05-30-2012, 02:17 PM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Edge of the Abyss
Posts: 2,066
Originally Posted by tarashunter
Do you guys think the actual class balance in the game is working well?
It is a work in progress. Some skills need to be balanced with casting time since the cs nerf for non mage classes. Other than that it's improving.
All class have the same chance of kill his enemy without use a tree or a rock to hide?
If you are at the right distance yes
Do you feel your class have all the necessary skills to counter your enemy in the proper way to have a nice and fair battle in both 1vs1 and RvR? Yes
Do you feel your class have his relevance in the RvR and in fort battles?
Do you think is necessary a new balance review for all the classes OR for some particoular class OR is not needed a balance review?
Again casting time for some skills needs to be changed, and distance of some skills
If you think is necessary a new class balance review,how much PRECEDENCE would you give into the "things to do" list?
top of the list!
Do you guys think that the super boss jewerly is overpowered?
Would you like to see a new kind of jewerly similar(close in stats) to the superboss jewerly,and obtainable by some simply quest or killing mob just grinding,in order to see all the people have a certain kind of items?
Do you think all class have equal chance to drop at superboss kill events?
Ok,here is some question that often is derailing every thread i see,so i wrote here some question,and make an unique thread,with all the discussions about this stuff.
Ofc,if you have any point to add,feel free to add it,is meanted to be an open discussion,and i hope it should give some input to "someone" if is the case.
With all this question i was not able to make a proper poll.
If you have any kind of comment,you are welcome.
You are not supposed to ansewr every question,answer the questions you are intrested in.
answers in red