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Old 11-30-2010, 07:33 PM   #11
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First of all, Hello everyone,

I wasn't there on this invasion, today i heard about that, and I want tell to you Ignis, gratz for it. My opinion is that about this invasion: It's not real invasion if you do it when we have around 10-20online ->7of these are noobs..
But when we want to make a Invasion on you at morning -at 10-11am,
you have the same numbers at the begginings (like 10-20), and its okay , but in 20 mins how can you call to regnum around + 40 player? by calling phone? hmm i dont think so.. So the other way is that, these players coming from other servers..
And what can you do with this? Its simple on many servers prolly..
I think you should block the server when the Big Gate's color is orange, or something like this because its not fair, for example at our last invasion when we broke your Gate, with more numbers than as you had, we was on our way to come out with gems, and yea we splitted, for a group at gate, and for a other which brings the gems, but i still dont believe that we failed, we were around 70... ofc i cant know that what numbers you had, but im sure not more than 25-28. But that doesnt matter, I know many of my friends who quited cause of this 'Fun breaker log in chain'.

With Respect: jakob
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Old 11-30-2010, 07:42 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by jakob View Post
First of all, Hello everyone,

I wasn't there on this invasion, today i heard about that, and I want tell to you Ignis, gratz for it. My opinion is that about this invasion: It's not real invasion if you do it when we have around 10-20online ->7of these are noobs..
But when we want to make a Invasion on you at morning -at 10-11am,
you have the same numbers at the begginings (like 10-20), and its okay , but in 20 mins how can you call to regnum around + 40 player? by calling phone? hmm i dont think so.. So the other way is that, these players coming from other servers..
And what can you do with this? Its simple on many servers prolly..
I think you should block the server when the Big Gate's color is orange, or something like this because its not fair, for example at our last invasion when we broke your Gate, with more numbers than as you had, we was on our way to come out with gems, and yea we splitted, for a group at gate, and for a other which brings the gems, but i still dont believe that we failed, we were around 70... ofc i cant know that what numbers you had, but im sure not more than 25-28. But that doesnt matter, I know many of my friends who quited cause of this 'Fun breaker log in chain'.

With Respect: jakob
I think you have a large amount of wisdom in your logic. That's why last night a collective decision was made to move as quickly as possible when the gates went vulnerable to prevent syrtis from getting more forces organized - (reskilled, loggedin, phone calls, IMs, etc).

If your friends quit because they don't like getting beaten in a RvR strategy game, they need to stick to solitaire or mine sweeper.
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Old 12-01-2010, 06:35 AM   #13
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I think invading in the evening (mostly morning for Ignis) is fair. We have our big forces in the GMT times they dont, I know its a bit unfair if it looks we are 10 and they are 30-40 or even more, and in daytime we are 50-70 and they are 47 (as I tracked in Ignis when we invaded oO, hack they called alot ;P).

But what can NGD possibly do about it, all right I'm for the idea of closing the server (for people that played on another server/realm before) because some iggies in Alsius/Syrtis (or ofc. Alsius/Ignis, Ignis/Syrtis) see oO invasion! and than log on there Ignis (or in other cases Alsius/Syrtis).

I also think the whole Invasion should be rebuild, because at this time I dont say it sucks, it's just not even 50% ok, in my opinion.

Ofc. Ignis did a great job getting the gates down and I think they should be able to invade at night time (even you were 47 at only the gate, so you possibly CAN invade at daytime if you just organise, because unorganised we will be 30 or something...).

I hope NGD does something about this crappy system {8-{D}.
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Old 12-01-2010, 12:03 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by jakob View Post
But when we want to make a Invasion on you at morning -at 10-11am,
you have the same numbers at the begginings (like 10-20), and its okay , but in 20 mins how can you call to regnum around + 40 player? by calling phone? hmm i dont think so..
Well then you thought wrong. Calling+texting etc. is exactly what gets everyone on, even people that quit come back for some gelf stuffing, revenge for past farming!

Originally Posted by tjanex
Ofc. Ignis did a great job getting the gates down and I think they should be able to invade at night time (even you were 47 at only the gate, so you possibly CAN invade at daytime if you just organise, because unorganised we will be 30 or something...).
30 ppl is your fort group
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Old 12-01-2010, 12:12 PM   #15
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The point I was attempting to make (which for some reason was deemed 'off-topic), is that we invaded when we could successfully do so.

Far as the guards go; meh, not that helpful, anyways.
o Q o (WM), Martok (WM), Wyatt Earp (53), T'Pol (52), P'Tak (57), Rotarrin (38)
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Old 12-01-2010, 01:40 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by WhateverUSMC View Post
The point I was attempting to make (which for some reason was deemed 'off-topic), is that we invaded when we could successfully do so.

Far as the guards go; meh, not that helpful, anyways.
There have been many threads with many decent idea's about how to make guards actually usefull an not just a momentary slow down as they are implemented now. This could be even more true with a high regen rate on returning to spawn point and a low distance allowed to run before returning to cut down on kiting. The OP I think wishes (as I do) that first NGD needs to solve the seemingly randomeness of how they spawn. There are many occasions where it is obvious there should be guards but there is not. The same goes for the opposite, there are many times where it is obvious there should not have been extra guards and there were. Now to be honest I don't think NGD will change anything about them which is frustrating as invading is supposed to be the end game so it should be a priority for there development but I don't believe it is.
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Old 12-01-2010, 01:54 PM   #17
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90% of the people who replied to the original post completely missed the point of it. Whether the Guard Captains are useless or not is irrelevant. The question is why does X realm get 2 GC's while Z realm get 0 or 1.

Is there a formula behind this or is it just random? I dont think anyone has the answer to this question.
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Old 12-01-2010, 01:54 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by jakob View Post
but in 20 mins how can you call to regnum around + 40 player? by calling phone? hmm i dont think so..
You'd be surprised how they plan their invasions. I hear that now they are planned in such secrecy that information of invasions is only given to highly trusted people. This happened after their spy incident, same reason they completely abandoned their teamignis forum. Maybe they have a new forum where only the big cheese's have access. I find it hilarious either way.

OT: Many Syrtians have a hard time believing we are overpopulated by a huge margin, you can't say we are under/overpopulated just by looking at the Warstats, that only covers 1/4th of players. I think the formula doesn't count active warzone players correctly though, perhaps it also takes into account level 1 players or something. There was a thread discussing it but I can't seem to find it.
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Old 12-01-2010, 03:18 PM   #19
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Maybe NGD was the kind of visionary that they forsaw that when invasion comes people would phone and e-mail friends to help, and so they set the number of GC spawns to the actual population of the realm, and not the population online? Or its just broke and we are contemplating about something we have no idea.

I think you should block the server when the Big Gate's color is orange, or something like this because its not fair
Now this would be stupid, because it would really disencourage people to play with regnum if they are greated with a sign: "sorry invasion in progress. try again later."

for example at our last invasion when we broke your Gate, with more numbers than as you had, we was on our way to come out with gems, and yea we splitted, for a group at gate, and for a other which brings the gems, but i still dont believe that we failed,
The reason why syrtis failed that invasion is what you said. You split up and fortunatly ignis didnt, thus we managed to regroup at portal, and beat the party.

If your friends quit because they don't like getting beaten in a RvR strategy game, they need to stick to solitaire or mine sweeper.
Ya thats true.

Another idea about GC spawns. What if the syrtian population is not only compared to the invading realm, but to the 2 other realms online population? Since if you have youre gates vulnerable, that means any of the 2 realms can break in, or both. Now this means that since at nights ONLY ignis has great numbers but not as big as syrtis and alsius together on weekends, GCs does not spawn.

I will try to explain it simply:

night time:
ignis:40 syrtis:12 alsius:4 12 against 44 no GC

ignis:26 syrtis:52 alsius:20 26 against 72 many GCs

This means you should blame alsius for not being online when ignis was invading. Just an idea.

Last edited by Dome; 04-13-2011 at 01:30 AM.
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Old 12-01-2010, 03:20 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by KKharzov View Post

OT: Many Syrtians have a hard time believing we are overpopulated by a huge margin....
I have a hard to believing it because I don't see it. What I do see, (on a regular basis) is 2 archer-types shooting holes in me while 3 warrior-types kick the crap out of me.

If they take level 1 characters into account as active war participants they should grant them temporary level 50 status so they can help defend, otherwise they are worse than useless.
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