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Old 03-17-2008, 03:20 PM   #11
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Too many limiting factors
Valour Mutiny Wra Nohadon Thirteen Valourious
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Old 03-17-2008, 10:06 PM   #12
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I've proposed long time ago that they keep all time stats and make monthly stats clans included, and storing for each one in the year but no echo from NGD or anyone else.
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Old 03-17-2008, 10:58 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Katiechan
... In war people are not rewarded for efficiency but overall effectiveness.
If this is the case, why even make this thread? This one statement shows that you just defeated your original post.

For why reset the RP system if, as you say, RP is a sign of "overall effectiveness"? Effectiveness that might will be connected to time spent in the wz.

However, the reason why one should seek to reset the RP system is because one day there will be items that can be bought with RP. But I'm sure no one would be in favor of that, nor NGD (for they didn't rest everyone's exp after they changed exp tables to depend on 10% damage).

Really, the way the system is intended is to have people buy RP scrolls one day, at least I see it that way. So those that got in early on pvp benefit, but at the same time expect the prices on those items to cost millions of RP.
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Old 03-18-2008, 09:14 AM   #14
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I like the idea. But not only time should be taken into consideration. Also the already suggested deaths taken/ deaths given.

It is true that people with horses can get to action faster. But would this make such a big difference?
Proud to be a goat! / Orgulloso de ser una cabra!
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Old 03-18-2008, 10:57 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Rockwolf_
I like the idea. But not only time should be taken into consideration. Also the already suggested deaths taken/ deaths given.

It is true that people with horses can get to action faster. But would this make such a big difference?
yes... horse is godly...
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Old 03-18-2008, 12:06 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Hell_bound
However, the reason why one should seek to reset the RP system is because one day there will be items that can be bought with RP.
I think NGD stated somewhere there won't be items buyable with rp... I think that's good though, giving more use to rps will breed more rp leechers
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Old 03-18-2008, 04:03 PM   #17
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I completely agree with the original poster. Ranking people simply by the RP they have gained over the last year is meaningless. Someone can be a mediocre player, but play 16 hours a day for 9 months and be highly ranked, even if they die constantly, giving three times their RP to their enemies. Meanwhile, someone can join Regnum, work hard to get to level 50, then fight effectively and efficiently for 4 months straight... and not even get ranked.

Our current RP system is as meaningless as "ranking" players solely on the number of hours they have played.

I prefer almost all the suggestions I have heard to what we have now:

Keep the system as it is, but wipe RP every month, so newer players that are active and effective can get ranked.

Factor in RP earned with RP given, so players who kill twice as often as they die will be ranked higher than some idiot who dies twice for every kill he earns, but plays a hundred hours a week. This would be a ratio of RP earned / RP given.

Same as above, but use subtraction instead of division: RP earned minus RP given. This would factor in efficiency as well as hours played. If you kill more than you die, your ranking would be a positive number. The more your kills exceed your deaths, the higher your rank.

Originally Posted by Rockwolf_
It is true that people with horses can get to action faster. But would this make such a big difference?

Yes, a horse can get someone to battle faster, however they are not a significant factor in war. A rider is very vulnerable while riding. One shot from an enemy will likely knock you off your horse, and cause you to be frozen for several seconds, allowing the enemy to cast a couple of spells on you before you can do anything. In addition, summoning a horse cancels all buffs, so a rider will never have any defenses going while riding. Also once knocked off a horse by an enemy, you won't be able to get back on and ride away. It takes several seconds to summon, and again, one shot from an enemy will not only cancel the spell, but will also cause you to stand helplessly until the failed spell finishes.

Demonmonger likes to exaggerate the use of horses because they are the only thing faster than his hunter. However if you look around and see how rarely horses are used in the warzone, I think that is evidence in itself that horses are not significant to war.
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Old 03-18-2008, 05:32 PM   #18
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and the lag? this is a good idea but the server will be more charged and thats the same that LAG

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Old 03-18-2008, 05:44 PM   #19
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i would call them legends. they played alot and have alot of experiance so they earned there way to the top and WAD needs to stop whining about RP and caing about them more often.

i think we should be able to look for our selvs by typing char name and seeing where we would be on that list or looking at a spasific nunber even from other realms and classes.
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Old 03-18-2008, 05:57 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by GIGO305
i would call them legends. they played alot and have alot of experiance so they earned there way to the top
I would not call them legends. I would equate them to someone who has been in the military for 20 years, floating along to retirement, since RP is predominately a reflection of time played.

The ones that I would call legends are the ones that showed exceptional courage and prowess on the battlefield, even if for only a few weeks.

I think there should be multiple metrics to rank people. First, rank them by some other method, like RP earned minus RP given, to reflect battlefield prowess. Additionally, keep the current RP system on a secondary list, so certain people can point to it and say, "Look at me! I played 2000 hours of Regnum in the last year!"
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