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Old 07-28-2015, 10:14 PM   #21
Join Date: Jul 2013
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i think tdm should return now before lvling update. they already have the GMs who can enable/disable it at certain times. and a map is already designed, but its just unused. the problem with tdm before was that it made the warzone activity empty and/or imbalanced. but now there are a lot of GC/GMs.
like seriously, what is a GC for? all they ever do is idle around occasionally answering stupid PMs. let them enable tdm when they realize the wz situation is imbalanced or inactive.
the lvling update would probably be realised somewhere next year or the year after that.
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Old 07-28-2015, 10:14 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Ivramartono View Post
lol @ retarded logic. First of all, amun isnt even final version. 2nd, the best way to stop these changes is to give feedback to ngd. leavers wont affect anything
Actually myself and at least two others I know left the game for the reason Halvdan mentioned. So he's not far off. Others are leaving recently, but for reasons I don't know.
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Old 07-28-2015, 10:19 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by rinky View Post
But WM jewelry is not the primary reason for depopulation of the server.

Yes and no. For me it was the final straw. If NGD think they are a good idea, then I don't like where the game is going. They should have concentrated on more important things instead of popping out dragon amulets in pez dispensers. Maybe in the future it might be a good idea, but definitely not now.
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Old 07-29-2015, 02:19 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by boilingpoint View Post
Most importanly, should ngd care for 30 wm whiners on haven or 300 wm lovers on ra? the future of regnum was never in haven nor ever will be thank you come again.
Gotta admit, you are 100% right. As long as the stats on these new jewels aren't too crazy (like adding attack range to marks, and attack speed to barbs), then this update will not effect Ra negatively, except for adding more damage to go along with the area spamming.

This is why there should be some jewels that are more focused on defensive stats too, like protection and armor bonus. How about a ring that adds +5% protection and +35 mana?

A ring that adds +10% to the resistance stats on mind blank would be my first purchase.

Alsius or nothing

Last edited by MDpro; 07-29-2015 at 10:30 AM.
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Old 07-30-2015, 06:05 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by The_Pirate View Post

Don't worry. I log on later and kick some blue butt.
That feeling is very present throughout Haven server -- that NGD deliberately favors Alsius and gives it stuff to make it more powerful.

This may or may not be true, but due to recent events -- exiting gems out trap doors, for example, or over realm walls without going through main gate -- and NGD apparently not addressing these issues, the feeling is stronger still that Haven Alsius is a bunch of NGD devs & GMs, and their sycophants screwing the entire server before it shuts down.

Not saying it's true. But that is the feeling on the server, at least in Syrtis.

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Old 07-30-2015, 06:28 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by rinky View Post
That feeling is very present throughout Haven server -- that NGD deliberately favors Alsius and gives it stuff to make it more powerful.

This may or may not be true, but due to recent events -- exiting gems out trap doors, for example, or over realm walls without going through main gate -- and NGD apparently not addressing these issues, the feeling is stronger still that Haven Alsius is a bunch of NGD devs & GMs, and their sycophants screwing the entire server before it shuts down.

Not saying it's true. But that is the feeling on the server, at least in Syrtis.

This made my day! The same was said for years about syrtis during their dominance on Horus
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Old 07-30-2015, 09:03 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Iheartpancakes View Post
Yes and no. For me it was the final straw. If NGD think they are a good idea, then I don't like where the game is going. They should have concentrated on more important things instead of popping out dragon amulets in pez dispensers. Maybe in the future it might be a good idea, but definitely not now.
Look, Adrian said they will be working on adding more hp and balancing out damage, didn't he?

I don't get it, people at first wanted WMC jewelery and now...? So you would still rather prefer the exclusive few who have dragon amulets to roam the WZ unstoppable?

As far as Alsius goes, well god, it's not like Ignis didn't once zerg, or Syrtis before that, and each time, threads like these would sprout like fresh mushrooms after a storm. But yes, as someone dearly mentioned, it's not about the past anymore, so who gives a fuck who once zerged and who didn't. The fact remains that now Alsius zergs the shit out Haven and sooner or later that server will just die on its own.

Bear with me, because this may sound delusional. Alsius players may be somewhat startled, oh, but why? We tolerated zergs and farms for many years and the server didn't fall apart. Now all of a sudden we are in the driver's seat and people quit? I'll tell you. Everyone is just tired of this ridiculous WZ system. Perhaps if Alsius zerged as much as Syrtis in the past, people would take it in the ass and wait till the tides changed. With the game being so old now, will there be time for the tides to change yet again? I don't think so.

And of course, NGD won't really react to what is truly going on, because Ra will stand, the Spanish and Brazilian communities will stand. There is their real profit, and there is the real game. I saw a post by Frosk asking for volunteer testers. I truly wonder how many of them won't be Spanish/Brazilian players and how many will actually be from Haven? It seems almost insulting to post such a thread in the English subforum knowing that the English community along with Haven is falling and dying. What remains is a bunch of bickering sore players. But alas, people have been saying so for years now. People who want to quit are free to do so. People who prefer to stay and face the challenges, well they are the true players (and no-lifers). But not even these challenges are worth it anymore.
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Old 07-30-2015, 11:43 AM   #28
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Update to OP: 24 wishes / week for Alsius, zero for other realms.

The situation leads to a funny thing:
  • if NGD introduces wm jewelry now on Haven... well, Alsius will be alone on the server (well, they already are, but any hope will disappear), dead server.
  • if they delay wm jewelry for the server, ... Alsius will be alone anyway, dead server.
  • if they delay wm jewelry only for Alsius, Alsius perma-invaders will rage, prolly few will quit, restoring a bit of realm balance. The best solution.

In the meantime, can NGD show they are alive and aware of the current Haven situation ?
Annavilya / War-Luck (Haven)
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Old 07-30-2015, 11:57 AM   #29
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The best solution would be remove all jewells from the game. imo population balance is broken only at specific time (in the morning for me). The rest of the day is playable for all.
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Last edited by Sentan; 07-30-2015 at 12:25 PM.
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Old 07-30-2015, 01:23 PM   #30
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the real reason of all the whining is not realm balance or server population as they make it out they are just JEALOUS one realm or other players will be able to get wm jewels before THEY DO. everybody knows eventually all will have jewels even the whiners but on face value they make do as if they care about the server or game, they don't.

imagine if no wm jewels were there and one realm still invaded the same times same way then all would be numb saying its a cycle it will pass as has happened million times on haven. Haven players are shit.
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