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Old 08-08-2011, 03:24 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by BurningBridges View Post
Hi Peaceful,

can you explain how it works, is it just another server or will i need to download another client??

is it a server that is updated at the same time as the regnum servers??

is it a partner of the Creators of Regnum??

and what is the community like??

Thanks in advance
It's a server but you practically are only allowed to join it if you're from North America.

About the realm, our beloved realm Alsius could you some more people
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Old 08-08-2011, 03:45 PM   #12
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Seeing as you have been more than helpful (and i love fighting for the underdog)

You will have another member appearing tonight i look forward to seeing you all online

Thanks for all the help
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Old 08-08-2011, 09:36 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by BurningBridges View Post
Hi Peaceful,

can you explain how it works, is it just another server or will i need to download another client??

is it a server that is updated at the same time as the regnum servers??

is it a partner of the Creators of Regnum??

and what is the community like??

Thanks in advance
It is the same game. NGD partnered with another company to run the Raven server. There is a separate client you can download but I have always used my Regnum client. They named it Realms because English speaking players would identify more.

If you create a new account with them you have access to Horus and Raven when you log in and your xim is shared between the two. When you create an account on their website http://realmsonline.gamesamba.com/ you can use your Regnum launcher. It will just patch their files.

The community is growing fast. They have SGM's that are online all the time to help ppl and they have started a Game Councillor program that anyone playing the game can apply for. There is a Calendar of events on their website that shows all of the shifts and there is also a list of what GC's are on what shifts.

and btw Huntshot, anyone from anywhere in the world can join Raven. It is now an English International server. I believe it still says Raven (North America) when you see the server selection but anyone can join and there is a forum post about it going International on the Realms forums. I see players from all the other servers playing there all of the time because they like the events and customer support. They just request that you speak English in realm chat.

Hope that was informative enough for you. Even if you decide to play Horus I would suggest making the account through GameSamba (the publisher) because if you find it to be too dead on Horus you can log in to Raven as well and your Xim will be shared.

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Old 08-09-2011, 08:52 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by peacefulsoldier View Post
and btw Huntshot, anyone from anywhere in the world can join Raven. It is now an English International server. I believe it still says Raven (North America) when you see the server selection but anyone can join and there is a forum post about it going International on the Realms forums. I see players from all the other servers playing there all of the time because they like the events and customer support. They just request that you speak English in realm chat.
Yes, but most of the players on Raven are from North America, if theyre not then it's most likely that they used to play on Horus/Ra but switched servers.. anyway it's not smart for someone like Burning to join Raven due to the Time Difference between England and NA.. so yeah.
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Old 08-18-2011, 05:58 PM   #15
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Frosk will become famous soon enough

Hi and welcome!

If you ever feel like it, PM me if you see me around Horus when a doubt or a question crosses your mind.

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Old 08-18-2011, 06:11 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Frosk View Post
Hi and welcome!

If you ever feel like it, PM me if you see me around Horus when a doubt or a question crosses your mind.

You are very attentive, Hopefully with all users

jeje regards,
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