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Old 11-04-2010, 02:50 AM   #11
survive's Avatar
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and actually... it was me fighting the GC, alone.. the others were all trying to keep me alive... i sweated blood and tears killing that fkr, and you and that barb a couple of times.. we remember it well.. i had to stop and have a cigarette after that battle... but i can assure you... i ran up the ramp once, and once only .. to get some heals... the rest of the time.. i was on the ground fighting that GC... did not glitch it to keep it in the tower... just used the tower doorway to bottleneck the aggro i was taking... i can see why you would think that... i have seen ppl do what you are reffering too... and yeah.. gotta agree that is rather lame... but if you want a dexterity workout with your fingers... might i suggest you try to barb-tank a GC with only conj support solo sometime... it was a blast... but not something you want to repeat often
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Old 11-04-2010, 01:28 PM   #12
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The whole drag the guard to the tower thing in every sitation I have seen is to avoid enemies coming in and the other guards. It's hardly abuse to change where you fight the guard in the fort >.>

And even if archers are all up high shooting the guard below, big fecking deal. Sometimes when I shoot arrows they go through the top of hills and kill people should that be considered abuse?

It's a basic tactic for archers to take the high ground in forts when facing warriors and anyone else for that matter. Just because the guards are too stupid to go around and up the stairs like players do (then again sometimes they manage to chase people up the stairs of the side of the forts anyway), doesn't mean archers should be depribed of a basic tactic to their class.

End rant, not glitching in my eyes, I'll wait for someone to point out NGDs stance on the issue or NGD themselves.
A Dream.
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Old 11-04-2010, 02:41 PM   #13
Join Date: May 2009
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Originally Posted by Nekoko View Post
The whole drag the guard to the tower thing in every sitation I have seen is to avoid enemies coming in and the other guards. It's hardly abuse to change where you fight the guard in the fort >.>

And even if archers are all up high shooting the guard below, big fecking deal. Sometimes when I shoot arrows they go through the top of hills and kill people should that be considered abuse?

It's a basic tactic for archers to take the high ground in forts when facing warriors and anyone else for that matter. Just because the guards are too stupid to go around and up the stairs like players do (then again sometimes they manage to chase people up the stairs of the side of the forts anyway), doesn't mean archers should be depribed of a basic tactic to their class.

End rant, not glitching in my eyes, I'll wait for someone to point out NGDs stance on the issue or NGD themselves.
I'm not talking so much about archers. There are 2 ways I've seen it glitched in the tower:

1. Archers get aggro, and then run up the tower and out of reach. This makes the GC run in cirlces, while all the melees beat on him at 0 risk.

2. The GC is dragged under the ramp, and a melee (usually a barb) holds aggro of the GC from the other side of the ramp. The barb is able to hit the GC through the ramp, but the GC continues to run forward into the ramp and does not attack.

Of course I don't think fighting the GC in the tower is automatically glitching.
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Old 11-04-2010, 08:21 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by VandaMan View Post
I'm not talking so much about archers. There are 2 ways I've seen it glitched in the tower:

1. Archers get aggro, and then run up the tower and out of reach. This makes the GC run in cirlces, while all the melees beat on him at 0 risk.

2. The GC is dragged under the ramp, and a melee (usually a barb) holds aggro of the GC from the other side of the ramp. The barb is able to hit the GC through the ramp, but the GC continues to run forward into the ramp and does not attack.

Of course I don't think fighting the GC in the tower is automatically glitching.
Ok with those much more clear examples I'd say they are both glitching. First one would be hard to police imo cause of multiple people doing it x.x Second one is obviously the easiest. But yes I totally agree with these two examples.
A Dream.
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