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Old 06-09-2011, 04:44 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by ieti View Post
Torcida == yeah-baby ???
Nooooooooo XD

tough I do agree with him ofcourse!
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Old 06-09-2011, 09:55 PM   #12
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One thing: bois I love you.

My english is very bad, so I can't tell everything I want to say. So thank you very much because you spoke for me. You explain exactly want I think about RO.

So please, everyone, just read his posts again and try to understand how it's true. And try to remember the amount of people online you had in your friend list before WM update and maybe you'll see Horus is NOT dying.
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Old 06-10-2011, 04:30 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by HidraA View Post
I will comment only this.Others point allrady commented.

You cannot compare others games with regnum.
Regnum has unique style and gameplay.
Wile others games are manga-cartoon-style,that i apreciate in Regnum it's maturity of graphics.
And ofc it's everythink about fashion.It's cartoon style age.
If you make a poll about ppl that play regnum to see age and ocupation of them you will be stunned maybe.At least in Horus.

Wile others games play categories are :
-kids that play for fun.
-premium people.
-ppl that prefer turn based games.
-ppl that love cartoons...etc
-or ppl that play only to be cool as his friends;

In Regnum you will see:

-Linux users;
-Ppl from country with low lvl of life
-Lots of mature ppl that spend they free time having some fun;
-ppl that play for fun
-ppl that use regnum as alternative to facebook(this one lowered once with general chat lose from WZ)
maybe other categorys.

Also about tons of servers....don't forget athoers games have cap limit of ppl that connect to a server.In regnum atm is none.
This just really doesn't make any sense..
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Old 06-10-2011, 05:16 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Torcida View Post
This just really doesn't make any sense..
Think harder.
All Hidra was doing was defining how Regnum is compared with other games when it comes to playerbase (who is playing, etc)

And another excellent post by bois, as usual..
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Old 06-10-2011, 10:29 AM   #15
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-Linux users;
-Ppl from country with low lvl of life
-Lots of mature ppl that spend they free time having some fun;
-ppl that play for fun
-ppl that use regnum as alternative to facebook(this one lowered once with general chat lose from WZ)
maybe other categorys.
for instance:
-ppl who brave the endless grind and appreciate the few good drops they get
-ppl who buy their way to the highest level and best equipment
-ppl who fight even when outnumbered
-ppl who only choose to fight when the odds are in their favour
-ppl who have no understanding of teamplay and tactics
-ppl who play as a team and understand tactics
-ppl who respect fair play and sportsmanship
-ppl who have no respect for fair play and sportsmanship
maybe other categorys.
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Old 06-10-2011, 01:01 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by standistortion View Post
for instance:
-ppl who brave the endless grind and appreciate the few good drops they get
-ppl who buy their way to the highest level and best equipment
-ppl who fight even when outnumbered
-ppl who only choose to fight when the odds are in their favour
-ppl who have no understanding of teamplay and tactics
-ppl who play as a team and understand tactics
-ppl who respect fair play and sportsmanship
-ppl who have no respect for fair play and sportsmanship
maybe other categorys.
Sorry ..but you difined the carater(ego) of this categorys.This are not categorys of ppl that play the game.
You know each person has his own mentality....nobody can change that...and dose not worth to try.Take the ppl as they are.

My point was only for what kind of ppl is made Regnum.
And second point :you know even some ppl dislike this....kids play games usual...and they are more like mature ppl(in games).That was about low/hight number of population.
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Old 06-11-2011, 06:49 PM   #17
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yeah-baby is an unknown quantity at this point
Default FAIL..point proven now!

well i left it a day or 2,to see what response i got.
many hits,not many replies.
you can all justify this and that any way you deem right,thats your right!
but mark my words,i wasnt wrong,nor were the people who agreeed with me.infact those who disagreeed with me were probably doing so out of self preservation more than any amount of common sense.thats your right too.
time masters all,he shall be the judge of that!
the amount of friends who followed me to my new game(cant be named here dues to NGD nazi styled bann policy) have all agreed,horus is dead when they go.
they say to me,wow i saw one person chatting in real chat..and no one in war zone..is that growing?..you know what,ive seen the same and cant deny the game has died alot compared to old days.
maybe the hours you guys play its different,but an MMO dying isnt a fast thing,its gradual and slow.i NEVER once said horus was dead,all i have said was it is dying..thats a slow process,but it will happen,NGD f'k'd up badly lol.
and as tarahunter commented too..NGD dont respond to any emails,tickets for atleast 1 month..unless its magna based(how is that important)..so go figure.
Bios i know what your doing,im a phsycology student,you are justifying your means to exist online any way you can,thats human nature,and is expected of all ppl,but at some stage you must soon realise,the world is bigger than your bubble you live in,and things change,thats the way of the world!..things live and they die..no ammount of defending it will prevent either from occouring!
good luck you RO die hards...lets hope they make CI a permanent thing,cuz horus will need it for any player interaction!!
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Old 06-11-2011, 07:50 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by yeah-baby View Post
well i left it a day or 2,to see what response i got.
many hits,not many replies.
you can all justify this and that any way you deem right,thats your right!
but mark my words,i wasnt wrong,nor were the people who agreeed with me.infact those who disagreeed with me were probably doing so out of self preservation more than any amount of common sense.thats your right too.
time masters all,he shall be the judge of that!
the amount of friends who followed me to my new game(cant be named here dues to NGD nazi styled bann policy) have all agreed,horus is dead when they go.
they say to me,wow i saw one person chatting in real chat..and no one in war zone..is that growing?..you know what,ive seen the same and cant deny the game has died alot compared to old days.
maybe the hours you guys play its different,but an MMO dying isnt a fast thing,its gradual and slow.i NEVER once said horus was dead,all i have said was it is dying..thats a slow process,but it will happen,NGD f'k'd up badly lol.
and as tarahunter commented too..NGD dont respond to any emails,tickets for atleast 1 month..unless its magna based(how is that important)..so go figure.
Bios i know what your doing,im a phsycology student,you are justifying your means to exist online any way you can,thats human nature,and is expected of all ppl,but at some stage you must soon realise,the world is bigger than your bubble you live in,and things change,thats the way of the world!..things live and they die..no ammount of defending it will prevent either from occouring!
good luck you RO die hards...lets hope they make CI a permanent thing,cuz horus will need it for any player interaction!!
Sometimes I feel it's real shame IQ can't be purchased. I hope you are happy with hello-kitty online.
Goodbye Psycology student.
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Old 06-11-2011, 08:30 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by yeah-baby View Post
This basically is a paragraph (if it can be called such a thing considering the mess it is) of clichés with little substance or relevance, I'm sure you're happy wherever you are now, and those who are still here are happy with what's here. You don't need to try and do everyone a service by convincing us the game is in its death throws and we should all quit. However only a fool would say the population of Horus is 'good' realm chat is indeed dead most of the day.

I also took Psychology, I suggest you give it up, its mostly pseudo-science rubbish with groups of narrow minded conflicted theorists arguing with each other with no real way of proving who's 'right'. In many ways it reminds me of religions.
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Old 06-11-2011, 08:55 PM   #20
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Psychology student indeed.

No so veiled attempts to both insult my intelligence and weak attempts to psycho-analyse me will not make your statements hold any more water than they did before.
I know what you are doing. You are trying to prove your point by disproving me and as such attacking the person who simply disagreed with you and seem to have sway with the people who replied. By that process you try to garner support for your point of view. I will provide my super duper expert psycho-analysis last .

You back it up with the statement that people who left with you agree. Of course they agree. Or else they would have not left . Common sense.

Your attempts to psycho analyse me will not come out of a textbook as you seem to be rattling off some kind of condition you read up on.

I simply stated my opinion on the matter. It could be wrong or right or somewhere between. If I am wrong it will not bother me. I simply learn and move on.

So, This may cause the thread to close but I like this psychology game. Can I play too? I can? Great .

but mark my words,i wasnt wrong,nor were the people who agreeed with me.infact those who disagreeed with me were probably doing so out of self preservation more than any amount of common sense.thats your right too.
Suggests poor self esteem and the need to control a situation in order to keep their sense of self esteem up.Your position must dominate oe else you fall (ego) . You have to be right or else you would be wrong. Being wrong brings with it the subliminal sense of failure.
Need to seek approval from like minded individuals. Suggest weak self esteem. Person must be propped by subjects around to feel superior in thought and judgement.

Bios iknow what your doing,im a phsycology student
Not so subtle hint of superiority in an area to stamp their dominance over the subject and as such give validity to their argument and as such themselves. Suggests weak self esteem.

you are justifying your means to exist online any way you can,thats human nature,and is expected of all ppl,but at some stage you must soon realise,the world is bigger than your bubble you live in,and things change,thats the way of the world!..things live and they die..no ammount of defending it will prevent either from occouring!
Attack the seemingly dominant dessenting voice in order to reassert dominance over a situation. The dissenting voice must be silenced rather than risk being wrong. Wrong is not an option. Wrong deflates my ego and as such my self esteem. Again suggest poor self esteem.

Quite often a case of transference is placed on the target , often accusing the target of having issues that accuser themselves have and have no other way of expressing it except to transfer. In it is often a deep fear that they may indeed suffer from this and the inability to come to terms with it. It is often shown in that the accuser can describe the issue the target is having in great detail without even knowing the target, their lifestyle or anything about them for that matter. It is because they see it in themselves , they can describe it so vividly.

I don't know you. I simply pulled that from the way you wrote your text.

I don't need to be right but I do hope this game continues with a Horus server. I enjoy it and I enjoy playing on Horus. I enjoy playing with the friend and foes alike. NGD made a good game. I enjoy the forum too. I learned a heck of a lot here and not just about the game. This forum is filled with very interesting people. Good people.


And by the way , I don't mind this getting deleted. Please note I was slandered above above and the proper thing should be done.
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