discussion, feel free to end it as well.
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Old 09-01-2007, 09:39 PM   #14
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I'm not starting a OS fight, dont wanna compare any1 of their ups and downs.
I'm trying to show u how much ignorancy u have saying that its my loss.
My buisness, not loss, my comp actually runs way better and more stable than everbefore thanks to those "hopefull spyware free software".

I don't care for OSes
Maybe u should, cause if u dont u prolly get out of ur machine 60%-70% of its possiblities which is a waste of money.

War time on, peace.
The Melbourne Shuffler!
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Old 09-01-2007, 11:54 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by NightTwix
"better" depends on what you want to do. Linux beats XP here in many areas

But for one reason Linux is unbeatable better: Its open and its free
I only use properiary software if they actually bring unique features i cant live without
Like Opera or Regnum!
Why live in chains when you can choose freedom?
i bought my e-machines computer 3 years ago from Comp USA for 200$ , with everything and Windows XP installed, as it has become obsolete i have just replaced hard ware , the way i look at it i never payed for XP.
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Old 09-01-2007, 11:55 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Sentinel
i bought my e-machines computer 3 years ago from Comp USA for 200$ , with everything and Windows XP installed, as it has become obsolete i have just replaced hard ware , the way i look at it i never payed for XP.
Of course you paid for it, it was included in the price you bought it for, you don't think they'd just give it away do you? (:
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Old 09-01-2007, 11:57 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Froste
Of course you paid for it, it was included in the price you bought it for, you don't think they'd just give it away do you? (:

Originally Posted by Sentinel
i doubt ^^
The Melbourne Shuffler!
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Old 09-02-2007, 10:26 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Sentinel
i bought my e-machines computer 3 years ago from Comp USA for 200$ , with everything and Windows XP installed, as it has become obsolete i have just replaced hard ware , the way i look at it i never payed for XP.
Yep, you paid for it, the hardware in that emachine wasn't worth $50 new, not to mention that you think large OEMs pay $200 for an XP license? I can still get XP Pro SP2 32 or 64 bit editions for $135 US, legaly. XP Home is only around $90.

If I build someone a comp they put everything into hardware if they don't want to install windows, which I'm seeing more and more these days, it seems that the general n00b public is starting to get sick of windows and the crap it comes with.

When they buy a machine from HP or Dell it comes loaded with 10 tons of hard as hell to remove crap that takes over the entire comp and steals preformance, often forming huge security holes. Preformance that these low end machines absolutly need. The average myspace site is so loaded with bullshit that you can bring most comps to their knees if you first don't go blind and crap yourself from the brown note being hit by the combination of horrible pop and rap songs and videos trying to all play at once.

If I build you a comp sure it'll cost more then $200, but it comes bullshit free, with good hardware hand picked by me after I sit with you for a few hours and we look into reviews of the parts and reliability information on the parts makers. Yo will always get a machine from me with at least a semi competent video card, I never use mobos that have intergrated video and I'll never touch a card that uses turbo cache.

As for software, I have a large set of F/OSS software, I only consider freeware apps when they offer something that the F/OSS software doesn't, this includes apps for Windows as well as linux.

For windows tho I have to factor in the cost of Windows, and I usually offer up Kaspersky Internet security pack as the antivirus as the one to go for for paid, but I also offer Avast! Home Free, AVG and ClamWin as other potential free AVs, I usually install Avast! for the less competent users as I tell them to first pick their screen saver then I use the option for it to run as the screen saver.

If you wan't an example of bullshit software look no further then your ISP, ever OS can do DHCP, PPPoE etc. built into the OS, yt they always want you to use their bloat crap. Today I had a client call me up asking how much I could give him to take his Indigo 400 iMac off his hands, when I inquired why he said he had just gotten AT&T DSL and the tech came over and said that the DSL didn't work cause the modem on the old iMac was shorting out the DSL. I told him that that sounded suspicious and asked him to bring it over, I tested the model and ethernet port, no problems there, I asked him for the PPP0E info for his DSL account and set it up using the OS 9 built in software and told him to take it home and try to connect, it worked.

In the end it was stupid ppl installing crap windows only crapware on a non windows machine then telling the guy to buy a new windows computer cause they didn't know how to set it up.

Personally tho I prefer Macs, but I'm liking Linux aswell, I feel buntu is now at a point where I can call it a poor man's OS X, even tho Macs have become quite cheap these days when compared to comparable machines. My only qualm with current Macs is the ATI videocard in the current iMacs and the lack of better card option in the Mac Pro, 7300GT GDDR3 edition is a slug of a card on it's own, even if 2 of them OCed and SLied together can match a stock 7900GT in preformance, Mac Pro's don't have SLi capable mobos as Apple only uses intel chipsets. The main benifit tho of a Mac for me is the ability to run XP and Linux at the same time as OS X via parallels. But Apple refuses to embrace the gaming community, knowing full well that a card as weak as the current ATI cards in the iMac just can't handle running at those resolutions, ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO running even WoW or Regnum at 1920x1200 resolution? You have to be kidding me. Sure, the customized Mac games will run a little better then their Windows and Linux conterparts, but even on OS X I seriously doubt that that card can handle it at the screen's native resolution as as everyone knows that LCD screens at anything other then native res look like ass even if you jack up the AA to remove some of the jaggies.

But as usual I'm ranting, but then this thread ha just mostly been rants anyways. OS X has the most available software followed at a close 2nd by Linux and windows brings up the rear being only able to run windows software, no reverse wine or cedega for windows, but then it may just have the most software, I remember reading a few years back that 1 spyware mill made like 100 variations of their crap a day for various clients that had hired them to piss ppl off and ensure that I have money removing their stuff.
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Old 09-03-2007, 05:12 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by DuoMaxwell
Yep, you paid for it, the hardware in that emachine wasn't worth $50 new
Well , be that as it may , ive put about 200$ into it since ive bought my PC , and thats just to keep it up to date over the past 3 years.. You dont have to be a rocket scientist to be able to watch when hardware goes on sale .The "Hard as hell" crap to remove was not all that "hard as hell" to remove. My computer runs like a dream , shuts down and starts up instantly and guess what? it does every thing i have ever wanted it to . So whats the point in buying a $1000 computer if all you wish to do is play games and surf the net?? Maxwell , you are a damn fool if you believe any software cant come free. So the "Free" selling point is completely irrelevant besides.
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Old 09-03-2007, 05:31 AM   #20
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There is plenty of Free software, it's just that Windows isn't it (:
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