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Old 06-20-2007, 01:45 PM   #11
Join Date: Mar 2006
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Hi, I just want to understand something.

This two quotes below are ironical, right? (I really think they are)

Originally Posted by Ketobitus
This and other racist/nationalist behaviour seems to happen quite often in this game
A solution would be to remove the spanish client and close the spanish forum. Nearly the whole Internet speaks English, why can't they?
Originally Posted by ilcontegis
Is it true why everybody can speak english and not them? (p.s. i'm italian not english)
Because in the same thread in which it is being said that spanish-speaking people is racist for not wanting english-speaking people, it is suggested that they should be removed

Now, I strongly disagree with any kind of racist attitude or whatsoever, but about the "why don't they speak english" thing; well not everybody speaks it to begin with, it is not mandatory as a second language in schools, and if you are not related somehow with technology, maybe you'll spend your whole life not needing to understand it.

Besides, this game was born as an Argentinian project (it still is AFAIK) so the first players were from Argentina, being a spanish-spoken community, it grew with more spanish-speaking guys (which is understandable); with time, and slowly non-spanish-speaking guys showed up increasing in number thru time. That can maybe give an idea of the "why" so many spanish-speaking guys.

As a final(?) note, the same guys that can insult you for speaking in english, are the same that insult me for being of XX Realm, or for being male/note being male, for being a kid/adult, Argentinian/non Argentinian and you can keep the list growing; I'm pretty much sure you have the same guys with different names in your own countries.

Try to spot the guys who want to talk with you in english and enjoy the game.

Cheers, take care.

PS: Of course, report any kind of abuse.
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Old 06-20-2007, 01:45 PM   #12
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thx for your statement surak,
that link is something that we can show offensive players.
for me it's ok so far, i don't want this to become a big thing because i just wanted to let you know that there is a problem.
i suggest to close this thread before it runs somewhere we don't want to have it.

Edit: "it is suggested that they should be removed" - no, it isn't, read again
"I'm pretty much sure you have the same guys with different names in your own countries." - Ohh yes, we have and we treat them like they deserve...

Last edited by Ketobitus; 06-20-2007 at 03:00 PM.
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Old 06-20-2007, 02:06 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by imasu
Hi, I just want to understand something.

This two quotes below are ironical, right? (I really think they are)

Because in the same thread in which it is being said that spanish-speaking people is racist for not wanting english-speaking people, it is suggested that they should be removed

Now, I strongly disagree with any kind of racist attitude or whatsoever, but about the "why don't they speak english" thing; well not everybody speaks it to begin with, it is not mandatory as a second language in schools, and if you are not related somehow with technology, maybe you'll spend your whole life not needing to understand it.

Besides, this game was born as an Argentinian project (it still is AFAIK) so the first players were from Argentina, being a spanish-spoken community, it grew with more spanish-speaking guys (which is understandable); with time, and slowly non-spanish-speaking guys showed up increasing in number thru time. That can maybe give an idea of the "why" so many spanish-speaking guys.

As a final(?) note, the same guys that can insult you for speaking in english, are the same that insult me for being of XX Realm, or for being male/note being male, for being a kid/adult, Argentinian/non Argentinian and you can keep the list growing; I'm pretty much sure you have the same guys with different names in your own countries.

Try to spot the guys who want to talk with you in english and enjoy the game.

Cheers, take care.

PS: Of course, report any kind of abuse.
Very well written, Imasu.
I've found lots of spanish speaking people in the game.
Most of them can speak English a bit, and they are very helpful and nice.
Those who cannot just write "No english" and thats no wrong with that, if they cannot speak English that doesn't make them to less good people.

I have never experienced being abused while chatting in English in the Alsius chat, but if that's the case I really can agree with you that that's really bad.
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Old 06-20-2007, 02:19 PM   #14
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Exclamation "racist" behaviour

For me it's not really a problem if someone kicks me from a group because I don't speak spanish. But it's a problem if people come with nationalist crap (like muunleit posted <- this really insulting and contains references to the german nazi-past) and insult people for speaking english or german. We all should make screenshots if such a behaviour occurs and should report such issues. I'm sure this would cease the problems.
Actually I wonder why people of the same realm insult each other ... shouldn't we try to get along and fight together for the benefit of our realm?
I personally never had a problem with the Argentinian. Far from it! I even made quiete good experiences with players like Tyr, Vanesa and others 2 days ago, when we formed a group and I was not kicked because I don't speak Spanish. I let them talk Spanish; if important things were to say, they tried to say it in English. I even learned some Spanish words and they learned some German words and we had a lot of fun ...
So please don't start a war in your own realm, don't provoke others if they misbehave, fight "the others" But report any nationalist or racist behaviour and be good examples yourselves!
btw: I thing "racist" is the wrong term ... it's too harsh and could heat the discussion more than it's worth ... "nationalist" would be better
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Old 06-20-2007, 03:37 PM   #15
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I have been in many parties where I was the only one that understood English and my limited Spanish had no hope of following what the rest were saying but it did not have an effect on our leveling. It is sad there are some who act this way but it is more a matter of attitude not the language spoken.

Hey Spikester I'm not from Argentina or any other Spanish speaking country.
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Old 06-20-2007, 04:10 PM   #16
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mio soy ingles?

i am german. i dont know exactly, what "mio soy ingles" means, but i always use that, when i want to inform an party member, to use english, if he has an information for me.

98% of all players are very friendly. i understand, that it must be an shock, when someone sees HIS realm chat in strange language. i understand, that not every wants someone in the party, when he can have ppl, with whome he can speak easily, cause u cant express ureself in an other language that good. And im also guilty to do, so, when some inv me and cannot/wont be willing to use an language i understand. Then i quit. i can play with them, but party makes no sense, then. Isnt it??

everyone surly has heared some mean words. my normal answers goes for example like this: wanna stop me talking? u and what army hahaha
And so on.

ive been reading in an forum, that about 8% ppl (in diffrent nations) have to tall national attitudes. Shall they go ahead, but shall they let their brainmailfunktions for themselfs!

Good we be here with many good ppl, that see ppl higherworthy than their size of the nose, or other diffrences we surly have

I am always happy with ppl like in ure posted example, knowing i make them MAD easily by proceeding, hahahahahahahahaha
U can do this also, and then read, how mad they become, hahaha

such guys will learn to love the community, then

happy hunning

Randy Md

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Old 06-20-2007, 04:12 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Ketobitus
A solution would be to remove the spanish client and close the spanish forum. Nearly the whole Internet speaks English, why can't they?

I'm not reading this am I? Being nationalist CAN BE bad (not necessarily), being imperialist IS ALWAYS bad.

Dudes, be cool... Latins are "nationalist" (ironic, but true be told, they truly believe they are specially during the FIFA World Cup) by definition (I know it, I'm portuguese), until they meet a nice and cute blond german (or swedish, or italian, or <insert u're country>) girl, then they even forget that they don't know a word of english, or german, or whatever and run for the prize like they were the last apes on earth (then again, we all do it don't we?)!!

Latins are so "nationalist" that they tend to behave like their football affiliation is more important then the national healthcare system... if u ask them they will deny, until the next sunday afternoon.

Be patient, make this game an opportunity to make friends and learn some spanish (ask them if u don't understand something most of them will gladly teach u a few words, and they are going to feel good about it when u start writing something full of grammar mistakes). As an example I'll tell u this, my clan master is german, the first time i got my ass kicked in the arena was from a californian guy, an "in game" argentinian friend is going to send me a DVD with argentinian rock music (and they know how to party hard) and today i'll join an IRC channel from a french "in game" friend that has a dedicated server at his house...

And want to make an argentinian happy, tell them Maradona was the greatest, far better then Pele (but don't even think of telling this to a brazilian player!)... be cool, have fun, make friends.
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Old 06-20-2007, 05:21 PM   #18
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nice post signatus,
thats the discussion i wanted to provoke!
it's all about getting together and learning to understand each other.
As i wrote my suggestion to remove the spanish client and forum i knew that this can easily be misunderstood, so let me explain. I am a german programmer and hobby game programmer, i don't write any line of code in any other language then english. the german games i play are in english. i talk to my collegues at work in english (i work in an international company) and when i'm on holiday in the netherlands i speak english although i know that most people in the netherlands can speak german. why? because i don't want to force anybody to use my language. if it was for me the language of programming, the internet, roleplaying games and business would be kiswahili. but it's not me who decided that the language of the web is english. if i would make a german game it would be clear that this would lead to a divided community, one german, one the rest. but thats the thing we should prevent here. i don't want a divided community, i don't want to be kicked from teams just of my not-present skills in spanish. thats all. and to become concrete on the game and teamplay, i'm a conjurer i need no language skills to do my job. i stay behind the tank and heal her when shes hurt. no matter if she says "heal me", "heil mich", "bon moi", "curarme" or "cura me".
as a conclusion i can say i appreciate your post and i would be glad if some spanish speaking people would read this thread and spread the word of international friendship.
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Old 06-20-2007, 05:40 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Spikester
For me it's not really a problem if someone kicks me from a group because I don't speak spanish. But it's a problem if people come with nationalist crap (like muunleit posted <- this really insulting and contains references to the german nazi-past) and insult people for speaking english or german. We all should make screenshots if such a behaviour occurs and should report such issues. I'm sure this would cease the problems.
Actually I wonder why people of the same realm insult each other ... shouldn't we try to get along and fight together for the benefit of our realm?
I personally never had a problem with the Argentinian. Far from it! I even made quiete good experiences with players like Tyr, Vanesa and others 2 days ago, when we formed a group and I was not kicked because I don't speak Spanish. I let them talk Spanish; if important things were to say, they tried to say it in English. I even learned some Spanish words and they learned some German words and we had a lot of fun ...
So please don't start a war in your own realm, don't provoke others if they misbehave, fight "the others" But report any nationalist or racist behaviour and be good examples yourselves!
btw: I thing "racist" is the wrong term ... it's too harsh and could heat the discussion more than it's worth ... "nationalist" would be better

i cant see any nazi reference there. looks like he used some translator to communiacte to you.
sounds very politely to me. There is nothing even close to an insult.

and to all who think that the internet language is english cant be further away from the truth. Only cause english is a common language in Europe and USA doesnt mean the whole world speaks it.
think of china, the rest of asia and south america.
Talk to some spanish guys that speak english and you will learn that english is NOT a common language there and that NOT everyone can speak it.

if you learn some simple spanish sentences you will notice that they arent rude or impolite. they just cant communicate to you.
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Old 06-20-2007, 05:46 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Ketobitus
because i don't want to force anybody to use my language. if it was for me the language of programming, the internet, roleplaying games and business would be kiswahili. but it's not me who decided that the language of the web is english. if i would make a german game it would be clear that this would lead to a divided community, one german, one the rest. but thats the thing we should prevent here. i don't want a divided community, i don't want to be kicked from teams just of my not-present skills in spanish. thats all.
Alright, I understood the idea know

you're not being imperialist, just realist

but probably if it wasn't the community latino-americana this game would never had investors to reach were it is now. Personally I find it refreshing, I didn't knew many south-american folks (only brazilians) and dude, THEY ROCK!!

Or probably the core idea of the game is to provide a MMORPG to spanish speaking countries, and they are A LOT, introducing afterwards elements that can lure other players into the game.

Anyway, like I said before, have fun, make friends (there's no fun without them).
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