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Old 11-26-2014, 07:17 AM   #21
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This problem is as old as....


(check page 198)
Kyle Katharn (knight) Darth Malgus (barb) Marka Ragnos (Hunter)
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Old 11-26-2014, 09:33 AM   #22
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Remove resist.
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Old 11-26-2014, 11:05 AM   #23
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Nah, CCs should be resistable, especially knocks, but other spells should not be. Otherwise cc chains will be guaranteed KO. after 1 roar/distracting shot you are dead. but evades must be gone.
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Old 11-26-2014, 01:28 PM   #24
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I am in agreement with those that believe resisting a spell should only be possible when casting some kind resistance spell like SOTW, UM, Mind Blank etc.

This ridiculous random resist system has gone on far too long and has definately drove away paying players/customers. I don't believe those who are defending resists here have actually thought about what it is they are proposing.

NGD have spent a lot of time over the past few updates and probably since the start of RO balancing classes, and we can all be thankful for that whether we agreed with the changes or not. For the most part, these balance changes have gone quite well in my opinion with the exception of a couple of the warlock nerfs.

Now, why on earth would you spend time balancing classes to the best of your ability and then negate all the work you have done balancing classes by adding a high dose of luck (by means of random resists); it is completely ridiculous and it ruins the entire game. Every time it is mentioned it seems to fall on deaf ears. I also apologise but I do not believe for one second that NGD do not know how to remove it.

For me a good way to imagine things is by a simple balanced equation:

2X = 4Y

X = 6 and Y = 3

Both sides of the equation = 12.

Now lets add a random factor to the equation and say that X and Y now represent a random number between 1 and 99.

X = (1 ~ 99) and Y = (1 ~ 99)

The equation becomes unbalanced in a high percentage of it's resolutions.

My suggestion is to remove random resists completely and as mentioned; provide each class that doesn't already have one with a balanced (ha-ha) spell they can cast to resist spells cast on them for a certain time period of time. How on earth can people use judgement, skill and timing when something in the background may or may not allow them to do so.

Imagine if Ronnie O'Sullivan was on his way to making a 147 break in snooker, and during one of his shots the pocket he was potting the ball in randomly moves to another position.

Imagine if Messi has a free-kick just outside the box, he takes a few steps back, makes the shot and it is destined for the top left corner. Hang on a minute, what's this? The goal has just moved randomly 50 yards to the right.

You are playing a well known shoot 'em up game online. You take aim at the enemy and make a shot directly for the head! Suddenly, your enemy dissapears and re-appears 30 metres to the side.

Random factor does not belong in any game
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Old 11-26-2014, 02:31 PM   #25
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Recorded in a period of one hour last night, not one single fight where the resist(s) didn't decide the outcome.

It's preposterous how intrinsically absurd the system is.
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Old 11-26-2014, 02:43 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Bios View Post
Nah, CCs should be resistable, especially knocks, but other spells should not be. Otherwise cc chains will be guaranteed KO. after 1 roar/distracting shot you are dead. but evades must be gone.
Because resist chains are better than CC chains?

I dont really get when and why resist are needed? None can or should be able to rely on them anyway, so what if you die to CC chain a bit more often than you already do?

I and im sure most would prefer pvp without resists, so that really cant be it.

And in a RvR you got buffs, debuffs and CC etc to protect yourself. Buffs, dispels and heals, support form allies with their CCs and debuffs etc.
Not to mention obstacles and range to avoid getting in to trouble in the first place.
Why would you need resist to cope in an rvr setting?

It aslo sound like you can rely on resist to break CC chains for you.
I know for sure i cant and i dont think i want or need that ability either.

If you get a resist in a pvp, it just embarrassing, the fight is ruined i may have won but didnt deserve it.
In rvr it can happen but for me its far to rare to have any significant impact on my game play.

What happen when someone CC chain my buddy and I cant do nothing about it because my CC gets resisted?
Resist will benefit some classes more than other thats for sure, so some adjustment could be needed if removed. But mostly resist helps making it easier for zergs and gankers, they can afford to get resists, but poor guy trying to survive a gank cant. As if ganking and safety in numbers isn’t enough of an advantage already.

This game could be so much more fun without or with a very low resist rate.
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Old 12-03-2014, 11:26 PM   #27
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There's nothing wrong with the RNG / Resist system.

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Old 12-04-2014, 04:54 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by ShadowForce View Post
There's nothing wrong with the RNG / Resist system.

look on the bright side: you didn't resist arcane devotion
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Old 12-04-2014, 03:32 PM   #29
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I strongly disagree with the idea of not having any kind of resists at all without an active resistance spell. Resists have to be there, they are key to a more dynamic gameplay. Any good player should be able to cope with some resists.

That being said, the resists system is not working. There shouldn't be more than one resisted spell per fight, per side.

It is also true that whatever controls the resists is buried deep inside this game, ie.: one single player atacks a mob. There you have all this factors that rely, some more than others, on luck:
  • Evasion
  • Damage output (it isn't a fixed number).
  • Resists (of course)
  • Critical Hits
  • Spells with chance or random damage (this is very important, lots of spells work with the RNG).
  • Drops of the mob.

And I might be forgetting some factors. What I mean to say is that it is REALLY hard to fix this, because the RNG is a system LOTS of other systems intertwine with. So you have to be very careful not to break everything. I mean, just try and change the first chapter of a novel and still have it make sense with the rest of it. It's not an easy task.

But hey! They say they would fix it, so hopes up!
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