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Old 02-19-2013, 07:11 PM   #11
Tamui's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Enitharmon View Post
Ok, just don't taunt me for my pitifully outdated computer :P

CPU: Intel Core2 Duo E8400 3.00Ghz
GPU: ATI Radeon HD 5700 1Gb
RAM: 4 Gb
OS: Ubuntu Linux 12.10 (64bit)
Driver: ATI proprietary 9.00.11-120920a-147436C-ATI
Video Settings: Mid, Fx / Post process all off except Particle Effects and FXAA
Texture quality, Animation quality, character detail on high
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Old 02-20-2013, 06:14 PM   #12
schachteana's Avatar
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Fps drop from 62 to 28 when I select any player.

my specs (copied from another thread)
intel core 2quad cpu, 2.50 ghz, 3 gb ram, win vista home 32. edit: gpu nvidia gforce g100, lowest graphic settings (no secure mode)
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Old 02-20-2013, 07:18 PM   #13
Zas_'s Avatar
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Same issue here.

Linux Mint x86_64
CPU: Intel Core2 Quad Q9550 @ 2.83GHz
RAM: 4Gb
GPU: Nvidia GTX570
Drivers Nvidia: 304.64
Video/OpenGL options:
vg_animated_textures = 1
vg_animation_quality = 100.000000
vg_anisotropic_filter = 2
vg_antialiasing = 1
vg_cache_shaders = 0
vg_camera_advanced = 0
vg_camera_auto_correct = 0
vg_camera_far_plane = 4000.000000
vg_camera_objects_far_plane = 500.000000
vg_camera_speed = 1.000000
vg_camera_x_rotation = 0.200000
vg_character_lod = 4.000000
vg_cluster_object_enabled = 1
vg_cluster_object_factor = 100
vg_collision_load_radius = 150.000000
vg_debug_normals = 0
vg_dev_mode = 0
vg_edit_render_mode = basic
vg_editor_render_window = 0
vg_enable_beams = 1
vg_enable_bloom = 0
vg_enable_color_correction = 1
vg_enable_composite_fx = 1
vg_enable_fog = 1
vg_enable_foliage_animation = 1
vg_enable_fxaa = 0
vg_enable_hw_instancing = 1
vg_enable_hw_skinning = 1
vg_enable_mesh_fx = 1
vg_enable_particle_fx = 1
vg_enable_shadowmaps = 1
vg_enable_ssao = 0
vg_enable_trail = 1
vg_enable_weather_fx = 1
vg_fly_camera_collision = 0
vg_fog_end_scale = 3.333333
vg_fog_start_scale = 1.000000
vg_force_atlas_drawsets = 0
vg_force_safe_mode = 0
vg_fov = 55.000000
vg_fullscreen_mode = 1
vg_gamma = 10.533035
vg_godray_decay = 0.100000
vg_godray_density = 0.100000
vg_godray_distance_factor = 0.100000
vg_godray_exposure = 0.100000
vg_godray_weight = 0.100000
vg_grid_distance_factor = 1.000000
vg_gui_scale = 1.000000
vg_gui_skin = regnum_default
vg_gui_wireframe_mode = 0
vg_hide_mapobjects = 0
vg_hide_sky = 0
vg_hide_static_mesh = 0
vg_hide_terrain = 0
vg_hide_widgetnode = 0
vg_impostors_enabled = 0
vg_impostors_force = 0
vg_in_game_render_window = 1
vg_instancing_mode = 0
vg_lighting_mode = 0
vg_lod_distance = 20
vg_map_object_lod_1 = 20.000000
vg_map_object_lod_2 = 40.000000
vg_map_object_lod_3 = 60.000000
vg_map_object_lod_4 = 80.000000
vg_max_current_shader_model = 4
vg_object_body_distance_lod_1 = 70.000000
vg_object_body_distance_lod_2 = 20.000000
vg_object_body_distance_lod_3 = 30.000000
vg_object_body_distance_lod_4 = 40.000000
vg_pfx_lod_distance = 400.000000
vg_pfx_lod_fade_range = 2.000000
vg_physics_quality = 0
vg_pmesh_mode = 0
vg_post_process_bloom_add_smooth_factor = 0.570000
vg_post_process_bloom_intensity_factor = 0.500000
vg_post_process_bloom_intensity_factor_add_smooth = 0.750000
vg_post_process_bloom_luminance_threshold = 0.450000
vg_post_process_bloom_luminance_threshold_range = 0.000000
vg_post_process_bloom_power = 1.500000
vg_post_process_bloom_scale_up_factor = 1.300000
vg_post_process_quality = 2
vg_precache_fxs = 1
vg_predefined_video_options_level = 5
vg_preload_shaders = 1
vg_render_mode = forward_cc
vg_render_path = default
vg_rendering_quality = 2
vg_renderizer = opengl
vg_reset_options = 1
vg_screen_bpp = 32
vg_screen_height = 1200
vg_screen_width = 1920
vg_screenshot_format = jpg
vg_screenshot_quality = 80
vg_shadow_distance = 1
vg_shadow_filtering_quality = 1
vg_shadow_quality = 2
vg_shadowmaps_depth_bias_0 = 0.000230
vg_shadowmaps_depth_bias_1 = 0.000230
vg_shadowmaps_depth_bias_2 = 0.000230
vg_shadowmaps_depth_bias_3 = 0.000230
vg_shadowmaps_depth_normal_bias_0 = 0.000000
vg_shadowmaps_depth_normal_bias_1 = 0.000000
vg_shadowmaps_depth_normal_bias_2 = 0.000000
vg_shadowmaps_depth_normal_bias_3 = 0.000000
vg_shadowmaps_min_cos_angle = 0.000000
vg_shadowmaps_practical_split_factor = 0.050000
vg_shadowmaps_scale_0 = 16.000000
vg_shadowmaps_scale_1 = 48.000000
vg_shadowmaps_scale_2 = 120.000000
vg_shadowmaps_scale_3 = 320.000000
vg_shadows_depth_offset = 500.000000
vg_shadows_depth_range = 1000.000000
vg_show_collision_volumes = 0
vg_show_dynamic_mapobjects = 1
vg_show_influence_volumes = 0
vg_show_normals = 0
vg_show_region_borders = 0
vg_show_selection_volumes = 0
vg_show_subregion_borders = 0
vg_show_visibility_volumes = 0
vg_skin_depth_bias = 0.000010
vg_skydome_bloom = 0.100000
vg_skydome_global_bloom = 0.100000
vg_ssao_intensity = 1.000000
vg_ssao_range_check = 20.000000
vg_terrain_bloom_factor = 0.100000
vg_terrain_cast_shadows = 1
vg_terrain_clipmaps = 1
vg_terrain_distance = 5
vg_terrain_generate_shadow_bias = 0.000480
vg_terrain_shadow_bias_0 = 0.000020
vg_terrain_shadow_bias_1 = 0.000400
vg_terrain_shadow_bias_2 = 0.000750
vg_terrain_shadow_bias_3 = 0.001250
vg_terrain_specular_factor = 1.000000
vg_terrain_specular_power = 8.000000
vg_terrain_texture_quality = 2
vg_texture_lod = 0
vg_texture_lod_bias = 0
vg_tone_mapping_adaptation_speed = 20.000000
vg_tone_mapping_max_exposure = 10.000000
vg_tone_mapping_middle_grey = 0.500000
vg_tone_mapping_min_exposure = 0.010000
vg_trail_use_bezier = 0
vg_transparency_antialias = 0
vg_trilinear_filtering = 0
vg_use_deferred_shading = 1
vg_use_mapobject_visibility_distance = 1
vg_use_occlusion_query = 0
vg_vertical_sync = 1
vg_video_capture_mode = 0
vg_water_depth_range = 0.800000
vg_water_lod = 2
vg_wireframe_mode = 0

vg_gl_debug_shaders = 0
vg_gl_shader_dir = shaders/glsl
vg_gl_uncompress_textures = 0
vg_gl_validate_shaders = 0
vg_gl_worker_thread = 0
Annavilya / War-Luck (Haven)
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Old 02-20-2013, 09:24 PM   #14
Hayir's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 375
Hayir is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Zas_ View Post
Same issue here.

Linux Mint x86_64
CPU: Intel Core2 Quad Q9550 @ 2.83GHz
RAM: 4Gb
GPU: Nvidia GTX570
Drivers Nvidia: 304.64
Video/OpenGL options:
you should try nvidia driver 310.14.

Generally it made some difference for me performance wise.
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