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Old 02-27-2010, 07:42 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by MalaTempora View Post
shame on this losers, PLEASE NGD, to help stop this, PERMA BAN account,and
also PUT their names public, a sort of HALL OF SHAME with IP, to give right
point of HUMILIATIONS, (maybe also the clan name... so clan mates will be
forced to stop helping them...or share part of the shame...)

damn, be care with cheaters, can really ruin a game and force other players
to search away fun...

(just imho)
I understand what you feel, but conducting executions in public won't change anything, except to satisfy your own thirst for vengeance. Other cheaters will come and will start to cheat again.

The only things to do is to perma-ban the account and probably the IP (hoping it's not a dynamical IP, and even if it's a fixed one, he can use a proxy) and fix the trade system. What NGD has already done once, and will do this time too.

But i fear more about collateral damages which can ban innocent people, but this time NGD prevents it by stopping magna trade first. That's a very good decision, thx NGD.
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Old 02-27-2010, 07:46 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by veluchami View Post
Banning the accounts which actually did the packet replaying or whatever they did to dupe it would pose no problem to people who accepted it. May be the people who accepted in large numbers for less money should be banned a few days with the item deletion. Because this issue has been officially announced and well publicized, you can feign ignorance no more...
It has been already said so sorry for repeating it but, we, users of the forum, represent a small part of the players...

It has become well publicized when Surak poped up yesterday in Realm chat stating wtf is going on, at least for Ra people. Now with the magna freeze, everybody is hopefully aware.
(RA) Neliel Tu Bruja aburrida El Desbalance Cazadora lenta
Unlike you i'm a pt who accept defeat and don't call it imbalance :P
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Old 02-27-2010, 08:14 PM   #13
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Default More Duplication? Geez...

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. There will always be f***-ups in the world, and some of them are going to have computer access and a decent video card...

It's pretty weak in and of itself, but here's what I wanna know; why mags? Why duplicate mags? It just seems to me that there would be better things to want two of then a near useless bit of rock that, when multiplied, gives you a crappy weapon.

I know things can get dull in game sometimes, but seriously, come on...
o Q o (WM), Martok (WM), Wyatt Earp (53), T'Pol (52), P'Tak (57), Rotarrin (38)
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Old 02-27-2010, 08:21 PM   #14
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I like the idea of a ''Hall of Shame'' with all their names on it, it would decrease our respect for them.
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Old 03-01-2010, 11:13 PM   #15
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i don't understand these ppl... why cheat?! why spoil the fun?!
these cheaters must be punished, otherwise, there will be no incentive for other players to do anything in the game because they know there is an easy way of getting things.
i feel sorry for these cheaters...amatures.
H G - Warlock - Alsius - Haven
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Old 03-02-2010, 12:08 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by esptupac View Post
i don't understand these ppl... why cheat?! why spoil the fun?!
The only reason I can think of is that they can't get far enough on their lame skills that the only way they can compete is by cheating.

If it was just to prove their 'l33t haxoring skillz' they could do that by duplicating one mag. To do more means they don't think they can make it on their own playing skills.

A Hall of Shame might not bother them that much, it may be worthwhile as a warning and reminder to other players, who are deciding whether to actually work to improve their skill, or take the easy way out.
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Old 03-02-2010, 04:04 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by GythaOgg View Post
The only reason I can think of is that they can't get far enough on their lame skills that the only way they can compete is by cheating.

If it was just to prove their 'l33t haxoring skillz' they could do that by duplicating one mag. To do more means they don't think they can make it on their own playing skills.

A Hall of Shame might not bother them that much, it may be worthwhile as a warning and reminder to other players, who are deciding whether to actually work to improve their skill, or take the easy way out.
sometimes its not about being "better" using cheats its about griefing/causing trouble
some people do things like this because they get fun out of it they are not cheating to be the best they are cheating to ruin others fun. admining several gameservers before i have seen this alot often these people know how to bypass bans/etc they only play to ruin others fun.
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Old 03-02-2010, 02:21 PM   #18
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the "hall of shame" for what i'd learned in past similar situations help a lot to stop entire guilds from give help or support to cheaters, cause being TAGGED
as infamous give guild a "flush out" situations, where honest players move out,
leaving the guild dieing...
so being forced to play alone leave part of the fun from the cheaters, that
imvho must be forced to chose another game (they CANT be forced to play
honestly, cause a cheater in a game is usually a loser or patetic in real life, searching "some sort of avenge" in computer games ) .
so cheater must be isolated, don't heal them, don't cooperate with them
let them gain no fun, don't laught with them, laught at them..

for what i learn in past:
when cheaters are identified they must be punished in evil way:
1) reduce them to lvl1 and cancel all their items, to all their players
(is not so hard to see how many account a player have, if multiaccount)
2) show their names, so the fame become shame, and let the ppl that
gain from them to share their part of shame.. (hall of shame have this
purpose and usually work) also their country, clan, guild, state, or other
info that help in instilling " fear of being caught with hand on marmelade" on his ally / clanmate AND also this soften or "give relief" to honest ones

3) to NGD this is a suggest, give CREDIT (or some xym) to players who tell
you directly of a bug without abuse it, they deserve respect and they soften
you in the bug tracking..

all imvho
(Horus) Ignis - Ignobili Malignis
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Old 03-02-2010, 04:01 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by MalaTempora View Post
the "hall of shame" for what i'd learned in past similar situations help a lot to stop entire guilds from give help or support to cheaters, cause being TAGGED
as infamous give guild a "flush out" situations, where honest players move out,
leaving the guild dieing...
so being forced to play alone leave part of the fun from the cheaters, that
imvho must be forced to chose another game (they CANT be forced to play
honestly, cause a cheater in a game is usually a loser or patetic in real life, searching "some sort of avenge" in computer games ) .
so cheater must be isolated, don't heal them, don't cooperate with them
let them gain no fun, don't laught with them, laught at them..

for what i learn in past:
when cheaters are identified they must be punished in evil way:
1) reduce them to lvl1 and cancel all their items, to all their players
(is not so hard to see how many account a player have, if multiaccount)
2) show their names, so the fame become shame, and let the ppl that
gain from them to share their part of shame.. (hall of shame have this
purpose and usually work) also their country, clan, guild, state, or other
info that help in instilling " fear of being caught with hand on marmelade" on his ally / clanmate AND also this soften or "give relief" to honest ones

3) to NGD this is a suggest, give CREDIT (or some xym) to players who tell
you directly of a bug without abuse it, they deserve respect and they soften
you in the bug tracking..

all imvho
There is no way to get rid of cheaters by any punishment....
Most cheaters if they feel they will lose a level or be banned will create alternate accounts to dupe or horde items....

Later they transfer these items to the players they intended to have them, and play innocent.

Some of you will say, "well they can be tracked by their I.P."
To this I say if they cheaters are good they know how to hide their I.P. address. If they are really good they will not dupe magnatite but rather make the magnatite spawn faster than normal in an area where people do not normally travel. If the cheaters were really good they would be able to kill any monster and get whatever drop they wanted from the monster. Thus giving their items an identity generated by the game itself.

To beat a cheat you must know how they operate..... and what makes them want to cheat in the first place... Take away the benefit.... The more special items we get in the game and the more people feel they are being cheated by NGD's lucky box system, the more problems we will see in the future.

A true cheat is not afraid of being level 1 because they can generate any level they want at any given time..... They get high of finding ways to manipulate the game.

Just wait and see....

(Prediction of NostroDemonMonger)
(retired cheat buster, because I don't want to get banned)

Have a good day..
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Old 03-02-2010, 04:24 PM   #20
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ok seriously. FOR F*** SAKE PEOPLE!!! the first mag duping thing was lame enough. now there is ANOTHER ONE!?!?! now NGD doesnt allow you to trade mags so they cant be duped until they find a fix.

GREAT JOB RUINING THINGS FOR EVERYONE ELSE!! now clans cant compile all their mags to get a clan mag weapon. i cant compile all of my mags from all of my characters to buy something from someone else.


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